Forms Data Controls :: Getting Error As The BoundField Control With A Two-way Databinding

Jun 4, 2010

i have an Gridview with BoundFiled, for the bound field headertext alo coming from the table, but i dont know how to bind the headertext and data. i have used below code

<asp:BoundField runat="server" DataField="column1_data" HeaderText = DataBinder.Eval '<%# Bind("column1_text") %>'/>

but getting error as "The BoundField control with a two-way databinding to field column1_text must have an ID."

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Forms Data Controls :: Stop Databinding When There Is An Error In The Select Method?

May 23, 2010

I have a dropdownlist (drpClients) bound to an object datasource (odsProgramClients). In the dropdown's databound event, I load a dynamic table based on the selected item in the dropdownlist. This all works well. However, if I force a problem in odsProgramClients select method, it continues to the databound event of the dropdown and attempts to load the table, even though dropdownlists underlying select method failed. I wish to stop the databound event from firing if there is a problem in the select method. I have code that traps the error in odsProgramClients select method.



How do I stop the dropdownlist from databinding, if there is an error in it's underlying datasource?

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Forms Data Controls :: Databinding With Templated Used Control?

Jan 27, 2010

I've created a templated user control by following the example on the microsoft support pages. I won't post it all but the important part of the CS file looks as follows:


I'm not sure if the whole _CurrentDataItem business is required, I don't think so.The problem I've got, is that I've tried nesting it inside a FormView control so I can use it to display a record from a database. My ASPX looks like this:


Now, the bound properties (TitleText and TitleSubText) bind correctly, but the nested / template content is blank when the page loads. I'm not sure if this is something to do with the order in which everything is loaded or because I'm missing some code in the SimpleTemplate to get it to bind (etc.).

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBinding Error When Adding A Field To A Sql Statement And Biding To Gridview

Aug 11, 2010

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The SQL works fine if I just query in SQL - I only get the error when I try to get anything from the SalesPerson table and display it in my gridview.

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Aug 4, 2010

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Mar 2, 2010

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At the moment, everything is bound and working fine, but I'm having an issue Databinding to the child controls in my FormView with parameters set in the code behind.

This is where I'm at.



So, I need to be able to bind the DS.InsertParameters.Add("PageTitle", ---) with the txPageTitle control in the Insert Template, same with the PageURL to txPageURL. Is there any easy way to do this from the code behind? I can't seem to find a way to add a parameter without needing to assign it a value.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist - - Loading Based On Another Control And Databinding It?

Dec 23, 2010

Bringing back to life an old post that I dont believe ever got solved: may be an old thread .... but no answer was ever given ... and I too have a radio button list and DDL and am stuck in the EXACT same place. If I check one of the two data bound radio buttons, the DDL should repopulate with a different set of results. This works just fine EXCEPT .... the DDL cannot be databound. If I set SELECTEDVALUE of the control to a bind I get this error:Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.I have followed the advice on this page from various users, all to no avail....surely this can be done, and I assume quite simply. Anyone know the answer?


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Jul 14, 2010

I have a composite control inside a repeater. I am trying to set the controls public properties inline like so (this is a simplified example):

<uc1:Control runat="server" ID="id" Value='<%# Eval("value") %>'>

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Error - Databinding Methods Such As Eval(), XPath(), And Bind() Can Only Be Used In The Context Of A Databound Control

Aug 11, 2010


gives me error: Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.

I could write : <%# Eval("SaveDate") != DBNull.Value ? do magic But I need to do lots of html magic in if statement.

I know I should add # in order to use Eval, but not sure about correct syntax.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Sorting, Paging And DataBinding / When Control Causes A Postback GridView Is No Longer Sorted?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to extend the GridView control to enable sorting and paging for any situation.

When using my control I am fetching data from a database and filling a DataSet with it, then binding the GridView upon every page load. My first question would be, is this the correct approach?

To sort the GridView I am overriding the OnSorting method which stores the sort expression and direction in the ViewState, then creates a DataView and utalises the Sort method to sort the underlying data. It then sets the Data Source to this DataView and rebinds the GridView.

Paging is handled by OnPageIndexChanging which simply sets the PageIndex property and again rebinds the GridView.

My problem is; when any control causes a postback my GridView is no longer sorted, presumably because it is persistently rebound. If I don't rebind it then the GridView is empty on postback since the data isn't automatically stored in the ViewState. I have considered saving the data source in the ViewState but I would assume that this is bad practice for large amounts of data? - also DataViews are not seralisable.

The only solution I can think of currently is to override OnDataBound and sort the data every time. This results in a double sort when paging triggers a postback which seems inefficient. Code illustration of this below,


I'm looking for the cleanest 'best practice' solution as this is a learning exercise more than anything else.

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DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' Does Not Contain A Property With The Name - How To Fix This Error

Mar 17, 2010

I am getting the following error :

DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'p2_area_name'.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'p2_area_name'.

Also, I need tp populate data from database in the Area dropdown but not able to do so..


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Sep 10, 2010

in my gridview i have a list of names that are bound.

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i want to see if each selected name is already in the grid.

something like

if (li.Value == row.FindControl("Name").ToString())

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview RowDeleteing - Get Value Of A Boundfield?

Apr 20, 2010

In how can I get the value of a gridview's boundfield value? I'm basically putting a value in that boundfield that I need to access in the RowDeleting event so I can pass that into a stored procedure. I'd be open to also trying to get the value of a control from a template column too if that's a better method?

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Forms Data Controls :: Access BoundField Data In ItemUpdating Event Of DetailsView

Jan 2, 2010

I use ObjectDataSource and DetailsView for Updating records . my Bll input parameter method is an Object instead of regular parameter . So i though i could make my own ObjectParameter in ItemUpdating event of DetailsView and i need some modifiation on the data that user input on boudfield in detailsView . I don't know how to access BoundFiled data from ItemUpdating Method of DetailsView.

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Nov 3, 2010

Probably a Q more suited for a SQL forum, but I guess it comes up a fair bit in web site design?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Data Type Of BoundField In GridView?

Mar 9, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Boundfield To A Gridview After It Gets Bound To A List

Feb 8, 2011

DLRepository is a class with method getDLandRules. I am binding the gridview with the list that is returned by method. Now I would like to iterate through the list and add 1 more column to each row that is returned. currently, I am getting an error

GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7].Text 'GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7]' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' strin

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Programmatically Set The HeaderText Of A GridView BoundField

Jan 8, 2010

I need to set the HeaderText of GridView BoundField in codebehind file based on a flag at runtime.

I tried setting the column name as

e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "XXXX";

It is worked out but not able to sort that column.

here my requirement is to set the HeaderText programmatically in codebehind and able to sort the column.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Preserve White Space For Certain Boundfield

Jan 15, 2010

I found an useful link which show tutorial for setup Gridview export to Excel. works well but if I want to preserve white space for certain boundfield, after the excel export, I got merged cell for every row. how do I avoid the merged cells?


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Forms Data Controls :: Adding A Validator To A Boundfield's EditItemTemplate?

Apr 18, 2010

As you all probably know a BoundField will always display a TextBox in edit mode, but i wish to add a RequiredFieldValidator to it. Any easy way to do it except for TemplateField?

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