Web Forms :: Search Filter GridView Records Based On TextBox?
Oct 9, 2012i want to get data from database using text box . when i enter id in text box it should fetch all the record related to that id ?
View 1 Repliesi want to get data from database using text box . when i enter id in text box it should fetch all the record related to that id ?
View 1 Repliesneed to get selected value from dropdownlist,textbox and bind in grid
View 1 Repliesi want to filter the gridview on textchange in search textbox. if i press "a" the gridview should filled up with record starting with "a". i have some code
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "select * from DeptMaster where DeptName like '" + TextBox1.Text + "%'";
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
GridView1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
its working while leaving the textbox but i want this code should execute on keypress event.
i am having table in which date, company name and amount is stored
i have one dropdown in which i kept year
now i want to show data in gridview according to year selected from dropdownlist but how i can seperate date from year in date field
protected void ddlYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have a form where i want to view all columns from a table.I have a textbox and differeent radio button having values of each column.On click of button.I want to view all the columns as per selected row/rows from value given
View 1 RepliesI have a gridview which I am binding through code behind, I want to filter the gridview based on the value given by the user in textbox. It would be great if I'll be able to filter the gridview without any postback.
View 3 Replies[URL] .... I Need to search record from GridView by using the textbox but not want to configure this with SQLDataSource Manually (Front End) therefore how to filter gridview from Codebehind.
View 1 RepliesI have a textbox and a gridview which is bound to a table what I want to achieve is a solution where lets say there are two records - e.g. "1. Book and 2. Red", i want a user to type in those words and the gridview shows the results as followed;
1. Book
2. Red
I have set up the sql data source and everything and my like operator is this.
LIKE '%' + @record + '%'
how can I solve this problem?
how i can filter gridview coloumns data based on textbox event ONKEYUP....
View 15 RepliesI tried to modify downloaded code from URL... to use with content pages/ master page by placing javascript at master page and put below code at the content page, But the when i type somethng on the text nothing filters. How to filter gridivew using master page.
* I am using VS 2005
* GVPRFInquiry => Gridivew
* PR.PRFInquiry(BadgeNo) => return dataset containing results
* txtSearch => text box created at the top of gridview.
Below query brings data to the gridivew on page load.
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
Dim ds As New DataSet
ds = PR.PRFInquiry(BadgeNo)
GVPRFInquiry.DataSource = ds
GVPRFInquiry.DataMember = "DataSet"
End If
below code create text box inside gridview to filter and calls the javascript.
Protected Sub OnDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If (Not Master.Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("function")) Then
Master.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "function", "fucntion();", True)
End If
Dim row As New GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal)
For i As Integer = 0 To GVPRFInquiry.Columns.Count - 1
I want to search crystal report from text box .. for id , name , designation ,... When I pass value in crystal report it should display the data .. how can I do this process ..
View 1 RepliesI need to filter data based on a date range. My table has a field Process date. I need to filter the records and display those in the range FromDate to ToDate.
View 2 RepliesMy question is I have multiple Checkbox Lists and i want to compare it and Filter Datalist records on Checkbox list checked event.. (I want filtering something like [URL]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
My problem is If first checkbox list is checked and user clicks on second checkbox list then i want to compare both checkboxes and populate result based on both checkboxes.
I have repeater control on page which bind with sql data source.i have dropdown to filter the records of repeater on button click event it refresh complete page i just want to show a wait message to user and just refresh repeater data instead of complete page refresh.i do not want to use ajax update panel.
View 1 RepliesI have a database which holds the scores in the league for my local table tennis club. There are 3 divisions. On the admin page, I want the admin to be able to add teams and edit the scores. For each league, there is a seperate gridview. How can I use just 1 SQLdatasource to filter the records for each gridview if all the teams are in the same database with the division next to their name? I'm new to web development.
View 8 RepliesI want to display all the items existing in database for ex:
If i enter just book. All the items with book work should get displayed
Example in google search as soon as we enter one word related all things get displayed. I am not talking about auto completion
I want to filter a grid at server side based on the value typed in a text box. And the filter should happen as the user types in text box. Since there is no server side event like keypress on a textbox, I decided to do use the client side onkeypress event and call a server side code using PageMethod. But then ran out with the limitation of PageMethod being static and I can't access grid from server side code.
I have a gridview that I'd like to have changed based on a value selected in a dropdownlist. I'm able to get the aspx page to display the dropdown list (comming from SQL), and when I select a value, the page reloads, but no data show in the griview.
Here is the aspx page:
I have a database of cars manufacturers and their car models. I want to have buttons above the GridView, each button listing a manufacture. When the button is clicked, the Gridview will filter the data to only show the models by the manufacturer clicked. I don't want to use a listbox or combo box, it has to be 3 rows of individual buttons or links.
I am using VB.net and I was able to do this with the dropdown box, but it is not as clean as having a row of buttons.
What's the best method to allow a user to search in a specific field for a record(s) containing the keywords they enter into a textbox? I am considering using the streamreader to obatin the values from textbox into an array, so I can build dynamic query using the stringbuilder. Is there a cleaner or more efficient method to approach this common search functionality?
View 1 Repliesi have a tablewhere datas are inserted and there is a colum foor inserting date on which data are inserted , so thatcolumn has datatype datetime and in design i have teo textbox one takes value for from date and the other for to date. on submit button click i want to display the datas between two dates. so i converted textbox value to datetime and it is showing data but the problem is suppose i inserted data on 29/04/2014 .now i want to view data inserted between 28/04/2014 and 29/04/2014 it doe not show any data but when i check between 29/--/-- and 30/--/-- i t display the data
View 1 RepliesI have enabled User Rolls and assigned several Roll names such as 10, 11, 12, etc. I have a SQL Table that contains various fields of information including one named AuthorizedUserRoll, it's nchar(2).
A logged in user should only see the records in Gridview that matches his/her roll.
I'm using Web Forms and VB.
I want to filter gridview with date. I have bound date in dropdown list from database.
View 1 Replieshow to use a multiline text box that i could copy data into. Lets say addresses one on each line and then click submit and have it display those records in the database (SQL) in a gridview?
View 7 RepliesIn my project I am having great problem while querying with date
on my page I have two textboxes as starting and ending date and having Ajax Calendar Control on them
If I set date format in Ajax control as dd/MM/yyyy it raises error while searching on date period range
Here are the codes
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="Accounts_Default" %>
<%@ Register assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" tagprefix="asp" %>
<%@ Register assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" namespace="CrystalDecisions.Web" tagprefix="CR" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" Runat="Server">
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