Forms Data Controls :: How To Insert A Space In A Textbox Inside A Formview
Mar 24, 2010I'm using this:
Is there a better way to do it?
I'm using this:
Is there a better way to do it?
I am trying to change the textboxes in the FormView insert template to dropdownlists but they keep setting the parameters to null. Here's what I have:
In Page_Load
CType(frmSurvey.FindControl("ddlYearOfQualification"), DropDownList).Items.Add(New ListItem("2010", "2010"))
CType(frmSurvey.FindControl("ddlYearOfQualification"), DropDownList).Items.Add(New ListItem("2009", "2009"))
and in the SqlDataSource
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tblSurvey] (... [YearOfQualification] ...) VALUES ( ... @YearOfQualification ... )
And in insert parameters:
<asp:Parameter Name="YearOfQualification" Type="Int16" />
And the insert fails with YearOfQualification as null. If I sue the standard textbox:
<asp:TextBox ID="YearOfQualificationTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("YearOfQualification") %>' />
I have a listbox inside a formview in a details page(master/details). The values for the listbox will come from a lookup table and when the user select one or more values it should be inserted in a table. The process sould be like the following:
The user will select one or multiple values and click on a Select button. Then a label should show the selected values. Then the user will click on the Insert button in the formview to insert it in the database.
I created a formview that I am using for data input (DefaultMode=Insert)
One of the objects I have is a text box (see below)
When I click submit I get a message that I cannot insert a Null into the field IntershipNumAvailable. This makes sense since I made this field a required field in the database.
How do I get the form to recognize that the user selected item is the one I want to write to the database?
What changes do I need to make here? Do I need to make changes to my parameter list?
I have a drop-down list that is wired up to a datasource from one table to retrieve a Vendor ID and Vendor Name. This ddl is outside a FormView that is wired up to a datasource containing Vendor contracts.
When I choose a Vendor from the ddl, I am able to populate a textbox outside of FormView with the Vendor ID from the ddl. However, what I need to do is populate a textbox within FormView with the Vendor ID. FormView is in Insert Mode by default since my page will be used for Adding Contracts only.
I use GridView & FormView to update a record. but when I click the "save" button, throw an except : FormView must be in the insert mode to insert a record. The record has been updated success, and I didn't change the mode of the FormView, how this error comes?
View 3 RepliesI have a nested formview. I need to set a value for a textbox when I'm in insert mode from parent formview which is editmode.
View 4 RepliesI am using gridview with some columns few are :
<asp:templatefield headertext="Title Description" sortexpression="Description">
<asp:Label id="Description" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description")%>'></asp:Label>
<asp:textbox id="Description" runat="server" CssClass="form-control" text='<%# Bind("Description") %>' />
[Code] ....
Now this AddGridAddBTN Temporarily adds a data row to a grid but won't submit that data to database, however AddGridSubmitBTN Submits the data to DB through foreach loop .
Now my query is i want to provide user a functionality that when he gets focus on Abbreviation Text Box OR Description Box and he after typing some data Press ENTER KEY , This ENTER KEY would provide funcionality as a AddGridAddBTN Button , and when he presses SHIFT + ENTER , It works like AddGridSubmitBTN Button , also i want to make Abbreviation and Description Field to be filled must !Â
Moral is that :
ENTER KEY WOULD DO : Generate a temporary row with holding previous values as it is actually doing on AddGridAddBTN Button.
SHIFT + ENTER WOULD DO : Enter the whole grid data thorugh foreach loop as it is actually doing on AddGridSubmitBTN Button.
I don't want to refresh my page on enter or shift enter pressing . This grid is binded through SQL DATA SOURCE ...
I have the following (abbreviated) code:
<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ItemID" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource1">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCategory" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Category") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCategories() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />
<asp:ListView ID="lvParticipants" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval("Participants") %>' >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountry" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Country") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCountries() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />
When the FormView is in Edit mode, ddlCategory is populated as expected by calling GetCategories(), which returns a List of categories. However, when the ListView is in Insert mode, ddlCountry is empty. I put a break point in GetCountries(), but it never gets called. If I change the name of the method, I get an error. So it recognizes the method at compile time, but does not call it at run time. I'm guessing this is an embedded binding issue of some kind, but I'm hoping someone can save me a lot of time by pointing out the solution.
I want a textbox in which no space can be entered. how can i filter 'space' from my textbox
View 3 RepliesIn FormView (insert) I have a number of textboxes into which number will be inputted. I need all these textboxes to add up and display the total in a Label which I can then insert into the database with all the individual values. I expected this to be a simple thing... Then it appears that the best way to do this is to use javascript, which I have never used! SO this is my attempt which is a combination of things I found on the net, In the head (Clientapp is the name of my form)
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function Add1(Clientapp) {
var a, b, c;
a = document.Clientapp.BondRepaymentTextBox.Value;
b = document.Clientapp.PropertyRentalTextBox.Value;
c = eval(a) + eval(b);
document.Clientapp.ceTotalTextBox.Value = c;
Code behind on Page Load
PropertyRentalTextBox.Attributes["onchange"] = "javascript: Changed( this );";
I have gridview with two column. Id and number. Id begin 1 continue till 300.
Id Number
1 2
2 1
3 4
4 5
5 3
6 2
7 5
8 3
9 1
10 1
11 2
13 2
14 5
But I want insert id and number from gridview into TableNumber like this:
If id in( 1 , 9) then add three space before number .
If id in( 10 ,9 9) then add two space before number .
If id in( 100, 999) then add one space before number .
For example:
" 1"
" 2"
" 3"
" 4"
" 5"
" 6"
" 7"
" 8"
" 9"
" 10"
" 11"
" 100"
" 101"
How I can solve this?
How can I replace empty space in textbox with a dash (-) before form values are inserted?
I also tried using the datasource's Inserting method but neither works.
I trying to save clients IP address who are submitting the data on my website. I have downloaded an example and implemented. That scrip displays IP address on the webpage. I can submit this to sql table through code behind. Now I want to use same script in FormView and I am unable to bind this with the text box as it is showing an error "The name IPaddress does not exist in the current context". My code is as under :
<script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string IPAdd = string.Empty;
IPAdd = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPAdd))
I have a webform that has a formview (fvwContract) and inside itemtemplate there is a Tabcontainer with three tabs (invoice (spanish: factura), receipt (spanish: recibo) and beneficiary (spanish: beneficiario). I have another formview inside invoice tab (fvwFactura) with many textboxes that I need to manipulate in code behind. The thing is that I can´t reference any of them like the following:
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged2(object sender, EventArgs e)
AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer container = (AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer)fvwContract.FindControl("TabContainer1");
FormView myforma = (FormView)container.FindControl("fvwFactura");
TextBox txtdos = (TextBox)myforma.Row.FindControl("txt2");
Label lbldos = (Label)myforma.Row.FindControl("lbl1");
lbldos.Text = "sample1";
txtdos.Text = "sample2";
I just don't know how to reference any control inside frwContract.TabContainer1.fvwFactura
I am using the query builder to frame an Insert query that I am using for a FormsView control on a web page. The problem is there are more than 50 fields that need to be inserted and I am wondering if there is any better way to do this... than manually typing in IdNames of controls on the web page in the VALUES (,,,,,,,,,,.......) section of the SQL statement.
View 3 RepliesHow to insert picture into DB from formview?
What control I have to use to locate picture and what technique to adopt.
My working enviornment is 2.0.
In database the table is already created with Binaryfield to store pictures.
Formview1 datasource ID is SQLTest. When I click New on the form and go into insertmode, is there an easy way to auto file textboxID to the value of the NextIDNumber field ( field 9) from SQLTest datasource?
View 3 RepliesI have a FormView with default mode set to "Edit". When I click the Update after making changes the form reopens in the Insert mode.
onitemupdated="FormView2_ItemUpdated"> What am I doing wrong
I have a formview with insert function into "table1". In that formview i also have a dropdownlist listed with records from "table2". (This dropdown is of course instead of a textbox). get "table1" inserted when one of the field is from a different table?
View 1 RepliesI have a page with an EntityDataSource and I want to insert a new item using a FormView. However, the SQL database has a varbinary field which I need to insert an image into.
So far, I have all the rest of the FormView correct and it saves no problem. I can also use the asp:FileUpload to correctly obtain the data. I am assumin that I need to add some C# code to the FormView1_ItemInserting Event Handler, but that is where I am stuck. So far, this is what I have:
Would somebody be so kind as to point me in the right direction with the correct code to add this item to the data I am saving.
How do I clear my formview after a record has been inserted or deleted? At the moment it just sits in the previous state with the same details in the fields, still with the Insert button. Either it would be good to drop the formview altogether (I have a grid view on the same page) or move into the edit mode for the just inserted record.
Also the same with the delete - the formview stays on screen with the deleted record details and the delete button still available - I know it has fired though as my gridview is updated.
I have a formview tied to a gridview. The formview shows the data for the row selected in the gridview. The formview is invisible by default , default mode is readonly and becomes visible only on Selecting a row in the gridview. I make it visible in the SelectedIndexchanged event of the gridview. There are Insert and update buttons present outside the formview which perform the insert and update using code-behind. The code is below.
AFter an insert or update, the formview makes invisible again. I want to show the formview with the newly inserted or updated row in Read-only mode. How do I do this?
void gvEvent_SelectedIndexChanged(object
sender, EventArgs
if (gvEvent.SelectedIndex
I have a Formview that allows applications to be inserted into a database. Text boxes such as Name, Address, etc. are bound to the database. I'd like to have the text fields checked for proper case and changed if necessary before writing to the database.
I don't care about notifications, or specialities (such as handling McK..). Looks like the strconv() would work, but I'm not sure how to use it - Still pretty new to using this!
I have a stored procedure and a function. I am connecting my FormView to the function and I am trying to insert a new record. I am not sure if the problem is the stored procedure, the fucntion or the FormView.
Stored Procedure: