Forms Data Controls :: Code Behind Textbox Id Found?

Dec 15, 2010

A Grid view contain the a textbox which is

<asp:textbox id="BMIWHBGri__ctl03_txt_Year" runat="server/>

and (BMIWHBGri__ctl03_ )this is random generatebut i want every time_txt_Year how to get id

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Word Count Of A Mulitline Textbox That Is Found Within A DetailsView?

Nov 29, 2010

they could provide with regards having a word count of a mulitline textbox that is found within a DetailsView? I have tried using JavaScipt and a this [URL] but I don't seem to be able to get it working within that DetailsView,

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Forms Data Controls :: Code Not Acquiring Changes To Textbox?

Nov 7, 2010

I've got this.


I'm calling this routine from a .Click event. It executes correctly as far as I can tell but it won't acquire the data changes to the textboxes that I've made.For example, I populate the controls with data that I want to update and then I make changes to the fields that I won't, expect for some reason this code only returns the original value -

txFirstName.Text = "John"
I change the value to "Peter"
The code still returns "John"

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Accessing Textbox Through Code Behind?

Jan 25, 2010

I've been playing with a certain detailsview for most of last week. This particular control is located within a panel that is hidden until a user clicks a linkbutton on a gridview. Then the panel's visible property is set to true and the detailsview is populated based on the commandargument passed through the link button. What I've discovered is that with each postback, the datakey or control parameter, still not sure which or if both, is lost. I've discovered a lot about ViewState and how controls work and am a bit surprised that something as common as using a detailsview within a gridview wouldn't be handled better than it is now. I have been able to get the proper information to build a correct select statement when the user decides to edit a record. I am now working on an update statement, but for some reason while I have the right key to update the right record, I am unable to access the user-generated data that was entered in the details view.

For instance, I select record with ID of 1 in the gridview. It pulls up the detailsview and I can view it. I then click edit. The correct record is still there. (It was previously going to default). When I enter new text in a textbox and click update, the app still knows I am working with record #1 but doesn't seem to be able to find the textbox control. I have currently hard-coded a value into the field just to see if I could actually get the record to update and it did. I am using an OnInit to cause the sub to run and think this might be the problem. However, I have been unable to find a better way around this.

Here is the sub that executes on the OnInit() of the detailsview:

Protected Sub notes_binding()
If notesDetail.CurrentMode = DetailsViewMode.Edit Then
sqlNotesUpdate.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE [Oilchange_Notes] SET [notes] = '" & CType(notesDetail.FindControl("notes"), Textbox).Text & "' WHERE [vehicle_id] = " & Session("unitNumVal")
sqlNotesUpdate.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
End If
sqlNotesUpdate.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [Oilchange_Notes] WHERE ([vehicle_id] = " & Session("unitNumVal") & ")"
End Sub

And this is the error I get: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If I'm correct about why it's not pulling the actual value or even acknowledging the control exists and is actually 'notes' (it is), then at would point would be the best to place this code?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find GridView ItemTemplate Textbox In Code Behind

Dec 15, 2010

How to find GridView ItemTemplate (Textbox) in Code behind

if we not know textboxid

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Web Forms :: Object Not Found In Code Behind?

Aug 20, 2010

I've got a vs08 web site project that was recently added to tfs2010. now when i look at the code behind on a user control, a form object is not found in the code behind.



The name 'txtbxSearchWorkOrder' does not exist in the current context

why this is not working on this page? I've got other pages with textboxes and no issues.

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Textbox Search And Navigate To The Found Record?

Feb 22, 2011

i have a web form to display information one record per page. I use database SQL server 2008 express. In my form; there is a textbox and next to the textbox, there is a button to search


when i click on the searchButton, it finds the correct record, the correct StudentID, but i can not achieve to navigate to the found record.

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Web Forms :: Code Behind File, Variables Not Found?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm trying to put all the coding in my various pages into the code behind file...

I'm also using a Master page.

This is what I have at the top of my .aspx file:

<%@ Page MasterPageFile="master.Master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="search.aspx.vb" Inherits="search" Src="search.aspx.vb" %>

This is how what I have in my aspx.vb file:

Partial Public Class search

Inherits Page

Visual Studio 2005 doesn't show any errors, but when I view in the browser I get...

Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'fieldOfSearchDropDownList' is not declared.

fieldOfSearchDropDownList is definately declared.

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Data Controls :: Use TextBox To Search And Filter GridView Populated From Code Behind DataSource

May 7, 2015

[URL] .... I Need to search record from GridView by using the textbox but not want to configure this with SQLDataSource Manually (Front End) therefore how to filter gridview from Codebehind. 

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Forms Data Controls :: A Field Or Property With The Name 'FieldName' Was Not Found On The Selected Data Source?

Oct 3, 2010

I'm attempting to load a GridView dynamically on a button is pressed.The gridview has AutoGenerateColumns="True" (set in skin definition) and has a declarative column definitions as follows:

<asp:GridView runat="server"
SkinID="GridViewDetail" ID="gvReport"

This all works fine the first time, but as soon as I select a different ddlCampaign item, it throws the"A field or property with the name 'FieldName' was not found on the selected data source" ERRORI kinda understand that it has retained the column mappings from the previous datasource assignment/binding and because the new datasource has different column headings it is throwing the error. What I can't seem to achieve is a clear or reset of defined gridview columns before adding the new columns. I cannot clear all columns because part of the GV defn is declarative.e.g.

gvReport.AutoGenerateColumns = true;

I have also tried clearing the previously added columns before new assignment/binding but it gives the same error.e.g.

for (int i = 2; i < gvReport.Columns.Count; i++)

View 18 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: A Field Or Property With The Name 'User_x0020_Name' Was Not Found On The Selected Data Source?

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to bind the XML data to a datagrid from an XML file. I don't know why I am getting the message: "A field or property with the name 'User_x0020_Name' was not found on the selected data source."

The "User_x0020_Name" field does exist in the XML file. This is a portion of the XML file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<DataSet xmlns="">
<xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-[code]...

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Forms Data Controls :: A Field Or Property With The Name 'idcode' Was Not Found On The Selected Data Source?

Feb 23, 2011

this is the error: A field or property with the name 'idcode' was not found on the selected data source.and what i am trying to do is this... i don't understand that. i never used DataSet before.


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Forms Data Controls :: Display Label Based On Comparison Of Found Integer Data Fields

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to reconstruct a date/time period from five data elements Year, StartMonth, StartDate, EndMonth, EndDate If the event starts on June 5 and ends on June 6, 2010 - The label would read June 5 thru 6, 2010. If the event starts on June 30 and ends on July 2, 2010 - the Label would read June 30 thru July 2, 2010. and if the event starts on June 5 and ends on June 5, 2010 - The label would read June 5, 2010. I've tried a few variations without success. This one comes closest to what I'm aiming for.


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Forms Data Controls :: FvPerson Found In FormView?

Oct 3, 2010

Error List message : The name 'fvPerson' does not exist in the current contextHere is the front page code Default.aspx:


Here is the code CodeFile for Default.aspx.cs:


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Forms Data Controls :: Found Last Page In Datalist?

Jul 13, 2010

below is my procedure and event for paging in datalist.First,next,previos is working fine.

but i need the last page here.





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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Gridview To Dataset, Field Or Property Not Found On The Selected Data Source?

Apr 9, 2010




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Forms Data Controls :: System.ArgumentException - The Image Is Not Found

May 31, 2010

i have added an new chart (data from acces database, looks like that:

1 2

123 123

333 222 etc).

No errors, no exceptions, but i realy cant see image ;-)

when Im trying to righht-click on chart in my browser and choose "show image" i get :

System.ArgumentException: The image is not found.

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Forms Data Controls :: Search GridView And Update The Row That Was Found?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a gridview that populates from a sqlDataSource I added a textBox and a button to input company name in a textBox and click the button to search. Once the row with company is found I want to update it, but when I click update in this row, the gridview displays all of the rows, and instead of the one fromthe search results, the first row at the top is displayed in update template.The GridView first is populated from a static sqlDataSource (EditDistributor), that displays all of the columns in a table.


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Forms Data Controls :: Count Records Found By SQL Query (C#)?

Apr 18, 2010

How do I cound the records found by an SQL query? I have searched google and have only found ways to do so in I need to know how to accomplish this in C#.

Below is what I have made so far...

Default2.aspx file...


Default2.aspx.cs File...


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Forms Data Controls :: Default Message If No Records Found?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a textbox quering a DB and showing the results in a gridview. If no records are found, instead of the present blank response, how can I put up a default message saying no records were found.

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Forms Data Controls :: Objectdatasource Error: Typename Cannot Be Found

Jun 14, 2010

I have a dropdownlist that I'm binding to an objectdatasource within a edit template of a gridview. Everything works fine on our staging server, but when I view on our production server I get the following error:

"The type specified in the TypeName property of the ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource2' could not be found."

The typename is correct. It works on our staging server. What would cause this to not work on our production server? Any way to re-write the code to get this to work? See the code below.


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C# - Textbox Dynamically Created Not Found?

Jan 15, 2010

I use this method for inserting a textbox in a tablecell


But it doesn't work. beacuse it doesn't find the textbox created previously.

I've put also EnableViewState="true" in the file aspx.

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Code Behind Not Found At Runtime?

Jan 30, 2011

I've an ASP.NET application running fine locally, I've published the site and copied all files up to the live server and all is not good.99% of the pages are doing just as they should be, but just two pages are complaining that they can't find the code behind file? This is kind of urgent (demo tomorrow), so any help appreciated. Error message below...

Parser Error Message: The file
does not exist.


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Forms Data Controls :: Field Or Property Not Found On Selected Source

Jan 11, 2010

I have created a gridview at runtime. its working fine when i load the grid first time. after when i am selecting next value from ddl to load grid according to that option(selecting from dropdown list and coresponding values showing in grid) showing error that "A field or property with the name 'datafield name' was not found on the selected data source." might be i am getting this error becuze the privious value is not being cleared" can anybody help me with this problem.

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Forms Data Controls :: Type Or Namespace Name 'StringWriter' Couldn't Be Found

Mar 8, 2011

i am trying to write a gridview to an excell file, but i get the error: The type or namespace name 'StringWriter' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

my code is:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Clear content of buffer stream
//Set the type and filename
Response.AddHeader("TITLE", "TITLE.xls");
Response.Charset = "iso-8859-2";
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.xls";
// Add the HTML from the GridView to a StringWriter to write it out later
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
//Write out the data

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