Forms Data Controls :: Real World Implementations Of Gridview?

Mar 15, 2010

Following is my case in detail.I have a class against which I will configure an objectDatasource(I have a datatable in the class which the data will be initially loaded from the database.)A gridview which has provisions to add/update/delete records will be bound to the objectdatasource

My methods i.e. insert/update/delete will be manipulating the datatable and NOT the database directly(I DONT WANT TO CONNECT TO THE DATABASE IN THESE STEPS. THE REASON IS THAT THE INSERTS/UPDATES/DELETES WILL BE PERSISTED ONLY WHEN THE USER CLICKS A SAVE BUTTON(MAY BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE GRID) . My class to which the objectDatasource points to will have anadditional AcceptChanges method which will be called on clicking the save button. This method is the one which connects to the database and where the adapter.update will be called.The query here is that how do I call the AcceptChanges method of my class instance which is bound to the grid? Also I would like to get some websites where I can see the real world implementations of gridview(with insert/update/delete options) so that I can improve my implementation.

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Mar 24, 2010

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1. Load the GridView and refresh the contents every minute. (60 second intervals)

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Explain In detail:

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Camera NUmber
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Error says:

Server Application Unavailable

The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.

Here's the script, very basic :)

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<title>ASP.NET Hello World</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p><%= "Hello World!" %></p>

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Jun 8, 2010

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Mar 19, 2010

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Windows IP Configuration:-

1. Host Name

Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection:-

1.Physical Address (MAC Address)

2.IP Address

3.Default GateWay

4.DHCP Server

5. DNS Address

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Viewing 'hello World' Page From Remote Computer?

Mar 28, 2011

I've been a VB programmer for years, and friend asked me to write a program that does data storage and is executable from PC & MAC browsers. It seems like I need ASP.NET for this, so I tried to write a server-side 'hello world' ASP.NET program. I did this using VWD 2010 Express, and after successfully 'building' the website, it works great if I view it on the development machine. But when I copy it to my web server (running on a Windows XP Tablet machine) and try to view default.aspx, instead of getting a nicely-formatted page, my browser (IE8) is displaying the HTML source code. I tried hosting the site on both Apache and IIS , and I'm getting the same results.

1. What am I doing wrong?

2. Is ASP.NET the best platform for building a database-based application that can be viewed from both PC's and Macs? If so, should this work from iPads / Safari as well?

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DataSource Controls :: Aplication Real Slow, Using Sqlhelper

Dec 18, 2010

I hired some to write a ecommerce website for me.and the used SqlHelper.GetInstance().ExecuteDataSet stuff i'm not familiar with.
But is real slow .
Screenshot of trace,page takes like +20 sec to return like 20 records of 3 field each!The DB queries are good, use same SP on my own app and it takes les then 1 sec.Did they use the sqlhelper wrong? is sql helper that slow?

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