Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve GridView's Header Row Text?

May 24, 2010

I am wondering what is the best way to do this. Here is my observation:

1. If a GridView is assigned a datasource at design time, the header row's text can be retrieved with ((DataControlField)GridView.Columns[index]).HeaderText.

2. If a GridView is assigned a datasource at run time by code-behind, the header row's text can be retrieved with GridView.HeaderRow.Cells[index].Text.

Is there a way to do it without trying one, if not working, then the other of the aforementioned methods.

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Feb 1, 2010

I have a simple GridView in my page which it bound to Database using Connection String in am not using SqlDataSouce of Asp.Net)

When it bound to db, I can not change the header text of columns.

Here is the code behind:


I have even used the GridView1.Columns(0).HeaderText = "some text"

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But the problem is , its also checking the data and if it find 1-12 it will change it to a month like this.

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Feb 6, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Access The Gridview Header Text?

Jan 6, 2011

I have my data table generated dynamically binded to grid view. (Autogeneratecolumns true)

in my UI its displaying the column headers.

am not able to access it by grdname.HeaderRow.Cells[0].Text

am not able to get the names from the columns also.

since am binding the columns dynamically i am not able to get access to all the columns

and am able to get only 2 columns which i have mentioned in my aspx which are the command buttons edit and delete.

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sAddr is being set to the correct address value, but sName is set to an empty string no matter what I try. The GridView HTML all works correctly, including showing the names from my bound data table on the button text. I can use to retrieve the ButtonField text value?

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Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)Dim HeaderRow
As GridViewRow = GridView1.HeaderRowFor
Each c
As TableCell
In HeaderRow.CellsIf c.Text.EndsWith("S")
c.BackColor = Drawing.Color.OrangeRed

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Dec 2, 2010

I am using VB and trying to get the first value of the cell of a gridview. The gridview is returning a header and 1 value.

In the code behind I have used the below, but the textbox is showing " ". It is not populating the first cell of the gridview databind.

Sub GridView3_RowDataBound(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
(Not (e.Row.DataItem)
' Set the capacity label text
TextBoxTest.Text = e.Row.Cells(1).Text

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Jun 9, 2010

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<asp:ButtonField DataTextField = "header" CommandName="select" HeaderText="Overskrift"/>

This doesnt work. test = null

protected void onrowcreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
TableCellCollection cells = e.Row.Cells;
string test = cells[2].Text;

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Let's say I have unsorted 2 types of data.2 list box contains. 1,2,15,6,4 and apple, banana, carrot, dove, eggplant. . How can I sort it then make it as my HeaderText for GridView Column after a button is clicked?.

Data in GridView(headertext column)

apple banana eggplant dove carrot

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Aug 16, 2013

I want to access the header text of bound fields programatically. suppose i have GridView1 with following bound fields:

<asp:BoundField Visible="false" DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" />              <asp:BoundField DataField="Title" HeaderText="Title" />              <asp:BoundField Visible="false" DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description" />

how can I access their header text programmatically ( display it(either using response.write or any label)

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Jan 21, 2010

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I've added this control to my GridView's Header via OnRowCreate event handling. I want the Sort Expressions to persist session to session (via Webparts Personalization)

Here is what I have for adding the custom header control to the GridView Header


This works out well for adding the control, but I can't get anything to persist because these controls are creating initially via postback (per the event) and re-created on all subsequent postbacks. I can't add an If(!IsPostback) because the controls are initially created on the gridview's postback (well at least thats how it's acting when I put it in there) If I were to add this control via the ASP page, not via the Codebehind, I would be able to persist the control. If I try to treat it as though everything is setup correctly, and assign my custom control's controls to [Personalizable], I get a runtime error telling me that I can only have webpartzones in or before Page_init (I'm guessing this is due to when/where the
gridview hits the OnRowCreate event). If there is some fundimental logic I'm missing, or best practices that I'm moving away from,

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Nov 28, 2010

is there anyway i can add in the gridview in header column name a button instead of label ?

column name 1 column name 2 column name 3 button

i am using checkbox column in item template for the button ,i wish after selecting checkbox for some row to click on the button on the header !!

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Feb 16, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Header Text To LinkButton

Apr 27, 2010

I want linkbutton to have header text. Scenario is like when user clicks on proposal_id, in code behide i want to retrieve id. I am able to retrieve but i want header Text to be displayed. I am not able retrieve id using ButtonField.

Code :

<asp:GridView ID="gv" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"

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