Forms Data Controls :: Passing Data From Selected Row In Repeater To A Query String?

Feb 12, 2010

I have the following ItemTemplate in Repeater1


How do I insert the value of ListID into the query string?

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing String From Textbox / Dropdown As Select Query For Listview

Jun 3, 2010

How do I do this? I want to search my database in listview form with the text from a textbox or an item from a drop down list which is on another page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Class To Item In Repeater Control Based On Query String?

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I want to add a class to a div inside my repeater control based on whether the query string value is true or false, so that I can style it differently.

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Web Forms :: Passing Large Data As Query String?

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C# - Listbox Is Null When Passing A Query String And Processing Data On Load?

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got a wired problem (well I find it a wired problem :P)

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Forms Data Controls :: Search And Display Data Into Repeater And Navigate To Details Page Passing Value ID?

Jan 16, 2010

I have two tables: Book and author and they have one to many relation.One book may have more than one authors. Book table has Title column and Author table has AuthorName Column.

I have search page contains two textboxes: Title Textbox and AuthorName textbox to search the record.

When the user type something and hit the search button it display the Title when click the title ; it redirect to detailsPage.aspx Passing value ID.


Then in the Details page there are: Title, authors and other more from these table column.

My problem is:

When the user search and hit the search button, it display the number of matches Title only. I want to display authors related to this title in this page and other are same(when click the title go to detailspage.aspx)

How can I display the related Authors to each title in search display page (Not in details page, I know in details page) ?

If user search "The Letters and life" in the Title textbox and hit enter data should looks like:

1. Author: Payne Paddy, sed ran, der virma and Caroline Barron.

Title: The Letters and Life of Elizabeth Despenser, Lady Zouche (d. 1408) [her letters and will provide a glimpse of her personal

2. Author: ayne manu, edd saan and fer wertu.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing ID From DB In Repeater?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a repeater, where all items have a textbox and a submit button. As I see I can not assign to any property (even to a hidden input field) the ID of the row I am displaying, so I don't know how to process the submission of the form.


how to get which button was clicked and retreiving the value from the corresponding textbox, and also passing somehow the product_code?

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing A Variable To Data Source Query?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm using the DetailView control to display employee details from a specfic company, but it seems when I try to create the query in the data source wizard I'm unable to select the variable for the WHERE clause, only the web pages control components.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing An Id To Navigate Url Using Repeater And Directing It To The Same Page?

Mar 10, 2011

I am using a repeater and binding with a datasource. I have a navigate url in the repeater inside the item tmeplate.

Repeater control is in the web form with few fields. When you click on one of the urls, it should take the fields associated with it and fill in the fields of the web page. How can i do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing A Whole Object Through To The User Control Inside A Repeater?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a user control inside a repeater. I am binding a collection of objects to the repeater.

My user control has a public property to retrieve the object (setobject)

How do i pass each object through to the user control and not just the object property value? What is the syntax to do this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Repeater Container.dataitem To JavaScript Function?

Sep 16, 2010

I am collecting user roles into a single dimension string array.

I have a repeater that its source set to that array. The repeater template includes list of checkboxes for the values in the array.The checkbox text is set to: Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>'

All is good till this point.

But I am trying to call a javascript function triggered by clickign a checkbox and pass it the container.dataitem, but the javascript doesn't seem to be reading the value and either complain about string not being in correct format or that treats the container.dataitem as a liter. This is the trial that didn't work (I tried many different things too):

DetermineVal(<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem) %>);
determineval is my javascript function

Can I do that with a single dimension array?

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting The Selected Value From A DDL In A Repeater?

Jan 24, 2010

how to get the selected value from a DropDownList in a Repeater

Here is the code





I am having trouble with this part. Object not reference to an object.


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Variables Into And Out Of Mysql Query

Jan 9, 2010

First up i would like to apoligize for these questions that are proable realy easy. I have been put on the spot by my boss and have been told to change all my php to c so it can go in this new cms i have at work. I have just spent the last 18 hours trying to get this to work and im geting a little desperate.

Ok so my current issue is that i dont know how to add html formating to a result string i pull out of my mysql database. I have my result sheet pulling into a gridview, what i want to do is put some information drawn from each row in the gridview out side of the <Tr> tag. Is this possible? But within the Table Tag second issue is it possiple to feed data into a page and then run a mysql query like i was doing in php.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Radiobuttonlist Selected Value In A Repeater

Dec 21, 2010

how to get Radiobuttonlist selected value in a repeater

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Forms Data Controls :: Datanavigateurlformatstring - Passing Multiple Query Strings?

Jul 12, 2010

I am using the datanavigateurlformatstring within a datagrid property with the property set something like;


Unfortunately, when the new webpage opens, the url contains lots of spaces and I'm struggling to remove all of the spaces. The code actually works but looks a bit messy, see below.

"http://localhost:34354/website1/editrecords2.aspx?rid=2&sid=2& dip=5 & iid=3 &tid=3"

but should look like this

"http://localhost:34354/website1/editrecords2.aspx?rid=2&sid=2&dip=5& iid=3&tid=3"

View 8 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Passing Query String Value To Stored Procedure

Mar 30, 2010

I'm trying to pass the text value of a text box as a query string value to a stored procedure. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Button Code:


Stored Procedure:


The results page datalist:


Code Behind of results page:


I'm sure i've got this entirely backwards. However if I change the NULL value in the stored procedure with some string value (eg."Donkeys") it pulls all the values that contain "Donkeys" into the datalist on my results page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing String To Another Page?

Jul 6, 2010

I see that , when a page has something(some data) to transfer to another page , generally Querystring is used for it, but how can i pass huge strings? Suppose that i've a 200 character string to pass another page, what shall I use for it ? I need a pratical way to do it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Highlight Selected Link In Repeater?

Apr 30, 2010

I have an a-z menu in an repeater. I'd like to highlight the currently selected link. I tried the following code in the itemdatabound but it does not work.


The reason is because the urls are not rendered at this point so they look like: ~/folder- ame/page.aspx?az=B.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Selected Value From Dropdown List In A Repeater?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm doing property booking based project.

I have repeater control for search results.

For every search result I create a dropdown list with 2 month booking overview.

<item value = "1"> January - February </item>
<item value = "2"> February - March </item>


Then I call function to generate 2 months calendar view, which has two parameters generate(startmonth as Integer, sku as string)

Everything works when I hardcode starmonth as some integer.

I spent all day with no progress on how to pass value. I need a guide. I guess second problem will be to restore changed dropdown values on Postback, but one step at a time.

But what I want to do, to pass selected item value, to function, that would change view for property associated with this dropdown.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve A Selected Field In A Repeater?

Apr 11, 2010

I'm trying to retrieve the value of the "ListName" field that was clicked in the repeater but I'm getting null ("") in "ListTitle", please could someone correct my code:

Protected Sub repTriggers_ItemCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterCommandEventArgs)
Dim ListTitle As String
If e.CommandName = "trigger" Then
ListTitle = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lnkTrigger"), LinkButton).Text


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Forms Data Controls :: Select A Grid Row Based On Query String Data?

Jan 13, 2010

I need to know how can I select a gridview row based on a query string data. In my case, the query string will contain the id that exist in the Table related to that grid. Is there a way to do this from the code behind? In other words, if I click a link with that specific query string, can I open the page and tell my grid to select a specific row based on the table row id?

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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Index Of Radiobuttonlist Inside A Repeater?

Dec 6, 2010

im having a quizz (a question and multiple answer related to the question) , i use an asp repeater to display the questionand a nested radiobuttonlist inside the item template for the related answer:


I do bind the the radiobutton on itemDatabound, i need to store the answer selected by the user, for that i used the following method:


but the rptAns referring to the radiobuttonlist (there is only one quiz at a time), the selectedindex always remain at the first index even when the user does change the selected radio button.i have made a check when on item databound to see if the page is a postback before opulating the radiobuttonlist.

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Web Forms :: Passing Through Query String Parameter?

Jan 20, 2010

how to pass through a query string parameter of an assignment id and then checking and validating this as a number and displaying the information returned on screen. At present I have code which displays the information on screen but this is by entering in the assignment id and by triggering the button click event, I've shown the code for this below:

<b>Current Assignment</b>
<br />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtAssignmentID"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Get Assignment" />
<br />
<b>Date Started:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentStart"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Status:</b> <asp:Label runat="server"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Current Achievement Level:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentLevel"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Date Last Calculated:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentCalcDate"></asp:Label>
<br />
protected void cmdGetAssignment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Check the assignmentID is an integer
int AssignmentID = 0;
AssignmentID = TypeConv.CInt(txtAssignmentID.Text);
if (AssignmenttID > 0)
//Create new TCAAssignment object by passing the ID
TCA Assignment Current Assignment = abc.TCA Assignment (AssignmentID);
lblAssignmentStart.Text = Current Assignment.dDateCreated.ToString();
lblAssignmentStatus.Text = CurrentAssignment.rTCAAssignmentStatus.dDescription;
if (!CurrentAssignment.dTCAAchievementLevel.IsNull)
lblAssignmentLevel.Text = CurrentAssignment.rTCAAchievementLevel.dDescription;
lblAssignmentCalcDate.Text = CurrentAssignment.dAchievementDate.ToString();

Code example passing through a query string parameter of an assignment id would be great.

View 11 Replies

Data Controls :: Filter Repeater Control Data On DropDownList Selected Index Changed

May 7, 2015

i need to Filter and display Google Map Markers from database based on DropDownList selection. for that I need to pass the selected value of DropDownList to the query.What should i do in the following code to do the above task?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;


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Forms Data Controls :: Selecting A Row In An Datagrid And Passing A Value Related To Selected Row On Button Click?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a datareader that returns a few fields (orderid, customer id, customername, location, total amount - as an example) that is bound to a datagrid on an asp page. The datagrid simply displays customername, location and total amount and has 2 buttons

below it labelled 'Add New' and 'Edit' and I would like the following to happen:

1) when a user clicks on any cell in the datagrid, I want that row to be highlighted in someway so that the user is aware of the highlighted row.

2) If the user then clicks on Edit button, I want to go to another page that displays the details of that order by passing the orderid of that row to the next page.

The idea is that the user selects a row on the datagrid and then clicks edit which will take them to another page where they can edit/updated details but I'm not sure how I can pass a value of a selected row in a datagrid to another page. I am aware that you can add a template column with buttons on but I would like to have one set of buttons rather than have buttons on each row of the datagrid.

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