Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Edited An Embedded Gridview?
Apr 10, 2010
Is this even possible? I'm trying to pass the DataKeyName (Primary Key) of my master gridview to an embedded child gridview, using a select controlparameter of the SQLDataSource control.
I have two grid view controls one is temporary and another is simple grid view the simple grid view control it includes the edit button on its command name edit i want to edit this grid and also to show values in the temporary grid. How it can be possible?
I have a GridView with drop down boxes that are always in edit mode, and what I want to do is when the user sets a value in one of the drop downs I want to set the value in all of the drop downs BELOW that one (if they are not currently set) to the same value. However, the RowEditing and RowUpdating events never fire because techncially I'm not editing or updating the row.
Here is what I'm wanting to do, something along these lines:
Here is what is corrently working, but it sets the values both above and below the current row:
I have a dinamically gridview, populated according with the SQL sintaxe from the user, with a TextBox. I enable in the gridview an Edit button, and the rowEdit works well when fired. But my problem is Update button. How to save the record edited, in a dinamically gridview, when I can't programatically set the fields to be saved? Ie, I need to iterating with all fields in the gridview edited record and update. How to do this?
I have a GridView control connected to a SQL database via an sqldatasource. I want to load the contents of a row being edited into an HTML editor when the edit button is clicked. Is it possible to do this and if so how? I have found the rowediting event with which I have created a subroutine, I just don't know how to access the data in that row?
I'm coding my first VB web application, which allows a user to input an order number and pull up invoice and shipping data linkd to that order number.
I have the first bit down and working, where the existing data in the database is displayed in the GridViews. One of the GridViews is set up to allow data editing, and I have syntax set to make the row editable, but I'm struggling with getting the "Update" link/functionality to work. I want to assign the values in each cell to an object (ie. 'dgInvNumber' for Invoice Number), but everything I've tried (been doing a ton of Google searching for help, but no luck yet) keeps giving me an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when I click the Update link for the row of data being edited.
At this point, I don't know what syntax to use to get the edited values out of the GridView row and assigned to objects for each cell (I have a total of 10 cells that can be edited in a row).
For background info, the GridView is set up with Bound Fields. I'm using Visual Studio 2005. Alot of places I've looked talk about TextBox controls and using FindControl. Also seen some places talk about DataBoundLiteral Controls. I tried the latter with no luck (still getting error). For TextBox controls, I don't understand how to use that part, since it mentions referencing the TextBox controls declared in the EditItemTemplates of the TemplateField column fields in the GridView control. But I didn't set up anything in the EditItemTemplates (that I know of).
I had a problem with my site in the past couple days and have almost recovered, but now I'm stuck on some code that has an Auto-Complete feature, which allows a user to type a name of a pub into a TetxBox, and based on the returned names, the user can click one and see that name in the GridView (just below the TextBox). The GridView was set up so that there was an href that the user could click on and that would open a window and the user would see the pub in Google Maps. The code below works just fine for the Auto-Complete and the GridView.
Here is the end of the working code. Somehow I need to use the code below to make the GridView have a href to allow a user to click and see the pub in Google Maps:
The code above worked fine before, but I'm not sure how it was incorporated into the GridView, and since I had a problem with my site a few days ago, I haven't been able to figure out this part.I'd sincerely appreciate any help in getting this up and running again.
I have 3 textboxes , 1 dropdown , 1 Button and 1 gridview .
Textboxes ID are :ACode , ADesc , ASeq DropDown ID is :CPhase Button ID is :AddRowBTN GridView ID is :PhasesTempGrid
Now whats the story is ?After adding some data into textboxes , when a user clicks ADDRow BTN , that data gets saved into datatable , then that datatable gets binded to gridview and it shows my textboxes data in it .
What i want to achieve ?In my gridview i am use templateField and inside that template field there are textboxes ( Let the users edit the row without clicking any button ) .
Take an example of dummy data and problem persisting in there :for e.g i put some data in textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"Then i click Add BTN , it saves the data in datatable and show in gridview , now if i do this in gridview :ACode = "Edited ABCD"ADesc = "Edited EFGH too"ASeq = "WoW There"Then i click Add BTN , it removes the edited record in gridview and shows original data which had came earlier from textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"I don't want that to be done ... Simple is that user can enter data from textboxes , click the btn to submit into grid then he can edit the data like he want ... data must not get flashed , here's my coding i have done so far :
public void AddNewData() { var dt = new DataTable(); if (ViewState["myDatatable"] != null) { dt = (DataTable) ViewState["myDatatable"]; }
here i havent added dropdown combo in gridview but you can do it so that it will save my time (Bind it just the way PhaseDropDown have bind)...
I have a grid view in which when i enter values and press submit button , all the values were shown on the grid . I want to edit the row and after that updated it.
I have used RowEditing function but when i click on the edit button it appears to be blank page means that row editing function not called.
I have a grid like this. I have a checkbox in one column and a textbox in another. They are both in ItemTemplate, not in EditTemplate.
I am trying to get them to talk to each other in the event handler. In this scenario, when the user checks the chebox in a given row, the textbox gets filled with today's date.
How would you go about doing that? The parameters for the event handler for CheckBox are just object and EventArgs, so I have no way of passing the row id or datakey of the given row.
i have a problem with detailsview as below, when user click on btnEdit, it will call detailsview.changemode(edit) and then allow user to enter data into the textbox, after that user will click on btnsave and then to read the value from txtname and process the value. my question is how do i get the value from txtname? i dont want to use any datasource component and i have tried call the DetailsView1.FindControl("txtname") and it returned txtbox with empty text.
I have created a web based form which has a drop down list (DDL) that lists various company names. I want to create a box in the form which displays the contact info for that particular company which is chosen in the DDL. Also, I want this info to be in a greyed area so that user cant modify (can just copy it).
what asp tool i should use for this (I am guessing textbox wont be good enough since user can modify the info that populates in it)
How to make the selected record (area) for editing to be in the center of the screen?
I have a GridView with custom Edit functionality. I have panel, table and some controls for updating in the EditItemTemplate area. When the user selects to edit a record, I want the edited record area to be aligned in the center of the screen. What is happening now is, with the gridview having many records; the user has to navigate to find where the edit box displayed!
I have 3 gridviews on my page, all with the same columns. I want the user to be able to click on a button and it export all three gridviews to an Excel file, whether on 3 different worksheets or the same worksheet (preferrably the same, but either will do).
And in code behind, I insert footer rows to total by department, so if I use this
Export to Excel control it will export only 1 gridview at a time and won't export the inserted footer rows separating the departments.
I am using a grid form to diplay data... the insert form is completely a separate form. In the insert form a text box called "FormPercentageTextBox" is getting a calculated result using javavascript based on some field ( field1,field2) values (val1, val2).
the problem i have is: when i edit the form and i want to update any value..i want the new calculation result showing on the edited "FormPercentageTextBox" field. I need to have this calculation reflected/
When you click the edit button in detailsview I want it to store some values in "PreviousAddress" and "PreviousVehicle" to show what the data used to be before it was edited... Just wondering what would be the best way of doing this?
I have a DetailsView on my page that will be populated with a users information once they navigate to it. If they need to edit anything in it, they will click the "Edit" link, make their changes and click the "Update" link. Upon update, I want to export/append their information to a csv so we can bulk update a master db.
I already have it populating and I have the function: "SqlDataSource1_Updated" - but don't know how to get their information into a csv file in code behind.
I have a grid view. I added the edit and save buttons to th grid view. when I click on the edit I am seeing the text boxes and able to edit the data.But when I click on save I was getting the data before edit. How can I get the data i.e. edited ?eg: Before edit If my data is Chris(firstName) burton (lastname) and if click on edit and change the first name to christopher and click on save
using the latest bits for MVC 3 i'm looking at the code for a Controller (Northwind products), specifically my 'Edit'Action.
there are two methods, one for diplaying the item to edit, and one for posting back changes made on the UI.
My question is : how do i get a reference to the currently edited product. The method takes 2 arguments; the id of the product and a formcollection which is a dictionarly of product proerties by the looks of it. mvc 2 had slightly differentt arguments compared to mvc 3 beta.
i have a GridView that has 100 rows, when i go to row 50 and select edit the gris refereshes and it goes to the top of the page so i have to scroll down in order to inset new data, How can i make the Grid to remember /return to the row that is being edited / updated?
but not able to show an alert when this listview is edited in Pop-up shows "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Error .any idea how to show an alert here!!