Abandon Standard Architecture And Use Lightweight Implementations?

May 10, 2010

Membership/Role/Profile providers API appeared in early days of asp.net Nearly everytime I can't live with standard API & have to add some extra functionality (for sorting, retrieving e.t.c.). I also have to use different database structure often (with foreign key to some tables for example) or think about performance improvements.

These considerations forced teams I took part in to build own providers but I can't stand to implement providers API (because we don't use 70% of standard functionality at least). Moreover, providers that were built for exact projects were rarely reused.

I wonder if someone found swiss-knife early-days-API providers implementation that is usefull for any kind of project without refactoring. Or do you use your own implementations of early-days-API's Or may be you abandon standard architecture and use lightweight implementations?

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Dim objADAM As DirectoryEntry = BindToInstance()
Dim objUser As DirectoryEntry = objADAM.Children.Add("CN=Jimmy", "User")
objUser.Properties("sn").Value = "lloyd"
objUser.Properties("givenName").Value = "Jimmy Smith"
objUser.Properties("userpassword").Value = "THEPASSWORD"

This is the error that I get :
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x80072020): An operations error occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072020) at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges()

I've also tried this :
Dim objADAM As DirectoryEntry = BindToInstance()
Dim objUser As DirectoryEntry = objADAM.Children.Add("CN=Jimmy", "User")
objUser.Properties("sn").Value = "lloyd"
objUser.Properties("givenName").Value = "Jimmy Smith"
objUser.CommitChanges() objUser.Invoke("SetPassword", New Object() {"123456789A$#"})

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Exception has been thrown by the
target of an invocation. --->
(0x8000500D): The directory property
cannot be found in the cache. --- End
of inner exception stack trace --- at
methodName, Object[] args)

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List<students> List(string id)
List<students> st = new List<students>();


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SessionID Is Still The Same After Session.Abandon Call

Sep 15, 2010

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timeout="1" />

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Next SessionID After Session.abandon Is Called?

Jan 25, 2011

To avoid session fixation/hijacking we are heeding the common advice to create a new ASP.Net session for a user after authentication. Sounds simple enough. When a user authenticates we call Session.Abandon() the session ID cookie Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", "") then redirect the user.

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I would swear, though I cannot find it now, that on this site someone explained how you can abandon a session and then get the next subsequent session ID. This way you could store that information. Then on the "Start Page" a new session would begin and that page could look up the old Session based on the new ID and validate that a user logged in.

So, are there any masters of the ASP.Net Session classes that know how to do this?

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State Management :: How To Abandon A Session From Web Service

Dec 8, 2010

on click of logout button, i want to call a web service method that will get that particular user's session and call its abandon method. But how can i pass that session variable to that web method ?

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State Management :: Session.Abandon() In Not Working In A Few Cases?

Jun 29, 2010

Session.Abandon() in not working ASP.NET 2.0 (C#) in a few cases. In the same application its working fine in other places.

< sessionState
timeout="20" />

The session mode is "SateServer".

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Setup Last Page To Clear Sessions Using Session.Abandon();

Mar 22, 2010

I have just added the following to the very last page of my application.


And then i have this on each of the pages before the last, within my Page_load:


I have different sessions thruout the application process, but this one session is only set at the beginning of the process and once i kill it on the last page, any attempt to hit Back or trying to access any page directly without first starting, i need to force them to the beginning, what am i missing or doing wrong?

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Mar 30, 2010

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State Management :: How To Abandon A User's Previous Session

Jun 11, 2010

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Call Session.Abandon() When An Unhandled Exception Occurs?

Jan 18, 2010

In ASP.NET should we call Session.Abandon() when an unhandled exception occurs?There are many end users that hit "refresh" or "back" in the web browser in order to resubmit the request.I would like to prevent this behavior by resetting the context.TIA.

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State Management :: Session Abandon - Page_load Event Not Hitting?

Mar 16, 2011

i allow my admin to login from his login page and login information verified and stored into an session after that, he visited into an client page, there is an logout button this will visible whether session has the user id or admin user id else it'll be invisible.

now the scenario is:
1. admin logged into admin page
2. then in the address bar type the client page name
3. now the client page is check whether has the userid or admin user id in Session, now the session has admin user id so, its show the Logout button.
4. from this client page, the admin clicks on Logout button, here i have Abandon the session and moved into the admin login page.5. now again admin types the same client page name in the address bar from his login page(but now he didnt logged in).6. this time i set the break point on client page_load event but its not hitting the event also its visible the Logout button also.so, how its not hitting the page_load event and why the logout button is visible after loggedout.

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Asp.Net Thread/Application Pools HttpRuntime HttpApplication - When and how it is set up How HttpContext is set up How objects can passed along the pipeline using HttpContext.Current.Items Why does modification of static variables requires locks in ASP.NET (advanced)IIS 7 Integration Mode

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Architecture :: How To Design A Centralized Business Or Service Authentication Architecture

Sep 22, 2010

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And, client "c1" seperately asks seperately how will be the authendication architecture.

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Architecture :: Entity Model Design Framework And N - Tier Architecture

Dec 25, 2010

recently i've studied on ADO.NET's Entity Model Framework and say 'wow' as ORM is one of the fevourite pattern i practice..but suddenly i've come to an ambiguous situation when i'm going to start. i usually follow the following 3-tier architecture..

1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
b. Gateway (contains the sql query/stored procedure and connection with DB)

now when i'm going to use the Entity Model Design,where the DBML/ .edmx File should be placed? Because many a times i'm using the DBML file as DTO because of the mapped objects.. in the same time, sometimes DBML ( .edmx file in .NET 4.0) contains CRUD methods and stored procedured method as well as methods with different selection operations,- which should be in Gateway. so where the .edmx file should be placed !?!! IN DTO namespace !? or in Gateway namespace!

moreover sometimes there is no need for the BLL which breaks the rules of inter-layer-communication (UI > BLL > DAL.Gateway)! what makes me confuse is, what should be the ideal n-tier architecture when i'll use the ADO.NET Entity Model Design Framework

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Architecture :: Asynchronous Page Processing In 3 Tier Architecture?

Jul 30, 2010

I am working on 3 tier architecture: UI, BL, DAL. In my UI i have following code for Asynchronous page processing:


But I want a database fetch operation to be performed in this asyncronous method. And due to 3 tier arch. i am unable to do this in UI Layer. Can anyone guide me that how can I implement Asynchronous processing in 3 tier architecture? Note: If you are going to place EndAsyncWork1 in DAL then show that how can I return a value back to UI layer from this function.


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Architecture :: What Is The Difference In 3-tier Architecture And Gereral Way Of Programming

May 20, 2010

I want to know that What are the factors if we use methods on each .cs page for connection and executing query on each aspx code behind page rather then using BAL .

How our application get affected in terms of performance and speed or other way?

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then which logic is better and why ?

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Apr 28, 2010

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