Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Data Generated By A Repeater?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a repeater that dynamically generates the sum of integers upon a button click (a random number gets stored in an sql database). The sum works fine and I get the appropriate output, however I would like to grab the sum and put it back into my C# code so that I can perform operations with it (it's the accumalated score of a game of blackjack so want to check if they are bust etc.) Here is my code:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" >
<label runat="server" > <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"a") %> </label>

How do i grab the DataItem "a" and put it back into my code?

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Auto Generated Textbox In Gridview?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a gridview which has autogenerate Columns Property "TRUE", and i'm dynamically binding this gridview with columns with sql database dataset. there is no data in sql but i am successful in showing blank gridview on form, now i want textboxes in gridview attached with each column, so i wrote code in RowDataBound which generates textbox automatically and assigns ID to each textbox, nw i want to insert that data from textbox to database but i'm not getting text which is entered in those textboxes, as i am accessing that textboxes using findcontrol and passing the id like gridview1_ctl03_text0. but i''m not getting any value from textbox?

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing OnClick Event In Repeater?

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When I click the add to cart button nothing happens.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Repeater Item On Button Click?

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I've adde a WebUserControl inside Repeater control. My WebUserControl consists of basically three controls: a CheckBox, a HyperLink, and some Label control. Plz have a look:


I've some Buttons outside the Repeater control. Now I want to select individual row through CheckBox and process it on Button (outside Repeater) Click.

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Forms Data Controls :: ImageButton Inside A Repeater That Is In Another Repeater & Events?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a user control that displays a shopping cart in an ecommerce application.

The main cart display is a repeater that renders as a html table. In one of those table columns, there is another repeater to display people associated with the products int he cart (it's a repeater in case there is a line item >1 with multiple people).

I've added an ImageButton that I want to use to change the person associated with the item. At first, when I'd click on it I was getting this error:

Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.

So as an experiment I disabled EventValidation on the page (not the control it's self) and now I do not get an error, but I also do not ever hit the breakpoint I set in the innermost repeater's ItemCommand event.

So I wonder how I might do this without disabling EventValidation, because this control will show up on multiple pages and we don't want to edit them all. Also, I'll need to know not only the repeater containing the control's row that the event came from but also the row index of the repeater containg this one. Is this possible?

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For example


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May 25, 2010

I'm so confused I wasn't even sure what to make the title so that it would make sense.

Here is what I have:


I have links at the top of the page that are the letters A-Z. What I want to do is click on one of the letters, then show only the div IDs that start with that letter. I can't figure out how to do this since I'm dynamically creating the ID names. I had it set up nicely with Javascript and CSS, but the function call was inside the repeater. The layout is changed now, and I don't understand how to make the div ID available outside the repeater.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Button In Repeater Inside Repeater

Feb 6, 2011

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so how to use that button and how to write code on it.

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Nov 12, 2010

what changed do I need to make to my code for it to achieve what I'm after.

At the moment I am getting a "cannot cast to type" error message with the below code.

I have also tried calling the ItemDataBound method in with the parent repeater tags and had no errors but when I clicked on the button it would just move back to the top of the page and would not hide or show any data. Also I have made the div style to none but the first record still shows its child but the rest don't.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Data With Data List Or Repeater Horizontally With A Comma

Jun 6, 2010

I have a many to many table in my database called PeopleLanguage

PeopleId, pk and Languags pk each go to the own table People and Language

I know make a method call with my objectdatasource GetPeopleByLanguageId

This returns the languages that the selected person speaks and has a select

query also to lanaguageTable to get LanguageName.

I now print out the results in a datalist that is binding to LanguageName.

What i want to do is show the languages in a horizontal format with a comma after each one.

At the moment if there are 3 languages it shows each one on a seperate line / if I make it horizontal

layout I still dont get a comma. Perhaps I can use a repeater?

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing A Property With Datalist / Binding The Data On The Display All The Parent Table Fields Can Be Rendered?

Jun 7, 2010

Am using datalist to create a kinsd of message board, in the back end am having two tables one for the parent comment , and other for the child comments

The data source is extracted by LINQ to SQL with the load option , so I get everthing when I debug on the code behind , and I can see all the fields each parent comment and the child comments.

the problem is with binding the data on the disply for example all the parent table fildes can be rendred without any problems:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "comment1Parent") %>; "showing me the orginal post"

Problem here:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Childcomment") %> is not rendred and I got this error msg:

DataBinding: 'DataAccessLayer.Comment' does not contain a property with the name 'childComment'.
In the debug I navigate to the childComment and this is its HTML visualisar:

new System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView<DataAccessLayer.Comment>(((ASP.usercontrols_comments_ascx)this).Comments)).Items[0]._comments_Replies.entities.items[0].childComment

I tried

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "_comments_Replies.childcomment")

Same as above error came to me.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview : Accessing Data?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a Gridview on my page and I have addedd some checkboxes to it using a template, I have some code that cycles through each row of the Gridview and checks if the checkboxes are checked, but I don't know how to access the data in the Gridview, the code I have so far is:

Protected Sub cmdGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGenerate.Click

For Each row In GridView1.Rows

Dim cb As CheckBox = row.FindControl("chkSelUser") [code].....

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Jan 18, 2011

I am using a repeater to get data from database in list of (Label) .. After that I want to use this list to get data from another table ,,

What is the best way to do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Tabpanels Generated From A ListView?

Apr 14, 2010

I dont understand why this doesnt work


The server produce an error that says that I must establish the property ID to itemPlaceHolder in a control of the ListView.... but I have done this !!!

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Data From Selected Row In Repeater To A Query String?

Feb 12, 2010

I have the following ItemTemplate in Repeater1


How do I insert the value of ListID into the query string?

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Feb 3, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind The Data In Repeater Without Duplicate Column Values

Feb 7, 2011

sample SQL data:


eid ename
1 vijay
2 shankar

table 2:

id eid sal
1 1 4000
2 1 3000
3 2 2000

i want to bind the below data format in repeater.


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Forms Data Controls :: Fetching Gridview Data Which Is Present Inside A Repeater?

Feb 27, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Source And Items Of A Repeater From An Enumerable List?

May 22, 2010

I have got the following code:


This should give me the friends of the user currently logged in in the Repeater, but gives me an exception on the runtime that an instance needs to be initialized, can you please suggest a solution...

Also, what should be the value of the NavigateUrl property of a Hyperlink in an ItemTemplate if the url is:

"" + 'THE UserID property of the current element in the list'

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Forms Data Controls :: Identify Data Row Within Repeater Within OnSelectedIndexChanged Event?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a repeater control bound to a dataset. Within that repeater I have several further controls one of which is a dropdownlist. I trap the OnSelectedIndexChanged event of that dropdownlist because I want to recalculate some figures presented on the same row within the repeater.

How do I reference other controls which are on the same row of the repeater as the dropdownlist ? Is there an index property or other mechanism whereby I can identify the "current" row?

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View In Data Repeater Control

Jun 21, 2010

How do i bind grid view in a datarepeater control, or how do i achieve below outpu

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