Forms Data Controls :: Get Repeater Control's Rows And Cells?

Mar 17, 2011

How can we get repeater control's rows and cells in using c harp.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Tab Key Between Rows Of Table / Repeater Control

Nov 19, 2010

I have ASP.Net Repeater control.

The itemtemplate of repeater control is having a table row

<itemtemplate><tr><td>some text</td></tr>

And I am binding these repeater control with some datasource.

My requirement is to have focus on first item row and i should be able to use tab ket to navigate between various rows of the repeater control(which is ultimately a table)

There is no anchor(<a>) control inside the table.

I am using onclick event on table row which does something in my application.

I want my user to use TAB key to navigate between rows.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Number Of Rows For Repeater Control?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm looking for the correct syntax to get me the last row of a repeater item and use it in a literal below. As you can see I have the item index syntax already. assume that there is a repeater control surrounding the literal already.

I have already bound the data so it will not use obitemdatabound .

<asp:Literal id="Rpt_ItemCount" runat="server"
Text = '<%# (int) DataBinder.Eval(Container, ItemIndex"))%>'></asp:Literal>

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Repeater Control Class Depends On Number Of Rows It Contain?

Feb 10, 2011

How can i change repeater control class depends on number of rows it contain?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Color To Particular Rows Or Cells In Excel?

Feb 5, 2010

I have the following code to export DataTable to Excel:


Maybe somebody knows how I can set color to particular rows or cells in Excel?

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Forms Data Controls :: Empty Cells On GridView With 10 Rows To Edit?

Mar 25, 2011

I am using a GridView on my ASP.NET form.

Would it be possible to have a GridView with 10 empty rows, having 5 columns.

Can I define the number of GridView Rows I could Edit.

i would then have an Update Button, which would update all the rows to the database.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access Telerik Grid's Rows And Cells

Oct 20, 2010


And in a submit button click event,I am writting the following code:ut,the problem is:I am gettting null for ChannelNumber,ServiceID,TransponderID,NetworkID,i.e.,not being able to access the values entered in those respective textboxes.Where am I going wrong?Do I need to write the same code in diff event?or diff code in diff event

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VS 2012 - How To Format Table Rows / Cells To Have Same Width As Gridview Cells

Jul 17, 2013

I have a form that contains a asp:Table and it contains 2 rows with 6 columns.

Also on my form is a gridview. It contains one row with 6 columns. (see pic)

I'd like to see if I can format both so that they appear to have the same over-all width and cell width too.

I'd like to know if it's possible to do this in the source view - rather than programmatically.

In the pic, the top is the grid view and underneath is the table.

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Data Controls :: Highlight GridView Rows With Blank Cells

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While uploading excelsheet to datatable and bind it to gridview it will check blank data in excel sheet and when it will bind to gridview,the row in which blank present that row will be in red background color and the other row will occur in normal back color.  

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Data Controls :: Merge Table Cells And Rows In Gridview

Jan 3, 2013

how to merge cell in gridview?

let say :

name  | age |  sex           |

          |        |male|female|

i will merge column sex .

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Forms Data Controls :: Why Getting A Empty String For "GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[2].Text"

Jan 14, 2011

I am using c# with VS 2010 and dynamic data. I have a gridview that is populated by scaffolding. I then want to use the "Delete" command on the row. While the command works fine, it does not seem to know the datarecord has child tables in a one to many relationship, thus it wont properly delete the child tables before deleting the parent table. Which is fine, i can call some linq to sql to get the table id and delete all of its children before the parent table is deleted. Odd thing is, the Gridview is retruning "" emtpry strings for the cell that has the table uniqe ID.


and here is the gridview:


why i am getting a empty string for "GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[2].Text"?

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Data Controls :: Bind Pipe Separated String As Columns And Comma Separated Strings As Rows In Repeater Control

Feb 1, 2013

I am redirecting string like this a1|b1, a2|b2,a3|b3.... to another page.

On next page I have repeater control

And I want to show data in repeater control like this

  a1  b1

  a2  b2

  a3  b3.

How can I show value like it in repeater control?

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign Class To Rows In A Repeater?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a repeater looking like this:


I want to assign a class to each row that has a specific status (not connected to the values "Start", "End" or "Day"). Do i do this in Code behind in


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Forms Data Controls :: Put / Write Manually Between Repeater Rows?

Dec 1, 2010

is there any way to put or write something manually between repeater rows?


I want to add "30" between 20 and 40:


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Parent Repeater Item Index In Child Repeater Control?

Jun 17, 2010

I want to bind parent repeater item index in child repeater control using inline code not code behind side.

For example


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Forms Data Controls :: Database Query Returns 2 Rows But Repeater Only Shows 1?

Apr 12, 2010

here is my code:

My sql query is returning 2 rows by my repeater is only displaying 1.


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Forms Data Controls :: Check Total Number Of Rows Returned From DB When Using Repeater?

Feb 6, 2010

Using C#, how can I check the total number of rows returned from a database when using a Repeater? The reason I need to check is I need to alter the presentation of the data when there is only 1 row returned.

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Web Forms :: How To Made A Table Programmatically With Rows And Cells

Sep 22, 2010

I have made a table programmatically with rows and cells. In the cells there is textboxes. This work fine until I want to make one of the textboxes Multiline:


I got this error:

'Multiline' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox' So I found out that the textbox as to be a System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Then I got this error: Type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox' is not defined.

This is from MSDN:

TextBox.Multiline Property .NET Framework 3.0

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AJAX :: Hide Duplicate Rows In Repeater Control

May 7, 2015

If same date in multiple record in repeater control then only show one record

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Repeater Control like:


How can possible...???

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Feb 3, 2014

I am using a repeater control and i want to use one more repeater control inside the existing repeater control . 

Like this:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">    <HeaderTemplate> </HeaderTemplate>       
<!-- start child repeater -->     Here I want to use one repater control      <!-- end child repeater -->

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting CheckBox Control Text Property In A Repeater Control

Mar 17, 2011

I have a checkbox in a repeater control. How to get the User,Administrator,Security Admin as the checkbox Names ?

private string[] AvailableRoles = { "User", "Administrator", "Security Admin" };

Repeater_Roles.DataSource = AvailableRoles; Repeater_Roles.DataBind();

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Nov 26, 2010

I need to access a control inside a repeater and change its properties. To enable it or not. I got an erorr message Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Here is my code inside a method. protected void

rptCAP_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
LinkButton lnDel = (LinkButton)rptCap.FindControl("lnkDelete");
lnkDel.Enabled = false; //<<<<< this is where the error occur

The name of the repeater control is id="rptCAP"

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Grid View Control Inside Repeater Control?

Mar 17, 2010

How to create Grid view control inside Repeater control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hide Control In Repeater Control?

May 20, 2010

i have a repeater control, with a button in it.

how do i make the button NOT visible on the page_load programaticaly

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging In Repeater Control

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to experiment with things as a beginner and want to use paging in Repeater Control. Since Repeater control is light weight, I want to use that. I have heard of two methods: PagedDataSource class and the other that I dont remember. I wanted to attempt both of them. How do I proceed?

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