Forms Data Controls :: Replace Text With Icon?
Sep 28, 2010
I've got a gridview on my page that gets its infomation from a database. One of the columns shows whether a news article is featured or not. It currently displays a 1 or 0.
I would like to change it so that it shows a tick icon if it's a 1, or a nbsp; if it's 0.
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Similar Messages:
Nov 6, 2010
I have big problem I have a table where the column is "Enabled" datatype = bit.
In this column I have data True / False. The show GridView column 'Enabled'. Problem is, as everywhere in this column, write True / False. How, in view of this information in the GridView displayed: True = Verified, False / UnVerified GridView, column is "Enabled"
Column Enabled:
No False
No True
Column Enabled I want this
It should probably change the text, or something like that.
View 2 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
I'm using a book to create a shopping site and need to change the following code so that the current dropdown list, of colour options, is replaced by just read only text. I'm a novice and despite best efforts I can't fathom it out. If anyone can change the code for me I would be extremely grateful.
The code below is the code-behind page for a Product List page where I want each product displayed to also display its colour options as just text (I don't need the shopper to select a colour choice until they click through to the detail page)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
public partial class UserControls_ProductsList : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PopulateControls()
// Retrieve DepartmentID from the query string
string departmentId = Request.QueryString["DepartmentID"];
// Retrieve CategoryID from the query string
string categoryId = Request.QueryString["CategoryID"];
// Retrieve Page from the query string
string page = Request.QueryString["Page"];
if (page == null) page = "1";
// Retrieve Search string from query string
string searchString = Request.QueryString["Search"];
// How many pages of products?
int howManyPages = 1;
// pager links format
string firstPageUrl = "";
string pagerFormat = "";
// If performing a product search
if (searchString != null)
// Retrieve AllWords from query string
string allWords = Request.QueryString["AllWords"];
// Perform search
list.DataSource = CatalogAccess.Search(searchString, allWords,
page, out howManyPages);
// Display pager
firstPageUrl = Link.ToSearch(searchString, allWords.ToUpper() == "TRUE", "1");
pagerFormat = Link.ToSearch(searchString, allWords.ToUpper() == "TRUE", "{0}");
// If browsing a category...
else if (categoryId != null)
// Retrieve list of products in a category
list.DataSource =
CatalogAccess.GetProductsInCategory(categoryId, page, out howManyPages);
// get first page url and pager format
firstPageUrl = Link.ToCategory(departmentId, categoryId, "1");
pagerFormat = Link.ToCategory(departmentId, categoryId, "{0}");
else if (departmentId != null)
// Retrieve list of products on department promotion
list.DataSource = CatalogAccess.GetProductsOnDeptPromo
(departmentId, page, out howManyPages);
// get first page url and pager format
firstPageUrl = Link.ToDepartment(departmentId, "1");
pagerFormat = Link.ToDepartment(departmentId, "{0}");
// Retrieve list of products on catalog promotion
list.DataSource =
CatalogAccess.GetProductsOnFrontPromo(page, out howManyPages);
// have the current page as integer
int currentPage = Int32.Parse(page);
// Display pager controls
topPager.Show(int.Parse(page), howManyPages, firstPageUrl, pagerFormat, false);
bottomPager.Show(int.Parse(page), howManyPages, firstPageUrl, pagerFormat, true);
// Executed when each item of the list is bound to the data source
protected void list_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
// obtain the attributes of the product
DataRowView dataRow = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem;
string productId = dataRow["ProductID"].ToString();
DataTable attrTable = CatalogAccess.GetProductAttributes(productId);
// get the attribute placeholder
PlaceHolder attrPlaceHolder = (PlaceHolder)e.Item.FindControl("attrPlaceHolder");
// temp variables
string prevAttributeName = "";
string attributeName, attributeValue, attributeValueId;
// current DropDown for attribute values
Label attributeNameLabel;
DropDownList attributeValuesDropDown = new DropDownList();
// read the list of attributes
foreach (DataRow r in attrTable.Rows)
// get attribute data
attributeName = r["AttributeName"].ToString();
attributeValue = r["AttributeValue"].ToString();
attributeValueId = r["AttributeValueID"].ToString();
// if starting a new attribute (e.g. Color, Size)
if (attributeName != prevAttributeName)
prevAttributeName = attributeName;
attributeNameLabel = new Label();
attributeNameLabel.Text = attributeName + ": ";
attributeValuesDropDown = new DropDownList();
// add a new attribute value to the DropDownList
attributeValuesDropDown.Items.Add(new ListItem(attributeValue, attributeValueId));
View 22 Replies
Mar 31, 2011
i want to access gridview collumn 2 and for each row replace the text that is there with a "*" because its a password fields so instead on show the pass hide it with * so its more or less this but... see comment line
View 3 Replies
Jan 5, 2014
I want to create a drop down list, where user can view the code name and the name the code when they click on the drop down list.
But after they choose, only the code is appeared. This is my current coding as for now.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlcodetype" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True">-</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>DK Deck</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>EG Engine</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>CT Catering</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>OT Others</asp:ListItem>
With this, both my name and the code name are appeared.
View 1 Replies
Nov 23, 2013
How to use pattern replacement in the RTF?. For example you can add a placeholder like {USER_FIRST_NAME} in the RTF document. When the user clicks the download button, your application can take the information from the database and replace every instance of {USER_FIRST_NAME} with the data from the database....
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Jul 8, 2010
i am develpping a alarm application when user minimized this it should be minimized appear near the system clock,local area connection icon(as hidden icon).
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Feb 22, 2011
i assigning an imagebutton to an image url in css causes my image to still show, but also the icon for an image if there isn't an image. If I declare it in the html instead, it shows fine, only when I try to use CSS for the referene to the image url.I use the following syntax for the image in css
background-image: url(image1.jpg);
Again, it is finding and showing the image, but it is also showing the windows image icon.
View 2 Replies
Aug 24, 2010
I've created an ExpenseReport application which allows users to attach receipts to Expense Report Lineitems. These are contained in a gridview using a template field:
The trouble I have is that the 'attachment.jpg' icon shows for every lineitem (even one that does not contain an attachment). I would like to be able to selectively display this icon or show a different icon if there is NO attachment.
View 9 Replies
Nov 22, 2010
Dear all; I have a gridview as follows below
now, i would like to add a little picture icon on the leftmost side of the gridview, that would allow a user to click on it...which will indirectly bring up a pop-up screen. In the pop-screen, i would like to add a textbox and a button to it, in which the user will be able to use to make an update to a field ID in the gridview.
View 24 Replies
Mar 22, 2010
Is this a good method for displaying a soricon? or are there better ways of doing it;
Also when the gridview is first loaded its sorted by a "Date Submitted" field which is sorted on the data source (stored procedure) is there any way of showing the icon then so people know that it is sorted by "Date Submitted" at the moment the icon only shows when someone re-sorts the grid.
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a gridview and would like to display one of 5 icons depending on the value returned from the database for that row (simply just A, B, C, D or E). Which event in my datagrid should I be looking at to check what value I'm getting? I presume once I can check a value I can simply set an image source using if statements?
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Dec 7, 2010
I want to know if there is a way I can add an icon to Label's Text.
So, something like
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Feb 17, 2010
Does anyone know if it is possible to swap the order of text and icon for a treeview in a c#-based project?
View 1 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
how to display an image in a HyperLinkField of a gridview? Instead of words, I just want to show a simple little icon that can be clicked on and pass a query string to the next page. The first hyperlink field I have set up works perfectly and passes the querystring to the next page. The second hyperlinkfield is my attempt at showing the image but it's giving me a squiggly and telling me "the element img cannot be nested within the element hyperlinkfield" I got this technique from this brief article - I would like to accomplish exactly what it says it is suppose to do.
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Jun 22, 2010
Removing broken image icon in datalist
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Mar 18, 2010
I have a tree view which uses my SQL database and tables to generate the tree view and list of reports under the different categories and folders. That all works perfectly... However, since some of the reports are private, and some of the reportsare pubic I was hoping to be able to adjust the image of the report to a different icon to differentiate between the two. Here is my code which generates the tree view and lists the reports below it:(All code is in VB.NET)
I've thought about this but havn't tried to many options, figured I would see if anything stood out as easy as node.setimageurl = "~/images/image.png" etc.
View 3 Replies
Oct 4, 2010
using 2005.
I have a page where the user will select criteria from drodownlists and then click the "go" button.I would like to create some kind of progress template or progress-bar so that the user will know that the query is in progress. What are the best and easiest options for this?I just want a simple thing like a rotating sand clock,
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Feb 8, 2010
The regular expression removes the html, I then need to assign it to a button,
How do I capture the text that was removed?
View 1 Replies
Nov 13, 2010
Does anyone know if it is possible to swap the order of text and icon for a treeview in a c#-based project?
View 4 Replies
May 7, 2015
i drag datalist items then drop them.i need to insert delete icon the dropped one at the top right corner dynamically.
View 1 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
I have the following list of projects WebUI (WebSite) , DataAccess (ClassLibrary) , LogicLayer(ClassLibrary). Those of the project are purposively crated separately.But my scenario is, need to create only one solution file, then add all of the above projects under this solution file. So that i can be easiy interacted and changes can be made by opening solution file only instead of opening each project individually.
Simply all of the layer projects are under one roof means one solution. I tried it by adding solution first, then i added already existed project into this. But once after added already existing project the solution icon vanished by showing the icon of recently added project. By this way I could not add another project into this section too.Hope this is the way the basic real-time projects are created; to achieve the centralized control over architecture based projects.
View 4 Replies
Mar 14, 2011
i want to replace the control after binding like suppose i bind a gridview with the edit button . when i press the edit button all field are come as a textbox control. i replace this textbox to another control how to do this.
View 2 Replies
Jul 26, 2010
I am trying to replace carriage returns from a column in a database (MS access) with the br tag.
This could be easily done in classic ASP with <% = replace(recordsetField , Chr(13),"<br>") %>
Not sure how I would do it with .net (c#)
View 6 Replies
Oct 7, 2014
I have a GridView that is populated in code from a MySQL database.The code:
If con.State = Data.ConnectionState.Open Then
strSQL = "SELECT DeviceDescription, deviceStatus FROM switchstatus WHERE ClientID='" & ClientID & "' ORDER BY DeviceType"
myDataAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(strSQL, con)
What I need to accomplish is :
1). Change the text "ON" or "OFF" with the relevant images:"~/Images/SwON.png" and "~/Images/SwOFF.png"
2). Add an additional ImageButton column to the far right of the GridView that allows the user to perform an action.
View 4 Replies