Forms Data Controls :: Calculate Inside Gridview Amount=price*quantity?

Oct 28, 2010

In my webpage i am trying to create a order by gridview here item selected by user from dropdown and on selction of dropdown price display in next to item dropdown label user insert quantity from next grid textbox and next is label amount shold disply calculate amount on price and quantity.i also want to use javascript for this prob.what i did that item and price displaying and user make input from textbox now want to calculation but how textbox recieve input and amount label dispaly calculate amount.


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I have an ASP.NET gridview that list all data rows for Book store with column name: Book (BoundField), quantity (TemplateField) , price (templateField) and amount (amount = quantity * price). I would like to change either quantity or price that will update the amount automatically after leaving cell in the gridview but not save new values into database until I made all changes and display message: "Are you sure to change them in database?".

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in which event i calculate and display it?


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decimal? TotalAmount = (from shopCart in dc.KP_ShoppingCarts

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i have a girdview


i want count total the price in a label,


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Data Controls :: Calculate Textbox Value Based On If Condition Inside Stored Procedure

Jul 17, 2015

I have 3 Textboxes in my Web page. When user key in value in these 3 textboxes,their result should show on a "Label"

1) Gross Amount
2) Taxable Amount
3) Tax Amount

I have to write a Stored Procedure for calculating the value of above textboxes.

Condition is:

If Gross Amount is > or < 0.00, then Taxable and Tax amount should calculate based on below formula:
@TaxableAmt = @GrossAmt / @Rate
@TaxAmt = @GrossAmt - @TaxableAmt

but If Taxable Aount is > or < 0.00, then Gross and Tax amount should calculate based on below forumla:

@GrossAmt = @TaxableAmt * @Rate
@TaxAmt = @GrossAmt - @TaxableAmt

and for "Tax Amount" I have 2 different conditions:

If Tax Amount is = 0.00, then Taxable and Gross amount should calculate based on below formula:
@TaxableAmt = @TaxAmt / (@Rate-1)
@GrossAmt = @TaxAmt + @TaxableAmt

but If Tax Amout is <> 0.00, then whatever the value of Tax Amount is, it should key-in/show as it is.

i.e., @TaxAmt = @TaxAmt

For this requirement, I wrote below SP:

ALTER PROCEDURE [Invoice].[usp_tbl_TaxCode_Update]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@TaxCodeID nvarchar(50) ,
@GrossAmt decimal(18, 2),
@TaxableAmt decimal(18, 2),
@TaxAmt decimal(18, 2)


But its not working as per required.

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<input type="radio" name="n" id="RBmkvM" runat="server"/>
<input type="radio" name="n" id="RBdvdM" runat="server"/>
<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" CssClass="imgored" ImageUrl="~/Image/Main/png1.png" OnClick="Imgorder_Click"></asp:ImageButton>


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With all this i will come out with a table/Gridview?

Display Value: UserID, FullName....., HrsNeeded

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If a product quantity is 3, the list have 3 repeated items with the same product.

How can i do for display in the item of ListView the product description + quantity of this product?

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My Code:


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