Forms Data Controls :: Number Should Be Increased On Button Click?

Apr 22, 2010

There is a Gridview it has one column called phase.There is again one button called (add to phase) in aspx page.when i click a button if it is first time it should come 1 and for every click of the button (add to phase it should be incremented and be stored in database server.

How much i click the button it should be reflected in column

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Height Get Increased And Color Of The Row Become Red While Clicking On Edit Button?

Jun 3, 2010

I created a grid and successfully done update, delete, filled functionality.

But whenever I m clicking on Gridview row, its hieght get increased and color of the row become red while clicking on edit button. But this problem is occuring in Mozilla,IE7 not in IE6. Project is running good in IE6. What could be the solution for this.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Increased Pagesize And Poor Retrieval Performance?

Feb 21, 2011

I have developed a application using Visual Studio 2008 and SQLServer 2008. I have a page called "Billing Center" where i need to display more than 500 records in a gridview and the gridview has sorting enabled. If i limit the page size upto 10 only the gridview performs well but user requirement is to view atleast 500 records at once which is slowing down the gridview record retrieval process.

I am using the following C# code in code behind to sorting, paging and retrieval . Please guide me what am i doing wrong in this code and how to make it work with large data set.


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How to send sms to any mobile no. by web application in on click of button and automatically on particular date.

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Web Forms :: Automatically Generate Random Reference Ticker Number On Button Click?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a feedback form in my website. After submitting the feedback (using Submit button), form's Reference number should generate and showed to the user (with successful message) in a "Pop up" as below:

i.e, your feedback is submitted successfully. Your refrence number is 'xyz10'

This refrence number should be unique for every user who fills the feedback form.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Large Number Of Record At Single Click In C#

Nov 18, 2010

I have developed one simple application in that i am using mysql database. but my database size more thatn 4,50,0000, as well as ecah and every second my database is updated i.e record ll be added to the table how can i get the details for one single click.

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Forms Data Controls :: Button In Web Form / Click Button It Will Open Popup Box Along With Download Dialog Box?

Jan 16, 2011

i have a web form in which i ve a button which will open a sliding pop up box(jquery) on click of it. In the same page i ve also a linkbutton for downloading files. Now the problem is first time wen i click that button it does nothing. (will not open popup box). Once i click on download button and then if i click that button it will open popup box along with download dialog box. Why is it happening so... is it because am using same event click for both these.

but download option is implemented in gridview_rowcommand()..

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Add A Row To A Listview On Button Click?

Mar 2, 2010

i have a listview (inside an update panel) in a user control with two columns in each row. the list view is bound to a datatable via a stored procedure. i use the control on a web page and on the click of a button (which is not inside the listview, but in the user control) i want to add a new row at the end of the listview which should add a row with two empty text boxes (one for each column) at the end of the listview.

i am currently able to achieve that, but only on clicking the Add button TWICE.

here's my html code for the listview in the user control


and this is the c# code behind


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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Add New Row To Gridview On Button Click

Sep 29, 2010

I got a function to load a grid view and works fine. Then, I got a button, when click, I wanted to add a new row into the grid, what I did is I add a new to to the dataset and rebind the dataset to the grid view.

The problem I faced is that is it able to add a new row, but it only shows ONE column only, which is the most left column.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Does Not Appear When Button Click

Nov 22, 2010

im now created a function where i can import excel file to be displayed in gridview and then insert the data from gridview into database.

It is running smoothly until i copied the page into another file. Suddenly, when i try to display the gridview, it does not appear.

I've try copied everything exactly the same like the original one, but still failed.

Does anyone have experience like this before?

This is the snippet my code : default.aspx.vb


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Web Forms :: Capturing Data From Dynamic Controls On Button Click

Dec 29, 2010

I've created a number of identical controls in a varying number depending on how many employees are under a supervisor. What I am trying to do now is to see which set of controls are checked via a checkbox and return a value from the label field in that particular set. Here is my code:


What I am trying to grab in particualr is the PayRoll Label. I've named sequentially as "lblPayRoll" + the counter. Which from what I think I should be able to do is get the total count of my array and from then loop through the controls and grab the label data.

Problem is that I can get the data, but it disappears after I click the button to grab it. I think I am saving everything to the viewstate, but they just disappear.

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Forms Data Controls :: Select A Row In Gridview When We Click A Button On The Same

Nov 10, 2010

i want select a row in gridview when we click a button on the same row.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Render DetailsView On Button Click

Mar 31, 2011

I want to click a new record button and my modal pop up pop up and my DetailsView is inside it. The reason I want to do this is so I don't have load it on page load since it will make my page slow, and secondly bcause this detailsview is used for new record and has a lot of validation controls so I have another method for my main GridView on whose select method I pop another DetailsView to edit tht row and that DetailsView has a validation method who won't allow any control on page that isn't validatd. So obviously if I load this new record (this is the 2nd DetailsView) on page load, that other GridView I won't jbe able to edit since that method won't be true since this new record DetailsView boxes will not be validated if they are blank.

So to get around this, I made the modal pop up panel invisible and the new record DetailsView visible=false so it doesn't render on page load but rather on button click. So all I want to do is click newj record button and this pop up panel pops and my DetailsView shows up. Right now it seems to load, but nothing shows. This is what I have:


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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Button Works With Two Click?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Datagrid control in my webform, which directly pulls out data from our database.

For each row, I have a custom button at the last column. Its looks like:


What it does is it simply opens a new window with the row information.

The problem is, this button works with 2 clicks, not one click

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: After A Single Click All The Button Become Disable?

May 20, 2010

i have used a button in gridview.i want after a single click all the button become disable..

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Forms Data Controls :: Select A Particular Value In A Row From A Datalist On Button Click?

Jan 3, 2011

We have a Datalist in which we have some data. Out of the 6 columns present in the datalist one of them is the primary key. Each row in the datalist has a "plus" button that will expand in the same window and display other data related to the primary key(in the same row)other than the 6 columns data that is displayed.

What I want to achieve is that on the button click, the primary key related to that particular row of Datalist should be fetched into a variable(whose button control is clicked). How to accomplish this? I am not able to find a solution as to when I click one of the buttons in a row, the particular primary key for that specific row should be attained so that I can call another function and hence retrieve the other data needed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Call A VB.NET Function From Button Click?

Aug 31, 2010

How to Call a VB.NET function from Button Click

using datagrid to populating 5 COLUMNS, last column is BUTTON Field, Trying to pass COL1 into Button Field & Call a function in the same aspx.vb file.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Headercheckbox As Selected On A Button Click?

Mar 16, 2011

there is a button on my web page and a gridview with checkbox.

when i click the button "CONFIRM" then the checkboxheader should get selected which means i have seletec all the items in the gridview..

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Populating A Gridview At The Click Of A Button?

Feb 19, 2010

I am developing an application using Sharepoint Designer.I need to retrieve data from a database for display on the screen.The way I am hoping to implement this is to have a Text box from which data is taken and at the click of a button passed to the procedure (which is within script tags) which calls a stored procedure passing it the value entered in the text box.The problem I've having is that the gridview is not displaying anything (i.e. other than text i entered in the EmptyText property of the gridview ("There are no records").
Below is my code

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "


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Forms Data Controls :: Change Selecteditem Of Ddl On Click Button?

Nov 20, 2010

Change selecteditem of ddl on click button

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Forms Data Controls :: Iterate Through Row Data From Sqldatabase In A Tab Container (with Tabs) On A Button Click

Feb 24, 2010

I have sqldatabase tables.I am reading table data and putting in a tabconatiner(wth tabs containing textbox, checkbox etc) specific to a client. If a client has more than one row i want to iterate through the rows and read each row data. Basically I want to use a button-click to read the next row data at put it in the tabs and so on. I used sqldatareader and a while loop.I can read the data but while loop iterates through the rows and show the last row data / i want to use a button to go to the next row and show data.

SqlDatareader reader=null;
protected button_Click(Object sender,EventsArgs e)
//I want to read row data in this button click

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Respective Row Data When Click On The Select Button In Gridview

Jun 21, 2010

I have a gridview with 20 records and I have scroll bar to scroll down to view the records.I m displaying respective row data when click on the select button in grid view. The problem is whenever I select the

row, the gridview refreshes and scroll bar is going up. Ofcourse it is displaying correct data. but the gridview refreshes and scroll bar goes up.I want the selected row to be shown when I select that row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing GridView Controls On Wizard Button Click?

May 28, 2010

Is there a way to access the updated text property of a TextBox which is inside a GridView cell when a Wizard controls next or previous buttons are clicked? I have a requirement to not use the edit and/or update buttons on the GridView row. Therefore, I am trying to figure out a way of grabbing the updated values of each TextBox of the GridView on the PostBack. Furthermore, these controls (i.e. Wizard and GridView) are within an AJAX UserControl.

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Forms Data Controls :: Disabling All Controls In A Formview On Button Click?

Nov 9, 2010

I am facing some problem with fromview....

I want enable or disable all controls once i click on hold button..and need to enable on unhold button...

I do know how to do using findcontrol by setting each control...but I do have 10 to 20 textboxes and dropdownslists in my do like that doesn't make any sense if do we have a way to disable/enable all at once....

How to disable all textboxes, dropdownlists etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit Button In Listview Only Responds On Second Click?

Jan 16, 2011

On the items in my listview, I have a button to allow for editing. The strange thing is, that the button only changes to editmode on the second click of the button, and then it doesn't load the data from the item. I have tried to debug this issue, and it does cause a postback on the first click, but nothing happens. Then on the second click, it fires a postback again and changes to the edittemplate, but without any data.

I databind my listview on



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