Forms Data Controls :: ListView Show Result In CheckBoxList From Database
Jun 20, 2010
I have a listview. Inside the EditItemTemplate of this listiview I want to show a Checkboxlist that has 5 checkboxes; S, M, L, XL, XXL. The values (checked / unchecked) of these checkboxes are dependent on a linq query. The linq query just retrieves the values from columns in a table. The columns are S, M, L, XL, XXL (same name as checkboxes for convenience) and all have datatypes bit. What I want now is to be able to databind this query result to this CheckBox list.
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Feb 24, 2011
I'm trying to do a validation for checkboxlist on a server side as all java approaches didn't work. However, probably due to the checklistbox is inside a listview the FindControl is empty. how to find a control inside a listview on a button click event when the button is outside of the listview.
ErrorMessage="* Please, select at least a one checkbox."
"Dynamic" />
Sub cblCustomValidator(ByVal objSource
As Object,
ByVal objArgs As ServerValidateEventArgs)
Dim chblAnswers As CheckBoxList = _
CType(lv_qstns.FindControl("chblAnswers"), CheckBoxList)
If CType(lv_qstns.FindControl("chblAnswers"), CheckBoxList)
IsNot Nothing
Then 'it's not working here as it cannot find the control inside a listview
Dim boolFlag As
Boolean = False
For Each li
As ListItem In chblAnswers.Items
If li.Selected Then
boolFlag = True
End If
If boolFlag Then
objArgs.IsValid = True
objArgs.IsValid = False
End If
End If
End Sub
View 4 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
I have a database that has names and months of birth. I would like to have a Choose Month: with a drop down menu to select the month of your choice, then have the results show in a gridview at the bottom of the page. I thought this would be fairly simple but my grid doesn't show anything.
<%@ Page language="C#" masterpagefile="MainContent.master" title="HomeSign OutVehicle CalendarProj" %>
<asp:Content id="Content1" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="Content">
<div id="Rightside">
<form><asp:Label runat="server" Text="Choose Month:" id="Label1"></asp:Label> <asp:DropDownList runat="server" id="Month">
<asp:listitem>Choose Month</asp:listitem>
</asp:DropDownList><br /><hr />
<asp:GridView runat="server" id="GridView1" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1">
<asp:boundfield DataField="FullName" HeaderText="FullName" SortExpression="FullName">
<asp:boundfield DataField="Month" HeaderText="Month" SortExpression="Month">
<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="browser.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT [FullName], [Month] FROM [EmployeeDates] WHERE ([Month] = ?)">
<asp:controlparameter ControlID="Month" Name="Month" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />
View 1 Replies
Jun 16, 2010
I've the user creation form where a user will be created by entering username. Below that is checkboxlist for UserGroup which is binded with the dataset with the all the usergroup. Hence up on entering the username and checkbox selected(as the user can belong to multiple UserGroups).At database end, there are basically 3 tables-
So when i click create new user, the UserId along with GroupID(whichever checked) is saved into UserToGroup table.Im relative to this kind of process and hence facing setbacks. Can somebody help in end to end process. From front to DB SP.
View 6 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I have a listview that is showing its result by using a linq query. The linq query goes like this.
* db.Varer: Varer is a table that contains basic product information like proudct name, product nr. etc. ** a.fk_kategori_id == CatParamId : I'm just saying limit the result according to the Category ID (a.fk_kategori_id). The category id is coming from a dropdownlist (CatParamID) *** Join: Besides the Varer (Product) table I also have another table, Sizes. This Sizes table contains 6 columns (ID_Sizes (int) primary key and the columns: OneSize, S, M, L, XL, XXL all are bit (true or false)). There is a relationship between Varer table and Sizes table. It says that I can only insert a value into the "fk_sizes_id - column" of varer table if that value already exists as primary key within the Sizes table. **** I'm starting by picking basic product values like productId, ProductName etc from the Varer (a) table ***** Then I'm picking the corresponding Sizes values (onesize, s, m, ...) from the Sizes table. Now within my ListView I'm showing the above result by using Eval, like this.
And this works perfectly, but now comes the thing that is causing me trouble. I have the below drop down list (still within the ListView ItemTemplate):
I want this drop down list to be populated with only those of the "linq query's Sizes table result" that are true. By "Sizes table result" I mean these
View 14 Replies
Feb 27, 2010
my query is like this " select product_id, product_price, purchase_amout from purcases"
and on my formview i tried to add a "total purchase"
i tried using <asp:Label ID="total_purchase" runat="server" Text='<%# string.format(cint(eval("product_price")*eval("purchase_amout")),"{ Rp 0:###,###,###,###,###}")%>'>
the total amount show the correct calculation result, but the string format dont work.... so it display 20000 instead of Rp 20,000
btw. "Rp" is the currency symbol in my country... i dont use {0:c} coz the server user US currency
View 4 Replies
Feb 24, 2011
I am somewhat new at C# so forgive me if I have something listed wrong. This is what I got:
I am working on a school project designing a car dealership website. I have an inventory list that allows you to edit any car in the inventory. When you click on the edit button it takes you to the edit page and populates the controls with selections from the database. I have an options table that stores the VehicleID and Option ID. When the page loads it fills all the DropDownLists for the vehicle info with the data and selects the correct item according to the database selection but the CheckBoxList does not select the items that are on the Options table. I checked the query in SSMS and it returns the correct data. I have stepped through the method and it works till the "(currentCheckBox != null) if statement. It doesn't throw any errors but it also doesn't select items when the page renders.
I thought it might have been something with the page life cycle since databound controls don't render until the end but the DropDown's I have fill and selects the correct item according to the database.
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May 6, 2010
Scenario : I want to add data from database to checklistbox on page_load and checked data should be stored in other table.I want to bind data to checklistbox like a gridview, i m trying but i m not able to.
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a page where I will insert all the data into the database. The page where I'm having problems is when I select an item from the checkboxlist it only displays one item. The data which is displayed is only the one that was inserted with one selected item from the checkboxlist. The following code is the page I'm using to try to retrieve the data from the database. I am trying to do is when a user selects the first, second, or third, or fourth item. The corresponding data appears in the gridview. In my current code, the record which has one item selected appears. If the user has more than one selected it does not appear. It comes up as empty. Is there a way I can do it?
View 4 Replies
Mar 26, 2010
I have 2 tables in my sql server and 1 ListView:
- Table Documents (DocId, Name, TemplateId)
- Table Templates (Id, Name)
My ListView:
Code behind:
I show the TemplateId but I wont to show the Name of the Template.
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Jan 3, 2010
i want to mak emy listview to show data like this
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5
h6 h7 h8 h9 h10
h11 h12 h13 14 h15
Here is my code:
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May 15, 2010
How would I go about showing the insert row in a ListView? Intially, when I went to configure the ListView, the Enable Update, Delete and Insert checkboxes were all greyed out. I changed a bit of the template code and couldn't access this screen anymore but that's not really a big issue.The Edit and Insert templates are present in my source. To get editing working, I simply adding an asp:Button to each row with the CommandName 'Edit'. However I'm a bit confused as to how I can get the insert row to show. Do I have to create a new button there with the 'Insert' CommandName? If so, where should I put it? Is there another way of doing this?
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Mar 10, 2011
I am using a ListView to display a list of Products. My DB has a field named productImage. What I want to do is show this row if there is a picture associated with the product, Hide this row is there is no picture associated with the product.So on the Listview_ItemCreated Event I have this:
View 7 Replies
Apr 27, 2010
I have this ListView with several columns, one of the columns is called On Sale. The value of this is either true og false (or null). What I want is to show a little image if the cell value is true, otherwise don't show any picture.Below is some code I have used to pull out some picture names (e.g. CarThumb.jpg) from the database.
However this time the value is not a string, but true/false. And according to this I need to pull out the samme picture (OnSale.gif where to do the checking for the true or false values and according to this value show the OnSale.gif.
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Dec 5, 2013
I am stored date in "smalldatetime" datatype as in databse.How can i particular textbox entered date(dd-mm-yyyy) used to fetch the row information from databse and shown in a gridview.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have a Listview showing all articles. And i'd like to show the number of comments that... that article has.
Shall i call a method inside the listing ?
Then on my code behind i started implementing the following code:
Where on my listview shall i call this function ? SHould i return an int ?
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Aug 8, 2010
I have a listview and in each there is a dropdownlist and a textbox. The textbox is invisible. When I change a value on the ddl it fires the SelectedIndexChangedMethod. In here, if the ddl is certain value I want to show the textbox thats on the same row. How do I grab the textbox from inside this method?
<asp:ListView ID="lvBillingQueue" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="lvBillingQueue_ItemDataBound"
OnPagePropertiesChanging="lvBillingQueue_PagePropertiesChanging" DataKeyNames="ID">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0">
View 18 Replies
Dec 7, 2010
I am able to show an alert when the list view is edited in parent window like this...
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "MyScript", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Hello');</script>");
but not able to show an alert when this listview is edited in Pop-up shows "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Error .any idea how to show an alert here!!
View 9 Replies
Jul 1, 2010
I have this ListView that has a Drop Down List.Everything works fine (I think/hope) except that the drop down list are not showing its result correctly.This is the code.
The code behind consist of the page_load and the ItemDataBound
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Oct 3, 2010
It should be simple, but I didn't found yet how to do it. There is only one user (Admin with user name and passowrd, he has a cookie so I know when he is watching the page) I would like to show him the Update/Delete/Insert button options in my ListView, but to the other users I don't want them to be able doing this kind of things, So it should be hidden from them. How I am doing it in C# code? Showing/Hiding these buttons?
View 3 Replies
Mar 24, 2010
I have a database and i what to pull different columns from a row without having to but it in a datagrid. I know this is 1st grade stuff. :)
View 5 Replies
May 7, 2015
I need to charge my checkboxlist1 from database, eg load fruits and vegetables. When selecting fruits, new filter based on the previous selection in my checkboxlist2. for specific search.
View 1 Replies
Mar 3, 2011
i have datagrid , data coming from database but data in database as formated , i want to show data wihotu format
below example:
<B> test </B> data base has this type data
but in grid i want to show test not with format,
i am getting same data from database.
View 2 Replies
Aug 5, 2010
using .NET 4, SQL 2008 R2 and VS2010:
My issue is that the first row of data in my db table does not seem to be output to my ListView control when I run the page. The first item in the ListView control is the 2nd row of my db table.
If I execute the stored proc listed below in SQL Server Mgmt Studio all rows are returned to the query results window.
The ListView control is defined as follows:
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Oct 28, 2010
I have few textboxes and I want to search the text (partial search is also required) in the database and then show the result in a telerik grid. The grid has to be hidden initially and when I click the search button it should show up and display the results.
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