Forms Data Controls :: Use SQLdatasource To Filter The Records For Each Gridview?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a database which holds the scores in the league for my local table tennis club. There are 3 divisions. On the admin page, I want the admin to be able to add teams and edit the scores. For each league, there is a seperate gridview. How can I use just 1 SQLdatasource to filter the records for each gridview if all the teams are in the same database with the division next to their name? I'm new to web development.

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Data Controls :: Search (Filter) GridView Populated Using SQLDataSource With Start And End Date

May 7, 2015

In my project I am having great problem while querying with date

on my page I have two textboxes as starting and ending date and having Ajax Calendar Control on them 

If I set date format in Ajax control as dd/MM/yyyy it raises error while searching on date period range

Here are the codes

<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="Accounts_Default" %>
<%@ Register assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" tagprefix="asp" %>
<%@ Register assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" namespace="CrystalDecisions.Web" tagprefix="CR" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" Runat="Server">

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Filter GridView With TextBox Using SqlDataSource FilterExpression Containing Apostrophe (Single Quote)

Jul 17, 2015

So I found an example on how to search gridview using filterexpressions on this site (Filter GridView with TextBox using FilterExpression in SqlDataSource in ASP.Net), but now if I try to search with an apostrophe in the textbox, the code fails.

Here's the link to the the article/source - [URL] .....

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Data Controls :: Filter GridView Records Using Start And End Date

Apr 30, 2014

i have a tablewhere datas are inserted and there is a colum foor inserting date on which data are inserted , so thatcolumn has datatype datetime and in design i have teo textbox one takes value for from date and the other for to date. on submit button click i want to display the datas between two dates. so i converted textbox value to datetime and it is showing data but the problem is suppose i inserted data on 29/04/2014 .now i want to view data inserted between 28/04/2014 and 29/04/2014 it doe not show any data but when i check between 29/--/-- and 30/--/-- i t display the data

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Data Controls :: Filter GridView Records With Date Selected From DropDownList

Oct 4, 2013

I want to filter gridview with date. I have bound date in dropdown list from database.

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Data Controls :: Filter Records Based On Year From DateTime And Display In GridView?

Dec 30, 2013

i am having table in which date, company name and amount is stored

i have one dropdown in which i kept year 

now i want to show data in gridview according to year selected from dropdownlist but how i can seperate date from year in date field

protected void ddlYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Data Controls :: Filter Records GridView By Selecting Column Name From DropDownList And Search Term From TextBox

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Forms Data Controls :: SQLDataSource Filter Boolean?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm sure this is something simple that I have overlooked, but whilst configuring my SQLDataSource, I have tried to add a where statement onto a column in my datatable that has a data type of 'bit'. I have tried typing 'WHERE Answered = "0"' for false and also 'WHERE Answered = "false"'. The data source doesn't return any rows to my detailsview with either statement.

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Data Controls :: Filter Records GridView By Selecting Column Name From Radio Button List And Search Term From Text Box

Jun 23, 2013

I have a form where i want to view all columns from a table.I have a textbox and differeent radio button having values of each column.On click of button.I want to view all the columns as per selected row/rows from value given

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Forms Data Controls :: Provide The Filter Functionality To Gridview Like The Excel Filter?

Oct 31, 2010

I need good css for Gridview just like the mac css

can we provide the filter functionality to gridview like the excel filter.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Records Of A Sqldatasource That Is Used For A GridView?

Dec 14, 2010

i couldnt find a specific answer to this question, i am relatively new to .net :)

i have a gridview that is displaying data from a sqldatasource in my page_load event. i need to loop through the records and update each value of a particular column BEFORE being set into the GridView.

i have tried converting to a data set and looping through updating the values, however it seems that one i initially run my query the values get set right into the GridView and i can't update them after that.

Do I need to add one of the GridView functions like Databound and do the loop in there?

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Forms Data Controls :: Total Records After Row Filter Expression On A View?

Feb 10, 2010

How I can set the total recoreds at the gridview footer which has a Gridview AllowPaginning=true and RowFilter at A View which I bind it to the gridview

in other words how I can get the total records of the View {View of datatable} after applying the rowfilter expression on it.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Current Records Column Of A SQLdatasource

Mar 12, 2010

Formview with some Accordion block. In the block there are some complex structure, displayed with GridView. (but the GriewView is generated dynamically by input ) For the GridView has some rows, I converted it into a string and stored it in a "Column" (or said "field") of a record.

But when i doing search. I cannot bind the gridview to the "column". because string has to be converted manually into dataset to be accepted by gridview.

I just hope to do the coverting in the "Selected" event and databind the gridview with the data converted.

How could I retrieve the current record?


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Data Controls :: Filter SqlDataSource Based On Selected Items From ListBox?

Aug 29, 2013

sql data source is easily take one filter expression from dropdown list and filter the data show in gridview.

 How can i filter sql data source through listbox because in list box user can pass multi selected value in that sql data source stop working.

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C# - How To Properly Filter Gridview Bound To Sqldatasource

Sep 21, 2010

I am trying to populate an (editable) gridview in ASP.NET with a table from SQL. I have a SQLDataSource set up for this. I also need to have this gridview be filterable based on parameters entered in textboxes. I have tried using ControlParameters for this and it works but the problem there is when all textboxes are empty I want it to display all results in the gridview. What it does is display nothing because no entries have parameters that equal "". Is there an easy way to do this that I am missing or is there a better way to go about it other than a SQLDataSource?

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Web Forms :: Search Filter GridView Records Based On TextBox?

Oct 9, 2012

i want to get data from database using text box . when i enter id in text box it should fetch all the record related to that id ?

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Data Controls :: Filter Records In DataList Using DropDownList

May 10, 2012

I have jquery menu in index.aspx  page when user click on item related to that item it go to House.aspx and show products information in datalist these are my table in DB:

1-House_info Table

Id Behcode Name Region H_name

1 1111 Jack 1 Cloth
2 2222 Ana 1 Electric
3 3333 Edvard 2 Electric
4 4444 Math 1 Furniture

2-House_product Table

Id Behcode Name Description H_name

1 2222 Iron Test Electric
2 4444 Sofa Test Furniture
3 1111 Scarf Test Cloth
4 3333 Laundry Test Electric

And these are my code in index.aspx   and House.aspx


<a href="house .aspx?H_name=Electric">Electric</a>
<li class="current"><a href="house .aspx?H_name=Furniture>Sofa</a></li>

string Code = Request.QueryString["H_name"];
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from House_p where H_name=@H_name", _cn);
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@H_name", Code);
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();

[Code] ...

EX : In index.aspx When user click on Electric item it go to house.aspx and show all product that have H_name=Electric According to House_p table it will show :

Id Behcode Name Description H_name

1 2222 Iron Test Electric
4 3333 Laundry Test Electric

Now I have one  DDL and 1 button in House.aspx page I want when user click on menu and go to house.aspx page after they see result of their selected item from menu choose their region from ddl and click on button after that they see product that are in that region according to table House_info

 EX : If user select region 1 it will show all Electric product that have region=1

Id Behcode Name Description H_name

1 2222 Iron Test Electric

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Data Controls :: Filter DataList Records Based On Multiple CheckBoxList Selections

Oct 20, 2013

My question is I have multiple Checkbox Lists and i want to compare it and Filter Datalist records on Checkbox list checked event.. (I want filtering something like [URL]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;


My problem is If first checkbox list is checked and user clicks on second checkbox list then i want to compare both checkboxes and populate result based on both checkboxes.

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Data Controls :: Filter And Print Selected Records Using Checkbox In DataList Control

Jul 14, 2012

Print only the items which are selected using checkbox in a ASP.Net DataList control"

How to moidfy the above article by include dropdownlist getting data from a database table.

then filter the datalist using the selected value of dropdownlist. and then print only records that are selected by checkbox.

when form loads the datalistcontrol should display all the records.

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Data Controls :: Filter Repeater Records Based On DropDownList Selection Without Refreshing Page

Jul 17, 2015

I have repeater control on page which bind with sql data source.i have dropdown to filter the records of repeater on button click event it refresh complete page i just want to show a wait message to user and just refresh repeater data instead of complete page refresh.i do not want to use ajax update panel.

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DataSource Controls :: Filter SqlDataSource With Boolean Values?

Feb 17, 2011

I have an SqlDataSource, which is filtered by two RadioButtonLists. The markup is as follows:


In my code-behind I add the filterexpression when the radiobuttonlists are changed


My problem is that while it works fine when changing the RadioButtonListProducts the filtering works nicely, there is a problem with the RadioButtonListStatus, that filters on the Boolean column, 'Godkendt'. It works nicely if its set to 'Alle' (No filtering on that parameter) but when set to anything else, no records are shown. I suppose the problem is in the filterexpression


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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Filter To A Gridview?

May 11, 2010

I'm using a sqldatasource to populate a gridview. I've figured out how to use the dynamic sorting, but I'm curious if there is a way to add filtering on each column. So, if a user wants to pick one specific value from grid, then it would re-populate with only rows that have the specific value selected. Excel has this feature in a workbook, but am curious if this is possible on a web page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Row Using SqlDataSOurce In Gridview?

Nov 25, 2010

i designed a gridview to update, delete the records using sqldatasource, (there is no code in my aspx.cs file) but i dont know how to add the new row the gridview. so that if the table is empty then i cant add / update / delete the data.

how to Add new record on gridview using SQLDatasource without any code behind code?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using The Login Name To Filter A Gridview?

Dec 20, 2010

How do I do this? I'm using a login control inside a loginview control. I want to use the username entered as a parameter in the select statement of my gridview so that it will filter the data to display only the rows that contains that username.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Filter To GridView?

Mar 23, 2010

am using GridView with SQLDataSourceI want to add filter DropDownList to the footer of the grid,each column of the grid will have a DropDownList in its footer that has all data in that grid (including data in other pages)how to do that?

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