Forms Data Controls :: Update A Colums Value Of A Row In A Gridview On Row Command Event Handler?
Aug 11, 2010How to update a colums value of a Row in a gridview on Row Command Event Handler. I am using a SQL Datasource.
How to update a colums value of a Row in a gridview on Row Command Event Handler. I am using a SQL Datasource.
how would i do my Gridview delete command like a update command?
im using a datasource... and my delete command is like my update command... so i can change the status into "INACTIVE"...
DeleteCommand="UPDATE ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE SET am_status = 'INACTIVE' WHERE (accmain_no = @accmain_no)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE] SET [account_type] = UPPER(@account_type), [min_deposit] = @min_deposit, [min_capital] = @min_capital WHERE [accmain_no] = @accmain_no"
when i press my delete command at gridview... the status changed into "INACTIVE" but when i refresh or press f5... it automatically update the status into "INACTIVE" also...
why the gridview RowDataBound event fires during a select command. I only expect it to run when the gridview is being populated with data. Is there some way to stop it from running when the select command is triggered?
View 3 RepliesI am trying to use an Update Command within my GridView. I need to find the "FindControl" for the Edit Command textboxes.
Ie. When the user clicks the Edit button, the row is populated with dropdown boxes, textboxes, etc for editting. Then when the user clicks on Update (button) and the GridView1_RowCommand function is activated with 'if (e.CommandName == "Update")' statement with my FindControl. etc. and my sql UPDATE command statements are used. How do I convert my FooterRow info to my Edit FINDCONTROL info?
This is what I have:
i am using edit,update,cancel command in gridview, i need to update value in bound field how to retreive that value.
View 7 Repliesi use a wizard in my page the first step contains a Gridview.
It runs very well until i use the Gridview paging. In this case i get following error-message."Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow'." If i use this code to get the gridview-rowDim row As GridViewRow = _ grid.Rows(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)) paging runs, but i cannot use the commandDropdown.This is my control. I use commanddorpdown [Code]....
I have downloaded the Control form this page.
[URL]19606_On_ASP_NET_Forums_How_to_develop_a_command_capable_DropDownList.aspxHas anybody an idea to solve my problem?
I want to add an event handeler that tell me wich row had been selected and highlighted it too. I tried many times, but usually face this error "No overload for 'Grd_ServersInfo_CheckSelectedRow' matches delegate 'System.EventHandler' ". Could any one paste the right code lines to handel this event
I'm creating a GridView in code. I can successfully attach handlers for Editing, and CancelEditing. RowUpdating never runs, however. Instead, if the GridView is in a Panel, the Edit handler is called when Update is clicked (and this is the command name I get back on the Update click, too). If the GridView is not in a panel, then the Cancel handler is called when Update is clicked (again, this is the command name I get back from clicking Update). I've searched high and low for a reason why the RowUpdating event is not getting called, and I can't find one. Does anyone out there haveHere is my code (My actual code is much more involved than this, but for testing purposes, I extracted the following code and stuck it in a new project to isolate my problem):
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
I have a gridview control on my page with several fields and a couple of command fields. However, the update command is giving me problems.
Here is what works. The update command works provided I put straight text into the textboxes that appear. I even have one field that contains a dropdown list which works fine.
Here's the problem. I have two fields that need to access their value programmatically. These fields will reflect the current datetime and the current loggedin user from active directory. I have already created public strings in the C# code.
When I run the edit command on the asp form the grid uses one "DataKeyNames" element. With this the grid can update the selectedrow. However, I haven't been able to access it programmatically in the C# code. I can access the selectedrow in the "selectedindexchanged" event but then I am not able to update my fields in the gridview itself. So, part one of my question is how to I access the "DataKeyNames" properties of a gridview control.
if I can't access the "DataKeyName" property perhaps I could set the label nested within the gridview to the "myCurrentUser()" public string. I am inserting my code to hopefully make this clearer.
I have a problem specific to the gridview control, i am using the datasource to generate an update method for the data in my table.
Some of my columns are display only fields so i have set them to "read only = true" Everything seems fine when the page loads but when i click update, the columns that were editable update fine but the ones set to read only have now updated the databasewith a null value. Am i missing something here?
Get the DataSource of GridView control in SelectedIndexChanged event handler?
View 6 RepliesI have 3 gridviews in one of my web page, each of which will display different data based on the typeid. I have simplified the system structure in the image below(further description will be stated below the image):
As shown in the image above, the web site(presentation layer) will work closely with the Business Logic layer(BLL) and Data Access Layer(DLL). ObjectDataSource control will be the middle man to select, update, insert and delete the data in the gridviews.
During Select, returned data from the database at DAL will be stored in a datatable and return to BLL and then the website itself.
However, the Update(command button) and Delete(template field) doesn't work,the RowUpdating and RowDeleting event wasn't trigger when I click on the button, but it works if I set the gridviews' datasourceid to the objectdatasource.
I have a gridview and sqldatasource in a form. My sqldatasource has select,delete and update command. The delete command is working but the update doest not work when I click the update command field.
Here is my code [Code]....
Bug: UPDATE command Does NOT Work as Expected on a DataBound GridView This was tested in VS2005 and VS2008
Took a while to figure this out - A simple recurse thru Page Controls Makes UPDATE Not Work as expected.
To Recreate this bug:
A simple Gridview bound to an Objectdatasource on a page with ALLOWEDIT ALLOWDELETE
If one inserts some code (a function call in my example) that just recurses the PAGE controls in either the PAGE_PREINIT, PAGE_INIT, PAGE_INITCOMPLETE events,
Then the UPDATE does not FIRE! and After Pressing UPDATE the GRID does not BIND! You Get A Blank Page - Funny thing tought it's only the UPDATE Functionality that gets affected by this - Everything else works fine including EDIT & DELETE.
If the same function call (recurse thru page controls) is added in the PAGE_PRELOAD, PAGE_LOAD -- Then the UPDATE starts working again as expected.
BELOW Is SAMPLE Code using the NORTHWIND DB Products Table and a Typed DATASET.XSD - You can use your own datasource for the ObjectDatasource - (Note I took out the Foreingkey constraint in products table from Nortwind for delete to work)
NOTE: One should be able to just cut and paste the function PAGECONTROLS_RECURSETEST on any working form that has a bound Gridview with Update functionality and you should be able recreate the bug that way by calling the function from the different page_events
iam using asp.net2.0 with c#
the print out paper size is like shops printer small size
i want to print current date,transfer no and two colums from gridview
ItemKey and quantity
I get an error when attempting to navigate to the page containing this gridview. The error is
'SelectPackage_Click' is not a member of 'ASP.offer_aspx'.
here my page directive:
Here is my markup. Eventhough SelectPackage_Click is present in the code behind, it is not wired up with the button control.
I am trying to create a custom GridView with a header toolbar at the top that will contain icons to export the grid view to different formats like excel, word, etc.. The problem is, I cannot get the method to fire that is assigned to handle the click event for the corresponding Image Button. The page posts back, but the code I have in the method to handle the click event does not fire. I have followed examples in other posts and from what I can tell I have followed what others have done. Can somebody take a look at see if they can find something that I am doing wrong.
I have made Gridview and it has 5 columns.
Col1 Col 2 Col3 Col4 Col5
I try to make like below:
Col1 Col2
col2 col3 col4 col5
First column is as it is. But next 4 columns I try to make merge from Gridview Row Databound Event. It's working.
I have a link button in column1 and when I click on it, Row Command is fire and at that time the merge is gone. And Last row comes in footer row.
How we call a function on selecting a row in ASP.Net ....
View 1 RepliesI got an event handler like this, in this event, i wanted to call another button click event. How can I do that?
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
I have gridview and below that I m having previous, Next and Image Viewer.When I click on previous and Next, the image is getting displayed in a right way. When I select on the particular row, it is also working fine.Now, I m doing paging, If I click on Paging, The first row in the 2nd page is getting highlighted, the correct Image is getting in code behind, but the update panel is not working and the same old image is displaying..May I know, why the update panel is not working for that event.
View 6 RepliesI have a grid view in Ajax UpdatePanel. In a column of a grid view I have a button call btnAddNewRecord. I need to fire btnAddNewRecord.Click event once I click on that.
How can I do this?
I am trying to update the row using gridview_rowupdating event but I am unable to update. I tried the code like this...
foreach (GridViewRow i in GridView1.Rows)
TextBox sname = i.FindControl("sname") as TextBox;
TextBox fname = i.FindControl("fname") as TextBox;
TextBox sex = i.FindControl("txtsex") as TextBox;
// Label lblpin1 = i.FindControl("lblpin") as Label;
TextBox tpin = i.FindControl("txtpin") as TextBox;
tpin.Enabled = true;
// lblpin1.Enabled = true;
string pinno;
pinno = Convert.ToString(tpin.Text.Trim());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update NRDetails2010 set SNAME='" + sname + "',FNAME='" + fname + "',SEX='" + sex + "' where pin='" + pinno.Trim() + "' and InstCode='" + Session["UId"] + "' and Sem='" + ddlsem.SelectedItem.Text + "' and scheme='"
+ ddlscheme.SelectedItem.Text.Trim() + "' ", conn2);
I am getting error at cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Here I am giving connection globally and opening in this event. In gridview, I am updating 3 fields depending on 4 conditions.
all of a sudden my GridView has stopped firing the row update event. Friday I was working on it and was working flawlessly. Now I haven't made any changes to the code and all of a suddent has stopped working (yes rediculously bizarre and have been banging my head all day thinking what the something is wrong with it, excuse my french).
Everyone of those events fire except the update. I click the update button and nothing happens.
I use this code to obtain a selected data from GridView control. I created a user control and reference it to ASPX page. However, for some reason I can not access public methods IndexChanged to retrieve information of selected line.
User controls:
Public gridRow As GridViewRow
Public Event IndexChanged As GridViewSelectEventHandler
Protected Sub GridView_SelectedIndexChanged (sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles gv.SelectedIndexChanged
******* gridRow = Grid.SelectedRow
******* RaiseEvent IndexChanged (sender, e)
End Sub
ASPX page:
grid.IndexChanged - there is no such event in the selection (the grid is the name of the user control)