Forms Data Controls :: RadioButtonList In FormView EditTemplate's Not Me Behind And OldValue NewValues?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using FormView component which has a field that is the sex of the person that I am using RadioButtonList with a simple way to show Male and Female, but want to retrieve the information and OldValue NewValues not anything behind me.

In the FormView Edit Template:
<! - SEX ->
<td> <strong> Gender: </ strong> </ td>


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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Doesn't Fill Automatically E.NewValues Collection

Jun 16, 2010

I placed one FormView and one GridView conrtrols on the same page with one linqdatasource that is connected to both controls via their DataSourceID properties. While the GridView works without any problem (on updating) the FormView doesn't update the record.I traced the FormView events and found that in FormView1_ItemUpdating the argument e.NewVaues.Count = 0 as well as e.OldVaues. Count (also zero). Getting items from e.NewValues[index] or [key] causes an obvious exception. However, all the bound contolsn this wa


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Forms Data Controls :: Using Usercontrol In EditTemplate In Formview

Jul 24, 2010

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So instead of copying pasting the same markup, i decided to put it in a user control. The display works fine, however, the databinding doesn't work anymore. It works fine if I put the markup directly in to the formview template.

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Forms Data Controls :: Access DLL Control In FormView EditTemplate?

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I am trying get a file upload DLL control ( Subgurim.Controles) to function inside of a FormView

I have it registered as an assembly, but FileUploaderAJAX1 is not in context.

I tried :


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Forms Data Controls :: Events For DrpoDownList Inside A EditTemplate In A FormView?

Aug 13, 2010

I need to insert code inside the SelectedIndexChanged event but it wont show up in my IDE :(


If I add another DropDownList outside my FormView it WILL display the events.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Bind One Field By Using The EditTemplate From FormView Control

Aug 12, 2010

I've seen this before, I fixed long time ago and now cannot remember how I did :) My store procedure won't update the record because the sql field 'itemId' is being passed as ZERO always.

<table border="0" width="100%">


<td class="cxml_item_name">Active:</td>
<td class="cxml_item_value"><asp:CheckBox ID="ActiveCheckBox" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("Active") %>' /></td>
<td class="cxml_item_name">Created:</td>
<td class="cxml_item_value"><asp:TextBox ID="CreatedTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Created") %>' Width="250" ReadOnly="True"/></td>

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkboxlist In Formview Edittemplate Data Display?

Oct 14, 2010

I can insert a checkboxlist selected value as comma delimited string into the database. But I have hard time to reload it in formview edit mode. I added a hidden label to retrieve the comma delimited string and try to use checkboxlist databound event, but it doesn't work. I don't know what problem is in my code.



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Web Forms :: FormView And RadioButton Lost OldValue And NewValue

Aug 25, 2010

I need to use a RadioButton within a FormView, moreover must have access to OldValue and NewValue, but when I use the RadioButton returns "" as in both OldValue NewValue.

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C# - Retrieving Keys And NewValues Within A Formview With Manual Data Binding

Jul 25, 2010

I have a Formview binded in the code file to a generic list. Now, upon editing of a record, I wish to access the Keys and NewValues out of the FormViewUpdateEventArgs parameter of the ItemUpdating event handler method. From what I've tried and searched over the internet as of now, I've come to know that updated values are only available if the Formview is set a data source control on the markup page else they'd be null. Is this true?

Secondly, at this moment I am casting the sender object to formview and individually filling each object property by using FindControl method to find and retrieve values present in the controls. Is this the best way to do this task? As an example, this is what I am doing atm:

FormView currentForm = (FormView)sender;
ListObject.ID = new Guid(((HiddenField)(currentForm.FindControl("hdnID"))).Value);
ListObject.Name = ((TextBox)(currentForm.FindControl("txtName"))).Text;

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView With Radiobuttonlist?

Apr 25, 2010

I would like use radiobuttonlist with my FormView with INSERT/Edit buttons, I want once user selected one of Radio button in Radiobuttonlist, it should assign value to my database.For example I have 3 Radio button in Radiobuttonlist, if user chose option 1, then save in my database option1 and the other save it NONE. That mean I have in my database three field which they are (option 1 - NONE - NONE).I hope you get my point. I am still learning ASP.NET, thank you for your support.

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Forms Data Controls :: RadioButtonList Inside A FormView?

Feb 27, 2010

In the website I'm building, I have a form that allows new users to register. Part of this page has mandatory address fields, and I use a postcode lookup field which returns a SuburbID and FullSuburbName (Suburb, State & PostCode) to a RadioButtonList inside an UpdatePanel.


I then handle the insert process in codebehind, and all this works perfectly on my New Account page.What I'm trying to do now, however, is replicate this functionality in the Edit Template of a FormView on my Manage Account page. The idea being that the user can view their current details in the ReadOnly view, then switch to Edit view to change their address (amongst other details of course). When the FormView changes to Edit mode, it should display the user's current PostCode in the textbox, and the RadioButtonList should display the available Suburbs for that PostCode, with the user's current SuburbID as the initial SelectedValue. If the user changes the PostCode and hits search, this refreshes the RadioButtonList with the new list of Suburbs, and once they have selected a new SuburbID this should get written back to the DB with the rest of the form (when they click Save I mean), using the SQL Data Source Update element. However, I simply cannot get this to work inside the FormView Edit Template and

So far, I have tried to handle the FormView's ItemCreated event and populate the RadioButtonList with the Suburbs that match the user's current PostCode, but if I do this with SelectedValue='<%# Bind("SuburbID") %>' in the RadioButtonList, I get the error "Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control."If I then change it to have the SelectedValue populate from the codebehind, this works on the initial switch to Edit mode, but when the user changes the PostCode and hits search, I get a different error "'rblSuburb' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items."My thinking was that rather than binding the RadioButtonList I would just add the new SelectedValue in the SQLDataSource_Updating method, but it doesn't seem to like that either.

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Forms Data Controls :: RadioButtonList In Formview EditItemTemplate?

May 8, 2010

I have a Formview which contains a radiobuttonlist control in the EditItem template. I want to access the radiobuttonlist control and change the selected item client side using javascript.I've tried various combinations of document.getElemetByID and getElementsByName etc. but with no luck.Does anyone know to get to a radiobuttonlist controls in a FormView Edititem template using javascript?

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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Value Of RadioButtonList Inside A Formview Get Cleared On Button Click?

Sep 13, 2010

I placed a RadioButtonList inside a Formview control.And from DataBound event handler oformview ,RadioButtonList is binded to the datasource .Now my problem is after selecting a value from radiobuttonlist and I click any button,the radiobuttonList get unchecked and lose the selected value .How can I avoid this.

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Forms Data Controls :: FormViewUpdateEventArgs NewValues Contains Both Old Value And New Value?

May 5, 2010

Using .NET 4 with a modal popup extender and an update panel, it appears that when doing an update the first time, everything is fine. NewValues contains the new value and OldValues is empty. When attempting a second update, NewValues now contains both the old value and the new value separated by a comma, while OldValues is still empty. It seems to me like OldValues should have the old value and NewValues should just have the new value. This only happens when the formview is within the update panel. When it is removed, it works fine (although OldValues is never populated).

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView_RowUpdated Event The E.OldValue.count E.NewValue.Count

Jun 4, 2010

In the GridView_RowUpdated event the e.OldValues.count <> e.NewValues.Count. 1 out of 5 columns has been converted to a template field.

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Forms Data Controls :: Radiobuttonlist Inside Datalist Itemtemplate/bind The Radiobuttonlist Dynamically From Database

Feb 2, 2011

I have a radiobuttonlist inside a datalist itemtemplate and i need to bind the radiobuttonlist dynamically from database I have tried to bind it inside itemdatabound event of datalist but it the result is always duplicated according to the fields in teh database.

for more information:

the database has two columns one for questions and the other is for choices , for the first question with id lets say 1 there are 4 choices, when the radiobutton is binded the result appears to be 4 times duplicated ?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView EditTemplate Drop Down?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a DetailsView where EditTemplate has a dropdown where the datasource is a view from SQLDatasource.

CASE WHEN [Dir]=''then [NAME]+' ' + [TYPE] else [DIR] + ' ' + [NAME]+' ' + [TYPE] END AS FULLSTNAME

In the DetailsView, Data Source configuration Wizard dialog box, I select the SQLDatasource as the data source. Under "Select a data field to display in the DropDownist:" I select NAME. Under "Select a data field for the value of the DropDownist:" I select FULLSTNAME.

When I try to edit I get the error saying "... it is not in the list...".

This is what I am trying to make it happen: The dd list displays the [NAME] data and when the user selects a value from the list, [FULLSTNAME] is actually selected, displayed in the text box section of the dd and is also stored to the database.

Any way of making this happen? I think I get this error because, FULLSTNAME is not a part of the database, but it is in SQLDataSource as a field.

Let me know if you need the html code.

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Forms Data Controls :: EditTemplate Control And Findcontrol In Codebehind

Jan 6, 2010

In the gridview we are using edit button. Once the edit button click Controls in the edit template will display in the same row with update button. That row has two dropdownlist control.

Process flow:

controls:d1 and d2

d1 is using sqldatasource for item display : working fine.
d2 is using codebehind code to load the item based on the selected value in the d1 : Not working

How to findthe control in the edit template to display item value for d2.

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Forms Data Controls :: Use UserControl Inside An EditTemplate Of A ListVIew?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a ListView showing just a list of concatenated strings obtained from different field of the objects of the datasource.

A LinkButton (with CommandName="Edit") in each row Event handlers for OnItemDataBound and OnItemEditing

A UserControl in EditTemplate.

Now the problem is, I don't know how to use Bind expression in the UserControl. I mean, how to populate this usercontrol when the linkbutton is clicked? (I tried capturing the control in theOnItemEditing handler. But FindControl returned null, as that handler is called before going to edit mode.)

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Cannot Grab Updated Value From TextBox EditTemplate

Apr 14, 2010

I have a GridView with an ItemTemplate and an EditTemplate:


I am able to go into Edit Mode and once in edit mode I can see the textBox tbLogEntry fine. lblLogEntry is gone. I have left regular Item mode and am in Edit mode:


gives me back the original value, not the new one.

How do I get the edited value from the front end textbox?

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing UserControl That Is Present In The EditTemplate Of The ListView

Jun 1, 2010

I am having trouble trying to access a UserControl I created and placed inside the EditTemplate of the ListView. How is it done? I've tried to access it at the ListView's ItemDataBound, ItemEditing and Databound with the following code with no luck:

ucEditTask = DirectCast(lvTimeEntry.FindControl("ucEditTask"), UserControl)

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Web Forms :: 'RadioButtonList Is Not Declared' In Formview, But Working In Normal Page?

Jul 23, 2010

I got an error of 'RadioButtonList4 is not declared' when putting the codes below in a formview, but the codes can work well in a normal aspx page. Does it need special declaration in formview?

<script runat=server>
Public Sub CheckSession(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As ServerValidateEventArgs)
Dim Item As ListItem


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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Master Formview Data From A Nested Detail Formview?

Sep 10, 2010

I would like to ask if it is possible to access data on a master FormView from a nested detail FormView.

I have a main form (master) with several tabs (detail) and would like to display a label with text from main form that is hidden by the tab at the moment of editting. My asp page looks like this.


Is it possible to get the value of the label CompanyTextLabel from CompanyTextBox using just ASP.NET expressions or something similar without writing c# code in .cs file?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Value To Textbox In Nested Formview From Parent Formview Label?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a nested formview. I need to set a value for a textbox when I'm in insert mode from parent formview which is editmode.

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview That Use The Formview Iteminserted Event?

Jan 24, 2010

I have a formview that use the formview iteminserted event. The information inserts into the formview fine, but all cells blank out after the insert. How can I make it so I can show all the values I have inserted show up in the formview after the inteminserted event?

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