Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind ObservableCollection To Textbox

May 25, 2010

How can we bind an observableCollection to textbox that has been created dynamically generated, so any value that has been entered in textbox should be updated in my collection...

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Data Controls :: How To Bind TinyMCE Rich TextBox To Particular TextBox

Dec 10, 2013

I have used TinyMCE Rich TextBox in my application but in my web form i have mulitple multi-line Text-Box. what i want that Rich TextBox should be bind to only one text box not all TextBoxes.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind A Textbox To Multiple Items?

May 27, 2010

I have a textbox "SerialTextBox" that is bound to a parameter "Serial".

This is bound as follows:

Text='<%# Bind("Serial") %>'

I have another parameter called "CountryCode" which is the result of a SQL select.

What I need to do is define the value of a third parameter called "CountrySerial".

This parameter is a concatenation of CountryCode (eg 'UK') + Serial (eg 'sn123') resulting in 'UKsn123'.

I was hoping to do this in the above binding...

Something LIKE...

Text='<%# Bind("Serial") , [CountryCode +"CounrtySerial"] %>'

I know this newbie sytax is way off.

There are two parts to my question...

(1) how do I bind SerialTextBox to TWO items?

(2) how do I concatenate "CountryCode" to "CountrySerial" during the binding?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind A Textbox In A Template Fields Programmatically

Feb 6, 2010

I have a gridview to which I'm adding template fields programmatically. Each of the template fields have a textbox. I would like to make this text box have 2-way binding to a database column. see below code.


I'm calling the above class as follows


How can I make the text box such that when I edit the text, this change is reflected in the database as well?

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind ObjectDataSource ControlParameter To EditItemTemplate Textbox

Mar 11, 2010

I have an ObjectDataSource with a number of parameters. These parameters are binded in my FormView EditItemTemplate and the ItemTemplate. My Stored Procedure column names in my ItemTemplate are different to the Bind properties used in the EditItemTemplate. This is obviously throwing an exception when I update a record.

Instead of using Bind("Columne Name") in my EditItemTemplate how do I use a ControlParameter to reference a TextBox in the EditItemTemplate?

I may be wrong but I'm trying to use the PropertyName=Controls but i do not know how to reference the Textbox in the EditItemTemplate.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Dynamic TextBox Control At Runtime?

Feb 17, 2010

I am Developing a database web applicationI am Creating web controls on page at runtime i.e in Page_Init event. No textbox are placed on .aspx page at design timeI have a datatable filled with a single i want to bind a textbox (created at runtime) with a column of datatable so that when a page is loaded value in datatable's column is displayed in textbox.Other Important thing i want is when i make any changes in Textbox, It should be reflected automatically in a column to which textbox is binded. So while saving records i can save it directly from datatable. I dont want to write following tedious code before savinge.g.

DataRow mDr = Datatable.NewRow();
mDr["EmpId"] = TxtEmp.Text
mDr["EmpName"] = TxtEmpName.Text

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Data From SqlDataSource Into Textbox?

Apr 1, 2011

I am now trying to bind data from SqlDataSource into a textbox, but the problem that I face is that my DataSource only return a single row. So i don't place my textbox inside any DataView or listview.

Below is my datasource:


So can I possibly bind the data into the textbox?

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Data Controls :: Bind Data To GridView With TemplateField TextBox With JQuery Or JSON

May 7, 2015

I have taken reference from this link.


But when I am adding a template field with textbox and run the project the webpage becomes caresh and not displaying anything.P

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Data Controls :: Bind Data To Textbox Inside TemplateField Of GridView

May 7, 2015

How to dynamically bind Textboxes And Textboxes Values in Grid?

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C# - Using Bind In TextBox Renders Bound Data Outside The TextBox Control?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a ListView (in an update panel) bound to an ObjectDataSource (connected to an NHibernate object) and in the EditItemTemplate I use Text='<%# Bind("HideLocation")%>' to bind to a string property of the object.

When I click edit (twice, another issue I'm having) and view the code in Chrome, the output looks like this:


why the value of the bound data (in this case: In locker 2317) is showing up outside of the text box instead of as the contents of the data?

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Bind Textbox With Javascript Textbox?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to use a javascript Date and Time calendar in my Insert and Edit templates in a Detailsview that is bound to SQL Fields. The reason I am trying the javascript date time selector is that I need to have the date and time, the one is just the date part.

I tried using it with an asp:textbox on just a plain aspx page and it works like a charm, however when I add it to the detailsview i keep on getting the "Error: Object required" am I missing a step here? That and seeing as I'm using a site master page where exactly do I put the:


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Web Forms :: How To Bind Data To A Textbox Using Dataset In Web Forms

Mar 27, 2011

I am trying to bind data to a textbox in a web form as I do in win forms using dataset and binding manager.I also want to navigate through data by providing next and previous button. I am not able to achieve it. Could you please help me by providing an example? I don't want to use gridview or listview or any other. I only want to use textboxes.

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ADO.NET :: How To Read And Bind Xml Data Into Textbox And Also Save It

Feb 19, 2011

how to read xml file and bind data to textbox here is my code to bind xml data to Gridview now on my gridview i have edit button

string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/feed.xml");
FeedDataSet = new DataSet();
if (FeedDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
GridView1.DataSource = FeedDataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView;


name id edit
xyz 1 changename

now if i click on changename link . it pass id and edit option to same page as

now how i can fill the text box using this id and if i change name and say save button then how u can save that file to xml

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Data Controls :: ListView Already Bind With DatasourceID - Cannot Bind It With Datasource

Oct 13, 2013

I have connected listview by using datasourceid that means by usingĀ "sqldatasource1" now i want to change value of listview at run time according to search so for that i am using datasource at codebehind. but it give an errorĀ 

"listview have already bind with datasourceid you can not bind it with datasource"

what should i do for solving my requirement.

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DataSource Controls :: Can Bind Textbox With ObjectDataSource

Mar 9, 2011

Is it possible for me to have an ObjectDataSource and the bind a texbox to a certain field to it?

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Web Forms :: Inline Bind Hiddenfield Or Textbox Field

Dec 17, 2010

I have been at this for two weeks now without any success but I know I have to get a solution to move forward with my design. Is there any way to bind data from a SQLDataSource to a Hiddenfield or Textbox WITHOUT binding via the data controls like gridview, formview, datalist, etc. I do not want to use any of those controls. I need to do inline binding. Please provide the working code example. The hiddenfield or textbox would be named eid. The SQLDataSource name is GetDataEid. Again, if you reply and you submit code I can try please provide the full working solution. These do not work. They have already been attempted:

<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" Value="<%#Container.DataItem("FieldName") %>" />
<input type="hidden" id="hdnId" name="hdnId" runat="server" />

and write the following code in your page load method

asp:HiddenField ID="hid" runat="server" Value='<%#Eval("column name") %>' />

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Web Forms :: How To Bind The NavigateUrl Of A Link Inside A Validator To The Contents Of A TextBox

Dec 5, 2010

Here's a bit of the code.

<p>Description: <asp:TextBox ID="description" runat="server" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator3" runat="server" ErrorMessage="" ControlToValidate="description">
You have to enter the movie description, so people would know what it is about. If you don't know how to obtain a description, click <asp:HyperLink runat="server" id="search" NavigateUrl="<%# Bind('name.Text', '{0}') [code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Gridview Footer Textbox Value In Outside Textbox On Blur?

May 8, 2010

How To Get gridview Footer Textbox value in outside textbox on blur ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Textbox In Gridview / Find The Value Of The Before Textbox

Sep 28, 2010

I have a gridview with a template field column. In the edittemplate of that column i have a textbox. In the next column of the gridview i have a button. When i click the button i need to find the value of the before mentioned textbox. I do it like this:

gridview1.selectedrow.findcontrol("textbox1"). This sometimes work just fine and without a problem but sometimes it seems it can't find that control and throws a null reference object. The error it's random like i said, sometimes just work and other just don't work...

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AJAX :: To Bind Data To This Control In Code Behind File - Taking 3 To 4 Minutes To Bind Data And Display The Page

Aug 27, 2010

i am using ajaxtoolkit:combobox and i tried to bind data to this control in code behind file.but it is taking 3 to 4 mints to bind data and display the page. I am providing my aspx code and code behind code here


Code behind code:

GetPrograms() method will return almost 6000 records. to load the control it is taking almost 4 minuts..

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Capture The Updated Value Of Texbox Within Gridview: TextBox TextNewQuantity = (TextBox)

Feb 4, 2010

I have been trying to achieve the following:

1-Allow the user to change the quantity in a textbox i.e // "txtQuantity"

2-capture the newly entered quantity i.e //int integerNewQuantity= int.Parse(textNewQuantity.Text);

3-update the database using the newly entered quantity i.e. //UpdateItem(data,integerNewQuantity)

Problem:1-I have not been able to capture the text i.e. the newly entered quantity i.e. the value entered in the text box "txtQuantity"

2-Hence the database is updated using the existing value and NOT the new value unless I make a constant assignment as below:

textNewQuantity.Text = "2"; When tested the assignment of any number correctly updates the database. see the c# code:

C# code: Version.1
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtItemDescription.Text = txtItemDescription.Text + "from btnUpdate talking.."; [code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: If And Else (Show The Textbox And Hid Textbox) Using Itemtemplate?

Jun 15, 2010

this is my asp code

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="19%">TRANS. NO. </td>
<td width="1%">:</td> [code]...

if the ID is NULL in the database the table or the ITEM will be hide...

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Is Not Binding In The GridView1_PageIndexChanging Method - How To Make Data Bind

Jan 12, 2010

.I have a search page where I would search for an item and it would dispaly the results in a gridview...

I have allowed paging and set page size to I can see the 10 results in the first page and also see the page numbers at the bottom of gridview. But now when i click on the page 2, the method gridview_pageindexchanging is triggered but the result set is not dispalyed. My code is as below..


i understand that the data is not binding in the GridView1_PageIndexChanging method..I do not know how can I make data bind..

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Binding Data From LinqDataSource To Textbox / How To Bind Texbox To One Property From Linqdatasource

Sep 1, 2010

How I can bind texbox to one property from linqdatasource?

I mean something like databinding contols in c# app

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Forms Data Controls :: Textbox Populating From Another Textbox?

Apr 15, 2010

I am using VWD with a page that includes a formview and gridview. At the top of the page is a textbox, with and ajax calendar extender where the user selects a date.

The gridview is filtered on this date. I would also like to prepopulate a textbos in the formview insert template with this same date.

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