Forms Data Controls :: How To Input Data From Textbox To Unknown Size Of Array Or Arraylist

Sep 19, 2010

I am fresh to I m using vb to write it. Could someone who is professional guide me? I want to input data from textbox to "unknown size" array or arraylist, and bind it to gridview. I have more than 1 data to input. Do i need to use loop to bind?

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How To Grow A Textbox To Match Size Of Input For Data Entry Dynamically

Feb 3, 2010

I'd like to add a description field to an application that can be as long as several lines (or even paragraphs) or as short as a one-liner.Instead of taking up a lot of screen real estate or have scroll bars, it would be preferable to have the textbox grow based on its input.

On IE6 adding Style="overflow-y:visible" accomplishes this nicely (both on display of read only, and if we are in edit mode).

However, it has no effect on Firefox, or IE7 for that matter.

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Forms Data Controls :: Restrict Number Of Input Fields To Match The Size Of The Columns?

Nov 22, 2010

How do I restrict the number of input fields in the form to match the size of the columns? Table Columns Reads:

state: Type Char; Length: 2
zip: Type: char; Length: 5
Phone: Type: char; Length: 12
Fax: Type: char; Length: 12
Email: Type: nvarchar; Length: 256

BoundField Reads:


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Forms Data Controls :: Input Value To Textbox And Displaying Data In Gridview?

Feb 4, 2011

I am doing a search function where when user enters specific value (either by keying product name or product code) into textbox, data will be displayed using gridview.

However i have problems displaying it in gridview.

Below is my code:


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Web Forms :: Calculate File Size Using The Binary Data (Byte Array)?

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Editrow Textbox Size?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a detailsview with editautogenerate. When I click "edit" to update the related row; showed up textboxes way narrow around 100px width.

My question:

Is it possible to enlarge edit mode textboxe size. I could not find in dietailsview proporties/editrowstyle sections...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Set The Textbox Only Number For Input

Nov 18, 2010

i have a gridview with textbox for change the target value, how to set the textbox only number for input?

heres my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Copy Value From Input To Asp:textbox?

Jul 30, 2010

I am setting up a web ap where I need to take a value from a forms input box and populate an asp:textbox. I've tried several javascript solutions that haven't worked. I assume this is because an input box is run on the page and th asp:textbox is run at theBasically I have some code (that took forever to find ) that takes the values from the url places it into an input box so I can do some other things to the value. but I need to automaticly copy this value into an asp:textbox to use for a gridview lookup.The code is written in javascript. so if anyone knows how I can copy the value from javascript variable to the asp:textbox that would be the best.

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Forms Data Controls :: Two Input Textboxes In Gridview One Textbox Cannot Be Greater Than The Other

Feb 4, 2010

I am having difficulty with getting the values from two textboxes to passed the values to one function and determine that one textbox cannot be greater than the other textbox, then i can issue alert message.

For opener, i do not want onclick issue.


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Forms Data Controls :: Using Textbox As Input To Populate A Formview Control?

Apr 20, 2010

I am using a textbox and button to get the user input (account number), this will be used as input to a data access class object (SQL) when the button is clicked. This action should populate the Formview control. I have bound the Formview control to the SQLdatasource and configured the SQLdatasource control to the textbox.TEXT property. What am I missing? What do I need to add to button_clicked event to get all this to work? One other thing, the textbox is in a table area separate from the formview control. I have each of the templates inside of the formview control in tables. The input textbox and button are displayed but the formview control is not, all of this is in a master/detail object.

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Forms Data Controls :: Textbox In Gridvew Control Not Saving Keyed In Input?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a textbox in a item template field in a gridview control and a button field as a regular column

See columns below:



In this case QtyOrdered is always 1

I have been banging my head on this for about a week now and have not gotten anywhere

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Data Controls :: Size Of BLOB / TEXT Data Inserted In One Transaction Is Greater Than 10% Of Redo Log Size

Feb 25, 2016

My admin set innodb_buffer_pool_size=512M, innodb_log_file_size=128M, and innodb_log_buffer_size=1M although in mysql query show global variables its showing what the value is set. When i restart my system also its showing what we set the data.(It means we set log file buffer file size to max and its working fine.) but when i try to upload a file of 58 mb again its throwing error as The size of BLOB/TEXT data inserted in one transaction is greater than 10% of redo log size.

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Add Values To Array and Replace Preexisting Array Items With New Values without The Array Changing Size?

Aug 19, 2010

I need to know what would be the best choice of array to use given the following specifications. This array's size will be predermined upon the loading of the appication. All I want to do is be able to add values to this array and replace preexisting array items with new values without the array changing size. Someone suggested that I use a Dictionary Array Object? I would appreciate any suggestions.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Save Existing Data When Adding Rows Via Arraylist?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a gridview that contains template fields with textboxes that is used to look up inventory items. The page loads using an arraylist to display a gridview control with a predetermined number of rows. There is also drop down control that allows the user to add additional rows to the gridview if needed.

Currently when a user has already entered some data if you use the drop down to add more empty rows all the original entrys are removed. I want to save the original data and then add empty rows at the end.


Private Sub LoadDataGrid(ByVal numberOfRows As Integer)
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim GridList As New ArrayList
For Counter = 0 To numberOfRows
GridList.Add(New LibVB.Form2VB(Counter))
gvEnterParts.DataSource = GridList
End Sub

I'm lost, kind of a newbie to .net, have been working on this for 2 days! d.

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Array Initialization - The Amount Of Results Is Unknown?

Jul 5, 2010

I am doing some sorting of an array and in order to achieve that I have to declare bounds of a new array based on amount of results returned. So if I get 2 results I will initialize

tagArray = New Integer() {0, 1}, if 5 then
tagArray = New Integer() {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. The amount of results is unknown and it can be anywhere from 200 to 500 results returned. Is there a way to simplify this? I could probably hard-code it but that would look ugly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist Shows Items For Second Input As Well As First Input?

Nov 11, 2010

I m using a dropdownlist from sqldatasource based on input from listbox like this-


It works very much fine when i select listitem from listbox first time. But when i select listitem from listbox second time, my dropdownlist shows items for second input as well as first input.dropdown should not show items based on first input when i populate it second time.

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Web Forms :: Saving Data From Input Text Instead Of Asp:textbox?

Aug 28, 2010

I have in the past saved data to my SQL database using only asp:textbox control, now I have to use the input text html control instead, can I save the data from this control in a similar manner..or do I need to use a hidden field to so the data can be saved..?

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Forms Data Controls :: Unknown Server Tag 'asp:ScriptManager'?

Jun 28, 2010

I am getting this error. I have included my code below.

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI" %>
<html lang="en">
<title>Test Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
<script runat="server" language="VB">
Sub Page_Load()
End Sub
<form id="Form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />

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C# - Add Contents Of Arraylist To String Array?

Jan 11, 2011

In for each loop i am adding the contents into ArrayList. Now i need to add (or copy/move) the contents of arraylist into string array.

By string array i mean string[].

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Forms Data Controls :: Declare Unknown Type Column?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a gridview with 2 columns. the first column is a textbox an the other column depending of some conditions (it may be dropdownlist, textbox or checkbox column)

how to declare a gridview?


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C# - Cannot Send Array Of ArrayList To WebService As Parameter

Mar 28, 2011

I have a array of ArrayList as shown below:ArrayList[] m;My web service method takes this type as parameter.How can I send it to web service?When I do so the Web Service changes my array of ArrayList to Object[][]!

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WCF / ASMX :: Sending Array Of ArrayList Via WebService?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a webservice which has a Array of Arraylist argument as like as below code:


Now I wanna know how can I send Arraylist Array to webservice, because when I want to call this function it wants object[][] data type.

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Forms Data Controls :: Arraylist And GridView?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a GridView control of 5 columns out of which 2 are actually computed (there cell values comes from column 1, 2 and 3) columns. I want to save all the values of my gridview columns in a 5 dimension ArrayList and then lateron bind that ArrayList with a repeator control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Form With An Unknown Number Of Rows?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm pretty new at ASP .NET but not to ASP. I've got a form I need to create where I don't know how many entries will be added. It has the following format:

"Age" "Duration" "Period of Duration" "etc..."


1-5 Months ago

6-11 Months ago





So the Age column always has the first 3 options and then an unknown number of Age values that can be inserted. I've created a table that has the first four fields (Last30days, 1-5months, 6-11months, age) and I was thinking I could just order by those 4 columns for display. The problem I have is I'm not sure on how to proceed. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to handle this situation? Ideally data entry people could use the same form for both entering and displaying the data.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying ArrayList In GridView (

Feb 9, 2011

I've been trying to bound an arraylist to a grdview for display and managed to work out the following:


At the point where rows are added to dt, i'm trying to get arraylist (Tweet) to be read row by row to insert each of it's fields into dt. There is no error but when run in browser, each cell of the gridview shows 'DataExtraction.Tweet'.I'm not sure where to go from here.

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