Forms Data Controls :: Databind Refresh - Records Left In The Table And goes To The <emptytemplate> ?
Feb 9, 2010
I have a gridview, and I set the datasource in page_load to a linq query. I have delete linkbutton in the grid and am writing code in gridview1_rowdeleting event to delete the record from the table and all its records in child tables. Works fine, except when I databind() after the deletes to refresh the grid, it thinks there are no records left in the table and goes to the <emptytemplate> . There are in fact many other records that should appear. When I go out of the gridview and come back in, everything is fine. The proper records have all been deleted, and the remaining ones show. Here is the code. the table being displayed is Schedule. It has child records in the two other tables.
This is from Page_Load
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This "CheckOut.aspx" has a UpdatePanel and inside the update panel is a Gridview,
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delete from projects p LEFT OUTER JOIN emp_project empp on p.serial_no=empp.projectid where p.serial_no=7
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Incorrect syntax near 'p'.
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I've got a repeater on my (VB):
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Question_Number") %>' />
Now what I want to do is, check a value that I haven't used called "Question_Type" which could be = 1, 2 or 3 depending if it is multiple choice, short answer, etc. I have tried this:
if Eval("Question_type") = 1 then
Response.Write(" <asp:RadioButton runat=""server"">test1</asp:RadioButton>")
Response.Write(" <asp:RadioButton runat=""server"">test2</asp:RadioButton>")
Response.Write(" <asp:RadioButton runat=""server"">test3</asp:RadioButton>")
end if
and I get this error: Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control. HOW can I use this value in a if statement?
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Feb 26, 2010
I've been reading and trying to figure out a way for half a day yesterday, and any solutions seems to fit to this.My solution is building up xml files from different folders on another server.After the xml is built up, I can run a "File Mapping" which will grab the appropriate information from the a specific xml selected with a dropdown and pass it to the asp:repeater.The binding is done on load, reading all the xml elements and passing it to a collection of object that will be bound to the repeater ( results.DataSource = listOfObjects; results.DataBind(); )
Now here is the problem. In each row of the table there is columns containing static informations and the last cell of the row is an img button that represent a gray checkmark and that on click should change to green. However, onclick now I only change the data to the xml, and on next "File map" it'll be there. I cannot simply refresh the page, because it takes a fairly long amount of time to refresh because most of the times there is over 350 records to load and above that, you cannot simply refresh page because
the page is call through ajax and a refresh will bring you back to the default.aspx.
I've already built a function to get the param back through jQuery, however I really have no clue how to bind it to the image.Current line with image:
<a href="JavaScript: // Toggle Status" onclick="PutParam('<%= ProjectId %>', '<%# Eval("TargetUrl") %>', 'IsQAComplete', '<%# ((bool)Eval("IsQAComplete")) ? "False" : "True" %>', '<%= Lang %>', '<%= ProjectName %>'); "><img height="12" width="12" title="Toggle
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Mar 22, 2010
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Feb 7, 2014
I have sending messaged details in my sql data base.In my Grid view have the following columns,
                       Name      Rollno   MsgTemplateName  No of messages Sent
                       Ameer           1           Pongal
                        Robina           2            Diwali
             Ameer            1           Pongal                      Â
                       Robina              2            Diwali
                           Ameer            1          Diwali                   Â
                       Robina              2           Pongal
I want to look like the follwing,
                    Name      Rollno   MsgTemplateName  No of messages Sent
                       Ameer           1           Pongal                             2
                                                           Diwali                                1
                         Robina           2         Diwali                            2
                               Pongal               1                   Â
I am using this sql query "Select name,rollno,tempname,count(*) from stumsg group by name,rollno,tempname"
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Aug 5, 2010
I have 9 tables i need data out of.. 8 of those tables will always just return 1 row of fields that i need. the 9th table can contain many records.. So what i need is a few fields out of each of the 8 tables and then ALL records from the 9th table.. so i know that because there will be multiple records in the 9th table returned, that the fields i pull from the other 8 tables will contain duplicate information and thats fine since i will be displaying the individual records from table 9 on their own page..So everything could be for the same vendor, except for the date in the 9th table that contains specific dates and details about each record returned.When i review the execution plan im getting an yellow exclamation icon on a nested inner join and has this message as the warning: No Join Predicate
Here is what i have, but is returning incorrectly, way to may records, seems to be stuck in a loop.. then below that, i have one that returns the correct number of records, but everything except one column is duplicate, all the TR columns should be unique in the values stored in them.. the rest should all be duplicates, just because its the same vendor, so all the other information will be generic information about that record.
This FROM and WHERE return the correct number of records, but the fields are all duplicated except the last column with is transaction_date, seems that the 3 TR fields are being populated with the first records data or something.. not sure.
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Oct 29, 2010
I have two tables for storing language translations - tblEN and tblES. They have the same structure which is nvcEnglish and nvcLocal - both nVarChar fields.
In nvcLocal of the Spanish table, I enter the Spanish translations of words and phrases used within my app. Problem is, when I add a bunch of new records to the English table I also have to go in and repeat the data entry into the Spanish table. I am wondering if there is a way to import the newly added records into the Spanish table using Transact SQL?The plain language query would be something like:
If the data in tblEN.nvcEnglish does not exist in tblES.nvcEnglish then insert a new row into tblES with the values from tblEN
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Mar 3, 2010
I have a problem when I try to pass in paramaters for a report in my report viewer. I have set up the ObjectDataSource and set the paramaters for 3 text boxes that are on the page. The only way I have found to set the paramaters for the report is the user must fill in the paramaters and hit the refresh button on the Report Viewer toolbar ,but I would like to have the user click a button insted. Is there anyway to call the refresh method from codebehind?
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Nov 10, 2010
this is my html code
this is my code behind
this is my bal code
in my javascript popup i am getting the checked values but i need it in record by record in the lblsave data
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May 5, 2010
i have a question regarding grid view. i have done almost all work i needed. but one thing i want to do is i have set 4 of page size of grid. so when i show records on the web page i want to set a iframe after first two records then iframe and then two more records like i have shown in the example image. i have used LINQ with to do it. if you people want i can show you my code.
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Feb 2, 2012
My Requirement is to display values of selected record from a drop down into respected textboxes
suppose i select a recordname in dropdown
the record details iam filling in a dataset and showing in textboxes .Â
after that My new record is if i need to select all records and display it instead of displaying it in gridview.
I need to display it in same way i.e in textboxes one by one ...even their are multiple records.Â
i need to display it in textboxes one by one so instead of creating table with texboxes to fill the record details.
can i create one table which keep on executing the records one by one shows the result .
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Feb 27, 2011
im tryin to create repeater from code behaind using C#. The data bind is working good, im tryin to put some pager. the pager is half working. i can see the pager links at the bottom, i can see the the code split the records to 10 lines each page as i set it but when i click the next link the records stay the same it wont changing for the next 10 records. my code
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May 27, 2010
i have 500 records to show in webpage. i am using DataList in that webpage. if i use direct binding it is slowing down the performance of the page and is taking time to load. now i have used update panel and i want to append data records by records(i want to append as first 50records and then next 50 records something like)
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Oct 28, 2012
I've a function named fillgrid() which fills the grid with data.This function works correctly on pageload,but after inserting into database i've called this function again, which is not getting executed.This issue happens only in real time server not in my local system,I'm not getting any error and i cannot recognize why fillgrid() function is not getting called??I've used update panel.This is the code for insert function which inserts over 500records.
DataTable dtMob = new DataTable();
dtMob = dtMobilizn.Copy();
DataSet dsMobilizn=new DataSet("dsMobilization");
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May 31, 2010
I have a datagrid control which is bound to a table which containing more than 1000 records. And i want to show only 25 records once a time. I have used paging in datagrid. But each time the next page index is set, query is fired again. This takes lots of time. So what is the easiest way to bound data in this case to improve performance.
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