Forms Data Controls :: Using Gridview To Create Searchable History - C#
May 26, 2010
I'm looking to use a gridview to create a basic search page for my website. On the page I have the following:
1.) A dropdown list with the search parameters
2.) Textbox where the user enters their search
3.) A Submit button.
In the submitclick, I want the gridview to display the contents of my database, but only the items that match what the user has entered into the textbox based on the parameter they chose from the dropdown list. I have the following code:
SqlConnection SearchConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LandRover"].ToString());
SqlCommand SearchCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM ORDERLINE WHERE " + ddlSearch.SelectedValue.ToString() + " = @Search", SearchConnection);
SearchCommand.Parameters.Add("@Search", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = txtSearch.Text;
SqlDataReader SearchReader = SearchCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (SearchReader.HasRows)
grvHistory.DataSource = SearchReader;
grvHistory.Visible = true;
I'm looking for a way to get rid of the querystring of a page and redirect to itself but preserver the querystring data in some way. Exmaple: [URL] should redirect to [UL] Still, after the redirect, I want to be able to pick up the parameters that were originally passed. And I don't want to have [URL] in the browser's history.
What I tried so far:
* Response.Redirect(): does a proper redirect without creating browser history but I cannot preserver the parameters. * Server.Transfer: preserves the parameters but the browser's URL remains unchanged. * Create a client form on the fly and submit in "onload": works, querystring is gone, parameters are accessible through Request.Form, but creates a history entry in the browser.
The only thing I can currently think of is to store the parameters in the session, then redirect, then pick them up from there.
I have a repeator control which is displaying the search results and it contains 50 Records.Paging is Enabled for the Repeator control and hence i am able to see 10 records at a time.
Now my requirement is :
When ever the user clicks the browser back button after going to the the Last set of records from the result set (41-50 records) in the Repeator Control,the Page is displaying the First set of Records(1-10).
Expected Result :
Page has to display the Previous result set (31-40) after clicking the browser back button.
i have a newswebsite, i need to make RSS for my news website to increase the page rank on Search Engins like Google.
1. how can i make an RSS to be readable by search Engins, 2. can i make the RSS for a single page so i increase the rank for this page when search by Google.
I have data in my database and I want one column of the database to be shown as a ckeckbox so the user can select and deselect it.
The colums in my database is called "sendEmail", The values are stored as a "int" with values of 1 and 0. How do I show the value of 1 as checked and the value of 0 as unchecked in a gridview.
I have a grid like below. Here I am getting problem with "Hours Last 52 Weeks". Here I have to use this text over the grid headers like the below screen. How can I use this? Highlighted in "Yellow" is the actual text.
I now need to create a Gridview using C# code behind and using PlaceHolder to render in ASPX page. So far everything is Okey, pager and data inside database also can pull out to gridview. But the problem is no sorting function here, below is my code. GridViewTemplate .cs this class is for add data into Gridview ItemTemplate and HeaderTemplate, I modify from here
public class GridViewTemplate : ITemplate { private DataControlRowType templateType;
I'm building a Gridview and set it AutoGenerateColumns = true and bind it with a DataTable, but I want to create a new row in that gridview during OnRowDataBound (to separate the gridview to many parts). How can I do this?
In one of my application, I have around 2000 records which i am displaying in gridview with normal paging.
Now I want to change this paging facility and would like to show a "more" button at the footer(just like [URL] has). The moment user clicks it, the next set of data will be retreived. This will go on till all the records are fetched.
I'm trying to create a gridview with a hover menu:
This works just fine, butttttttttt, I want the hover menu to have an extensive description of the record, namelly ID, message, links to uploaded files, print record button etc.
This doesen't work with the hover menu because when the mouse leaves the targetcontrolid the panel disapears.
So my question is:
Is there a way keep the panel hovering until you change to another record?
i want to create a dynamic gridview with commandbutton in each row. how to impliment. I have alredy implimented dynamic gridview at runtime. but now i want a command button in each row. actully i want to update the selected row in database.
I have a gridview with data. Now I need to create the textbox in gridview on the click event of outside button from gridview. Its working. but in gridview Edit button is not working.