Forms Data Controls :: Keeping Track Of Edited Fields In DetailsView?
Dec 1, 2010
When you click the edit button in detailsview I want it to store some values in "PreviousAddress" and "PreviousVehicle" to show what the data used to be before it was edited... Just wondering what would be the best way of doing this?
i have a problem with detailsview as below, when user click on btnEdit, it will call detailsview.changemode(edit) and then allow user to enter data into the textbox, after that user will click on btnsave and then to read the value from txtname and process the value. my question is how do i get the value from txtname? i dont want to use any datasource component and i have tried call the DetailsView1.FindControl("txtname") and it returned txtbox with empty text.
I have a DetailsView on my page that will be populated with a users information once they navigate to it. If they need to edit anything in it, they will click the "Edit" link, make their changes and click the "Update" link. Upon update, I want to export/append their information to a csv so we can bulk update a master db.
I already have it populating and I have the function: "SqlDataSource1_Updated" - but don't know how to get their information into a csv file in code behind.
I'm creating a ASP MVC application. And because of the complex authorization i'm trying to build my own login system. (So i'm not using asp membership providers, and related classes).Now i'm able to create new accounts in the database with hashed passwords.But how do i keep track that a user is logged in.Is generating a long random number and putting this with the userID in the database and cookie enough?
I am trying to Generating a Request ID and keeping track of it from request to request.I just want to get the previous request number and bump it up by 1 and log it so I can keep track of the number of requests come to my page.I was looking into TempDataDictionary but that is not working for me.I am new to ASP.NET MVC soexcuse my ignorance.
The Register action gets called in the Account controller, showing the RegisterViewModel in the Register.aspx view. The form in Register.aspx is submitted/posted with answers to all of the form questions, except for the security question answers. If the user is created successfully, then I'd like to go to the GoToSecurityQuestions view using the code - return RedirectToAction("GoToSecurityQuestions", "Account"); I need to be able to keep track of the user name or ID of the newly created user so that I can persist the security questions to the database records related to the user. What's the best way to keep track of the user info between the [HttpPost] Register( ) and the [HttpGet] GoToSecurityQuestions( ) ?
[HttpGet] public ViewResult Register() { return View(new RegisterViewModel()); }
I am trying to keep track of prints that are made for a page. The page has Print this page link. And the code for it is like below: This is written in .cs file as there are many conditions for displaying this. And i am appending here using String Builder.
I have a details view on my page that has a template field in it. In the template field is a button that when clicked, sets the visible property of another field to true. When this happens the whole detailsview resets and anything that was entered into other fiields is cleared. Is there any way to prevent the other fields from being cleared when the hidden field is set to be shown.
In this case I'm having, the ItemTemplate for various fields in my DetailsView (2 in my case) does not show up, but when you click the edit button, the EditItemTemplate shows up. I played with it, moving it around. No matter where I put it, one of the fields did not show up.
To get even stranger (and don't ask me how I came up with this), if I put a dummy boundfield BEFORE it, the ItemTemplate shows up. But this is totally absurd.
I have created DetailsView in designer page with SqlDataSource, Details view is with autoGenerateRows="false" i.e. I have declared my own fields. it is fine there, but what if I want to add these fields dynamically from codebehind with select & edit commands. I want to to use Details View in designer page and want to add fields from codebehind
I have a login control in my login page. The user can attempt to login unsuccessfully for 5 times after that the user account will get locked and the administrator can unlock the locked user.
Here, i need to display the login attempt count along with the error message "your login attempt failed". I have tried with the viewstate but it is not working fine.
I have a working gridView/DetailsView used as a member Lookup.
Some Fields in the Details View have data only some of the time, and when there isn't any, I want to suppress that row of the detail. No Go.
It seems that some of the function available in other controls don't exist so I cannot make the "field and its "header" Visible = "False"
FWIW, The control is nested inside a loginview control.
When I try and put logiin the control the error I get is:
Error 156 Literal content ('<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-Wrap="false" HeaderText="PO Box:" Visible="') is not allowed within a 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection'. C:UsersBillDocumentsMy Web SitesNausetNewcomersMembershipCopy of Lookup.aspx 345
I'm trying to use the DetailsView to make Updates. The problem is that it can't handle empty fields even though the underlying table field allows nulls.
I get a message like this if I change the "State" field to blank when doing an update
The parameterized query '(@Cust_ID int,@Cust_DL nvarchar(7),@DL_State nvarchar(2),@Last_N' expects the parameter '@State', which was not supplied.I'm using an object data source control which is calling the EditCustomer method in my Customer Class. I'm not sure how to fix this.
Im not sure what i could have done wrong here but i created a dataset (ran a query and it returns the correct data) - created my BLL class - bound the ObjectDataSource to the control using the BLL - ran the site and all the data is showing as expected. Now i click edit columns (from DetailsView smart tag) and the selected fields are empty. I refresh the schema and this makes no difference. What could i be doing wrong?
I have set a couple of my DetailsView fields to readonly=true. In Update mode the fields are readonly but in Insert mode they are not readonly. What do I do to set it to readonly or blank (no field for entry)?
I'm not sure if you would consider it a foreign key field or not, but I have an agency table with an association to my Project table. It exists primarily to limit the input values of agency in the Project table to those listed in the Agency table. Anyway, everything works fine, except that when you insert/add a project, the Agency field is moved to the end of the list. I'd like to move it back where it belongs (further up the list).
I have a problem that in DetailsView Edit Mode, if I go to edit fields, and set a fields visible property to false, when I update the record through the built in update options it sends a null value. If I change the field back to visible, it passes the data just fine.
Consequently, I tried just setting the field to Read Only = True, and got the same result even though the current values do show up in the edit mode, just read only.Is there anyway to hide the field but still allow it to pass the data it currently has "BACK" into the record.
I have a detailsview in insert mode. I want to prompt the user to enter data in all fields, if left empty. Could someone please find a few minutes to show me how to do it?
I have two grid view controls one is temporary and another is simple grid view the simple grid view control it includes the edit button on its command name edit i want to edit this grid and also to show values in the temporary grid. How it can be possible?
I have a GridView, and I want Column1 to be equal to datatable data (filled by a SqlDataAdapter). Then I have two other fields by the SqlDataAdapter (first name, last name), and I want to have those two fields combined to form Column2. I have a TemplateField for my GridView that combines the first name and last name with Eval()'s, but the GridView places this combined field TemplateField and puts it as the first column.
How can I do this so that TemplateField can go in between fields that are databound?
Is this even possible? I'm trying to pass the DataKeyName (Primary Key) of my master gridview to an embedded child gridview, using a select controlparameter of the SQLDataSource control.
I have a GridView with drop down boxes that are always in edit mode, and what I want to do is when the user sets a value in one of the drop downs I want to set the value in all of the drop downs BELOW that one (if they are not currently set) to the same value. However, the RowEditing and RowUpdating events never fire because techncially I'm not editing or updating the row.
Here is what I'm wanting to do, something along these lines:
Here is what is corrently working, but it sets the values both above and below the current row: