Forms Data Controls :: Left Justifying ItemTemplates In A GridView?

Jul 6, 2010

How do I left justify? Somce of my coluns are numeric and the users need to seem them left justified.

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DataSource Controls :: Left Or Right Justifying Text File

Mar 9, 2010

I am using sql to create a table from stored procedures and then streamwriter in to create a text file based on the sql table. Where and how do I control the right or left justification of the records in the text file?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Export To Excel And Formatting Excel From Right To Left

Jun 10, 2010

How can I export data from a Gridview to excel and once exported the data should be formatted in right to left (arabic) manner. How can I achieve this?

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DataSource Controls :: Multiple ItemTemplates - When A User Clicks On Image The Row Gets Deleted?

Nov 5, 2010

I have the following datagrid


Notice that I have multiple ItemTemplates. On the first itemTemplate I have an ASP image control showing some image. I would like that when a user clicks on that image the row gets deleted. How can I do that without using the asp:buttoncolumn?Also the same applies for selecting a row, that instead of deleting the row the row gets selected

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Showing Values From Two Tables Accommodation And Pic (left Join On Accommodation)

Nov 19, 2010

I have a gridview showing values from two tables accommodation and pic (left join on accommodation). If there is no pic uploaded I want to display the row without the pic. So in the gridview I first check to see if the picid is null, if it is i don't render any 'a href' code , if it's isn't i do.

The problem that i'm having is that instead of the image showing up in the gridview itemtemplate i get
','_blank','toolbar=no,menubar=no'))" >

Here is my .aspx code

SelectCommand="SELECT pic.picid, aspnet_Users.Username, accommodation.location, accommodation.type,accommodation.description, convert(varchar,accommodation.createdate,101) as createdate

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Insert / Prompt The User To Enter Data In All Fields, If Left Empty?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a detailsview in insert mode. I want to prompt the user to enter data in all fields, if left empty. Could someone please find a few minutes to show me how to do it?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manage Left Navigation Control Like Msdn Library

Aug 27, 2010

I am trying to workaround a case where I have to design my page similar like msdn library page whew left nevigation is collepseble as well as dumemic extemded as per tje wodtj of tree item in tree .

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Forms Data Controls :: Submenu Of Main Menu Should Come In The Left Side Of Everypage?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using Menu control with sitemap datasource. There is one Web.sitemap in the folder where links are saved in such a manner

<siteMapNode url="~/MainMenu.aspx" title="Software Development Solutions" description="Software Development Solutions" >
<siteMapNode url="~/submenu.aspx" title="CRM Software Application Development" description="CRM Software Application Development" />
<siteMapNode url="~/submenu.aspx" title="CRM Software Application Development" description="CRM Software Application Development" />
<siteMapNode url="~/submenu.aspx" title="CRM Software Application Development" description="CRM Software Application Development" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Databind Refresh - Records Left In The Table And goes To The <emptytemplate> ?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a gridview, and I set the datasource in page_load to a linq query. I have delete linkbutton in the grid and am writing code in gridview1_rowdeleting event to delete the record from the table and all its records in child tables. Works fine, except when I databind() after the deletes to refresh the grid, it thinks there are no records left in the table and goes to the <emptytemplate> . There are in fact many other records that should appear. When I go out of the gridview and come back in, everything is fine. The proper records have all been deleted, and the remaining ones show. Here is the code. the table being displayed is Schedule. It has child records in the two other tables.


This is from Page_Load


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Forms Data Controls :: Grid Level Horizontal Scrolling (left To Right) - Freezing First Two Columns?

Jan 17, 2011

A gridview is having 96 fields/columns retrieving data from an xml file.I need to gridlevel horizontal scrolling from 3 rd column keeping first two columns freeze .While scrolling horizontally (e.g. left to right), The column header have to move horizontally. Kindly guide me for the same. I got the scrollbars but now my issue is how to freeze first two columns of a gridview(for comparing values in one column with other column values)

<div style="overflow:scroll"></div>


Keeping Heading and Title column freeze and doing gridlevel horizontal scrolling for the rest.

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AJAX :: Text Pasted From PDF Disappears After Justifying In HTMLEditor?

Jun 7, 2010

The first step to reproduce the behaviour is pasting a specifc text from a PDF document into the HTMLEditor:

After that, select the text:

And then, click the Justify button. The selected text simply disappears:

The HTML code generated by the content:

The same happens for other texts like (also pasted from the same PDF):

The correspondig HTML markup generated by the HTMLEditor:

It seems like HTMLEditor has problems with some characters like " or subscripts. If the same texts are pasted into Word and then copied into the HTMLEditor, it works ok and the text is justified correctly.

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Web Forms :: Left Menu Disturbed While Increasing Gridview Size

Dec 20, 2010

I am using materpage for building my website....In the masterpage i used a table with two columns . In that table in one column i defined leftmenu and the other i placed content place holder. While building the child pages. I am placing all that required in content place holder. while doing that in one of my page i used GridView. When the GridView Size is increasing the left menu is also being disturbed.

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DataSource Controls :: Left Join 2 Data Tables?

Jan 29, 2010

I have 2 different datatables. 2 datatables from 2 different servers.

My first datatable is this:

SELECT DISTINCT, a.create_date, a.Modify_Date, a.Object_Id
FROM dbname.sys.objects a

and my 2nd datatable is the same, but from a different server connection string

SELECT DISTINCT, b.create_date, b.Modify_Date, b.Object_Id
FROM dbName.sys.objects b

Basically, I want to compare which procedures are on one server and not the other (dev and prod)

So after I have my 2 datatables i want to create a data relationship on the name and then do a left join to see whats in a and not b.

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Data Controls :: Change DataList Pagination From Right To Left

May 7, 2015

URL...I change my datalist pagination code but there is 2 problem

1-my page number was right to left like below Last previous ... 4 3 2 1 First but when I change code that you told direction changed to left to right

 First 1 2 3 4 ... Last Previous .. I want it be like before Right to left...


Previous and Next button didn't work when I click on these button Didn't happen anything before changed code when I click on Previous or Next button it change page to Next or Prevous page.... 

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Gridview - How To Display Headers To The Left

Oct 6, 2010

I need to display the column headers to the left within ASP.NET? how to do that?

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Gridview's Cell Should Be Located On Left Side

Mar 19, 2010

a) As far as I know, GridView's RowStyle-HorizontalAlign property should overwrite CSS's text-align property, and thus text inside GridView's cells should be located on the left side of the cells, but is instead moved to the right side. Why is that?

b) Similarly, RowStyle-Font-Bold should overwrite CSS's font-weight property and thus fonts shouldn't be in bold. But again, CSS's property overwrites RowStyle's Font-Bold property. Why?

<div id="someClass">
<asp:GridView ID="gvwShowUsers" runat="server" >
<RowStyle BackColor="#FFFBD6" ForeColor="#333333" Font-Bold="false"
HorizontalAlign="Left" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="UserName" HeaderText="UserName" />
CSS file:
#someClass td


A workaround would be to apply the style to each field instead (e.g. ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign)
I tried with applying ItemStyle to GridView's field:

<div id="someClass">
<asp:GridView ID="gvwShowUsers" runat="server" >
<RowStyle Font-Bold="false" HorizontalAlign="Left" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="UserName" HeaderText="UserName">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" Font-Bold="false" />

But since even after applying ItemStyle the page still displayed text on the right side of the cells, I've decided to check the source code of a html page sent to the user, and as it turns out both <tr> and <td> elements have Align property set to left, Here is the source code of a html page:

<table id="GridView1" style="font-weight:normal;">
<tr align="center" style=" font-weight:bold;">
<th scope="col">UserName</th>
<tr align="right" valign="bottom" style="font-weight:normal;">
<td align="right" style="font-weight:normal;"> Nancy</td>

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C# - Change Data Binding From Left To Right In Table?

Feb 20, 2011

Normally Table data bind from top to bottom with column headers at the top of the table.Is there way to change the data binding from left to right and headers in the first column of the table?

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SQL Server :: Delete Data From Two Table Using Left Outer Join?

Mar 26, 2011

i want to delete data from two table using left outer join..

here is my query:

delete from projects p LEFT OUTER JOIN emp_project empp on p.serial_no=empp.projectid where p.serial_no=7

but i am getting error:

Incorrect syntax near 'p'.

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Left Select Not Pulling Records?

May 12, 2010

The DoctorGen Table has primary key DocId and Doctors has Keys set on DocId and MemId. I want to get all records from DoctorGen where UserID = @UserId even if there are no matches in the Doctors Table. I'm not getting any records.


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DataSource Controls :: How To Left Justify And Pad My Output On Select

Jul 7, 2010

I am reading a column value from the database. The field is defined as 30 charswide. If the vale read is less than 30 chars, I need to pad it on the right side withblanks. So that the value when written to a text file will appear to be left justified.How can this be done? I know how to right justify like below. But how do I left justifyand pad on the right side with blanks?Right(LTRIM(RTRIM(CustomerNum) + SPACE(30)),30) As CustNum -- This right justifies.This will NOT left justify so I am stuck :LEFT(SPACE(30) + LTRIM(RTRIM(CustomerNum)),30) As CustNum -- This WIL NOT justify as I wish

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DataSource Controls :: Left And Right Outer Join In C# Using Linq?

Apr 20, 2010

How to use Left and Right Outer Join in C# using Linq with Eg.

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DataSource Controls :: Left Join With Entity Framework?

May 17, 2010

how to do this query in EF1:


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Controls :: How To Handle Left Mouse Click On Visifire Chart

May 7, 2012

I want to handle left mouse button click on Visifire chart.

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DataSource Controls :: Dropdown List Binding With Left Space Padding

Dec 25, 2010

i want to add leading space in dropdown list after binding from DB.

for that i used leftpad method but not working.

code are as below


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DataSource Controls :: Cannot Sort String With Negative Sign On The Left In SQL Server

Jan 21, 2010

I have encountered a problem about "order by" sorting in SQL. As some of the items (strings) in a dropdown list contain negative sign on the left, it is surprising for me that the SQL server cannot sort the items in an alphabetical order and as a result I was forced to set the property value (IsSort = False) of the Ajax ListSearch, which slow down the searching speed a lot. Below are examples of two of the string items with a negative sign on the left.

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