Forms Data Controls :: Get Total Transaction_line Price For GridView For Each Transaction_line Id?

May 19, 2010

I have a gridView that shows the transaction_line table including "tL_id, t_id, date, pro_id, quantity, price, total price = quantity*price. How can I get a total transaction_line price for this gridView for each transaction_line id ??

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Adding Total Price In A Gridview Column?

Nov 25, 2010

i need to calculate the total price in a column in a gridview1. How do i do so?

My column in the gridview is like this, it is at cell 5


I'm using VB btw, i dont understand C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView And Aspx.cs - Count Total The Price In A Label

Mar 4, 2011

i have a girdview


i want count total the price in a label,


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Forms Data Controls :: Calculation On Textbox In Gridview Row - Display Total Of All Three Columns In Total Column?

Apr 7, 2010

i have one grid which have 5 columns 1 for subject,2,3,4 for marks which have textbox to insert obtained marks,and last column have one lable to display total of (2+3+4),now i want total value on textbox event,when user enter any value to any column of textbox i need to display total of all three columns in total column.

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Web Forms :: Checkboxlist Not Getting Added To Total Price

Mar 23, 2011

I have a bunch of radiobuttonlists and one checkboxlist that when selected they are supposed to get added to a price total. All of the radiobuttonlists work correctly in adding to the price but the checkboxlist doesn't get added when one is selected. Here is the code I am using:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
NewPrice.Text = Format(473, "currency")
Dim Proc, Ram, Hd, Cd, Window, Mon As Integer
Dim li As ListItem
Dim sumList As Integer = 0
If processor.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If processor.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Proc = processor.SelectedItem.Value
If Memory.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If Memory.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Ram = Memory.SelectedItem.Value
If HardDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If HardDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Hd = HardDrive.SelectedItem.Value
If CdDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If CdDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Cd = CdDrive.SelectedItem.Value
If os.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If os.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Window = os.SelectedItem.Value
If Monitor.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If Monitor.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Mon = Monitor.SelectedItem.Value
If Storage.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
For Each li In Storage.Items
If li.Selected Then
sumList += li.Value
End If
End If
NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
End Sub

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Web Forms :: Get Total Price On Textchange Event Of Textbox Which Is Inside Grid

May 29, 2010

get the total price on textchange event of textbox which is inside grid


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Data Controls :: Calculate Total And Grand Total In GridView With TextBox Using JQuery

Jan 1, 2014

I have 5 fields i want when i enter rupess n 4 fields it will someup n give me total in fifth field how can i do this?

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Data Controls :: Calculate Total And Sub Total In Nested Child GridView

May 7, 2015

I have a nested gridview like the code quoted below. How to retrieve the counter of each child gridview elements and display it as a field of the parent gridview ?

<asp:GridView ID="GridViewMaster" runat="server" />
<asp:GridView ID="GridViewSlave" runat="server" >

[Code] ...

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Data Controls :: Calculate Row Total And Grand Total When Using TextBox In TemplateField Inside GridView?

May 7, 2015

Calculate Row Total and Grand Total in ASP.Net GridView using jQuery

what if the price column is a template field i.e. it takes input from the user before multiplying with quantity..

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Data Controls :: Display Current Page / Total Pages And Total Records Of GridView In Label

May 7, 2015

Results 1 - 50 of 7036

IN Gridview Need to show how many row are in the gridview and how much are currently show in the GridView Page. 

Just like in this portel With the Pager Style also ........

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How To Store Record And How To Retrive It With The Total Price

Feb 4, 2011

I have 5 radiobuttonlists and 5 checkboxlists and all are the product parts.I have table parts this values:



All radiobuttonlists and checkboxlist popluate from the database.comapring product productgroup and productvalue.after customer seleted items from these radiobutton list and checkboxlists iwant to create it as record to sttore in diffrent table with the all selected item + total that in future we just serch record and we get it with and induval price and total price and seleted item.also its show image on selted items too.I dont know how to do it , I have MS ACESS database.I am using C# am working on it since last week.I dont know how i start it. I want to show image when it retrive the record which is customer seleted.

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Visual Studio :: Calculate Sub Total Of The Extended Price Column?

Jun 10, 2010

How to calculate Sub Total of the extended Price Column

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Forms Data Controls :: Calculate Inside Gridview Amount=price*quantity?

Oct 28, 2010

In my webpage i am trying to create a order by gridview here item selected by user from dropdown and on selction of dropdown price display in next to item dropdown label user insert quantity from next grid textbox and next is label amount shold disply calculate amount on price and quantity.i also want to use javascript for this prob.what i did that item and price displaying and user make input from textbox now want to calculation but how textbox recieve input and amount label dispaly calculate amount.


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Data Controls :: How To Increase Price Value Column By Selecting Number From DropDownList In GridView

Apr 27, 2016

I have gridview and button and radiobutton in page below are codes...

<input type="radio" name="n" id="RBmkvM" runat="server"/>
<input type="radio" name="n" id="RBdvdM" runat="server"/>
<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" CssClass="imgored" ImageUrl="~/Image/Main/png1.png" OnClick="Imgorder_Click"></asp:ImageButton>


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Forms Data Controls :: Add Row For Total In Gridview?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a GridView in 3.5 page. I am displaying data like this.

Wheat- State1
Rice- State1

I have to add a row for Total in Gridview. How can we do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Add New Row For Total In Footer Of The Gridview?

Jan 13, 2010

i have a gridview to disply the customers forecast details with quantity. i need to have the quantity total in footer of the gridview. how can we do this in gridview..

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding A Total Row To A Gridview?

Feb 10, 2010

I can't seem to find a solid example on how to add a total row to a gridview

My gridview:


My Code Behind


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Total In Footer?

Aug 7, 2010

I've been trying to get the total of some columns in my GridView. I used the code in the MSDN and finally did this:


GVcm is the name of my gridview.I have a button that loads the gridview, but it does not show the total. I don't know if I have to call this method inside the ButtonClick Event, I'm still a noob with c# and things that maybe you should know, I'm not using template fields, I don't know if that is the problem I'm using normal bounfields.

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Forms Data Controls :: Calculating Total In A Gridview?

Mar 28, 2011

I want to calculate total in a gridview and i want to show it in gridview footer below is my code


the problem is when i debug the code im getting null value into the textbox,i dont know why?my price comes from db and i enter quantity into the tetxbox any help on this problem??


View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Getting Gridview Quanity And Total Column

Oct 18, 2010

im having the hardest time finding information on this that makes any sense. i am using linq to get data from my SQL server 2005 database and bind it to a gridview. From the table i am pulling two fields...Reference(the item name) and Cost. In the gridview i have added two additional columns, Quantity and total. I need to allow the user to change the quantity field to the amount they need to order and update the total field for that row. Also i would like to show a grand total at the bottom of the gridview summing all the total fields. The totals need to be updated as soon as the the user clicks or tabs out of quantities field. Here is the code for my gridview.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Calculate Total In Column Of Gridview

Apr 8, 2010

I'm trying to calculate the qty x cost and put it into the itemtotal textbox of my gridview

I'm trying to do it using the textchanged event of the txtqtygv textbox. All three columns are item templates with textboxes in them.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Grand Total Column In Gridview

Mar 22, 2010

I have a gridview with three columns. The last column is a cost column. I would like to add a summation record which shows a grand total of the last column like such:




View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Adding A Total Column To A Gridview

May 7, 2010

I'm just wondering if anyone can assist me with this gridview problem

I have this Sql statement that outputs a gridview like this:

Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Job1 Location1 0 0 1

Job2 Location2 1 0 1

Job3 Location3 0 1 0

* These columns are placeholders

I want to include a footer total that looks like:

Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Job1 Location1 0 0 1

Job2 Location2 1 0 1

Job3 Location3 0 1 0

Totals 1 1 2

Final Total 4

Im not binding the database to the gridview via design view I'm binding it programatically in the default.aspx.cs file


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Forms Data Controls :: Running Total In Gridview Textbox C#?

Mar 3, 2011

in tat i was binding the table values like name,price and two textboxes for quantity and another one for total textbox for calulating total depends on quantity with price.

in my database table i have a row that contains minimum quantity=50 and maximum quantitiy=99 and price=0.66.and the min and max qty with price value varies.

i.e) if i enetring some quantites for example 51 during tat time it will fetch the between 50 to 99 price .ie)0.66 and caluclate the total value according to the quantity price i.e)51*0.66 and displayed in total textbox..

i dont want to use button to calculate the total value for each rows.

i entered the quantity at the same time the total will be calculated according to the quantity price.

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Forms Data Controls :: Total Of Selected Items In Gridview?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a GridviewI have Click Button and two labels. (Risk_label and MV_label)Risk and MV column has price value.My Checkbox column names are




How can i calculate only "Which i selected in Gridview" Risk total and MV total in my labels?Example;


EDİT: I try this code;


BUT i getting an error.

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