Forms Data Controls :: Validate Gridview Itemtemplate Label And Textbox?
Dec 19, 2010
This is my aspx:-
This is my gridview structure I need two things from this1) For example in Label1 shows 50 then In Text1 I need to check the value is less than or equal to how to validate in client side in validation or javascript...? Like this same for second Item template also I need validation.. Like this I have some 10 itemteplate....2) On button click I need to save the value of Text1 and Text2 in database.. how would be my Insert statement in button click..
View 45 Replies
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Jan 17, 2011
I have something like this:
This does NOT work. What's wrong here?How do I accomplish my goal? I MUST use the Button1_Click event for this one.
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Apr 2, 2010
Want to get the value of lblStatus and assign to string variable strRevStatus.
This is how i used to do with datagrid, i am having problem with gridview.
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Apr 7, 2010
1:in GridView itemTemplatei use label to show data . i want to retrive the value of label .
2: how can i change the value of label that retrive it and change value of it then show the data
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May 7, 2010
I'm trying to change the text of a GridView label in an ItemTemplate and I am having some issues. I searched all over and can't find a solution. This is what I am trying to do...
I have a GridView that has a comment field. Normally when the page is rendered the comment field is truncated using a truncate class that limits field length. The full contents can be displayed in a tooltip when the comment field is hovered over. That part works fine.
I also have an export to Excel class that will take the Gridview and export it to Excel and that part works fine as well...
Now the issue... Because of the truncated field, when I do an export it will export exactly what is in that field, the truncated version of a comment. When the export button is clicked I need to change the .text value of the label that is in the GridView ItemTemplate
From this truncated version...
And then back again after the export routine is complete.
I have accessed the contents of a label before using FindControl but never set a value, is this possible? Also, I have captured what is in the comment field on RowDataBound but by that time, it is already truncated.
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Sep 1, 2010
<asp:Label ID="LabelSubUpdateID" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("UpdateID") %>'></asp:Label>
Get the Label value inside the Gridview ItemTemplate and convert to string C#?
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Jan 28, 2011
I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a template field which has four itemtemplates that each hold a label in a gridview. These labels are always constant with the same strings. What I want to do is change the css formatting of these four labels depending on the value of a column. So the css formatting would have to be done for each row, not the whole column. I bind the gridview to a dataaccesslayer so there is no sqldatasource on the page. Does anyone have any idea how to do this and where it would be done. I will have the dataview with the data sorted in the correct order. The actual column that is used to alter the CSS will not be in the gridview although I could assign it to the datakeyname if that makes it easier as the data is not sensitive.
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Dec 15, 2010
How to find GridView ItemTemplate (Textbox) in Code behind
if we not know textboxid
View 2 Replies
May 17, 2010
I've been searching all day for a solution to this, but nothing has worked.
Here's my scenario: I'm binding the gridview to a datatable. One of the columns is a textbox that will accept user input.
When a "submit" button is clicked, I need to loop through all the rows, get the textbox's text, and add them all together. Simple, right?
I've tried the following (this is on the "submit" button's click event):
The itemtemplate looks like this:
The txtDays.Text property is ALWAYS empty. UNLESS I assign it a value w/in the control. But then it's ALWAYS that value. I need to get the value of what the user enters.
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Mar 29, 2011
I have four Itemtemplate textbox with in my Gridview.... i want to set Readonly attribute dynamically only one itemtemplate textbox, how to do that,
I have done one for my gridview footer its working,
DirectCast(GridView1.FooterRow.Cells(2).FindControl("TxtSum"), TextBox).Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly")
this time i'm expecting for row template textbox.
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Dec 15, 2010
a Gridview contain itemtemplate(using code behind) and
Textbox with random id
how to access the the textbox id in code behind
View 1 Replies
Aug 21, 2010
I have a itemtemplate inside a gridview.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Enter OTP">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server"
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Feb 23, 2013
i have three saved values in database
i want to showing status in label for 1 , Pending
<asp:Label ID="lblLeaveStatus" Visible = "true" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Rec_Status").ToString() == "1" ? "Pending": Eval("Rec_Status") %>'>></asp:Label>
how can i show it with all 1,2,3?
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a GridView with two templatefields, one with a DropDownList and the other with a TextBox, both loose their values once I hit the "update" button. Is it any way I can make the controls keep the values?
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Nov 29, 2010
- I have a GridView , I want add a row FooterTemplate to add a new record in GridView . But I want to validate TextBoxs in FooterTemplate. My language I using is C# , Web Form .
Here is my code :
private bool Validate()
View 6 Replies
Oct 17, 2010
I am working with VWD Express and Visual Basic. take this into consideration if you are willing to answer my question. I do have the following code for a GridView.
PageSize="100" >
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Picture">
PostBackUrl='<%# string.Concat("~/Classifieds/DetailPage.aspx?AutoNumber=",Convert.ToString(Eval("AutoNumber")),"&FlagForm=NoSubmitted") %>'
ImageUrl='<%# IIF(System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/UploadedImagesClassifieds/{0}{1}", Eval("AutoNumber"), "Pic1.jpg"))), string.Format("~/UploadedImagesClassifieds/{0}{1}", Eval("AutoNumber"), "Pic1.jpg"), "~/UploadedImagesClassifieds/NoPicture.gif")
%>' />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="TCategory" HeaderText="Category" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="TCategory" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="TItemTitle" HeaderText="Item Title" SortExpression="TItemTitle" ReadOnly="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="TUDTIThreadActualStatus" HeaderText="Actual Status" SortExpression="TUDTIThreadActualStatus" />
As you can see the second cell in each row is a EditButton, and the only cell that could be updated by users is the last one, DataField = TUDTIThreadActualStatus. I just want to know what could be the easiest way to validate the user entry when the row is in edit mode. Is there anyway to validate the textbox control with a validation control or is better to used code behind. Either way may you explain and drop some code if posible.
View 2 Replies
Jan 28, 2010
I have a gridview each line has 4 linkbuttons - Edit , Update , Cancel , Delete and a few columns with data...For example TeamName and TeamEmail, and a hidden column that contains a validator (for ease of validating controls that are found on the same row , same naming container)
When Edit button is Clicked , the specific line goes into editing mode , Texboxes are created for TeamName and for TeamEmail .
I create dinamically (code behind ) a new textbox that reads the value from the TeamEmail textbox , i give it a new id (let's say "Email") , add that email to the controltovalidate property of my validator , and call the validate() method of the validator.
Everything works fine when i modify the value in a worng format , the validator err message appears , when i modify the TeamEmail value to a good email format , the validator property isvalid becomes true , and the update is running , but my textbox is empty :( updating the TeamEmail value to null.
This is some bad code but hope you understand what i meant :
This is my html coed of my gridview
This is the code that manages the validation:
View 1 Replies
Nov 25, 2010
I have a dropdownlist - ddlGroupName. Next to it, I have a Label - lblGroupName. The dropdownlist is bound to an SQL table, and displays the appropriate group depending on the primary key (contracters, suppliers, etc etc). When the page loads, I want the Label to display whatever is in the dropdownlist, then I can hide the dropdownlist and am just left with the label. I was using "lblGroupName.Text = ddlGroupName.SelectedItem.Text;", but intellisense doesn't seem to acknowledge the controls when they're in an ItemTemplate.
View 5 Replies
May 7, 2015
I have gridview in my page that users can edit their data in gridview... and in this gridview I define label that I want when users click on Edit button it change label3.text:
below is code:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" CssClass="DGridView1"
AutoGenerateColumns = "false" Font-Names = "Tahoma"
Font-Size = "9pt"
HeaderStyle-BackColor = "#e0e0e0"
OnPageIndexChanging = "OnPaging" onrowediting="EditCustomer"
onrowupdating="UpdateCustomer" onrowcancelingedit="CancelEdit"
GridLines = "Both" OnRowDataBound = "OnRowDataBound"
And .cs:
protected void EditCustomer(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) {
Label Label3 = (Label)GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].FindControl("Label3");
Label3.Text = "neda";
GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
but here when I click on EditCustomer it doen't change label3.text
View 1 Replies
Jun 15, 2010
this is my asp code
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="19%">TRANS. NO. </td>
<td width="1%">:</td> [code]...
if the ID is NULL in the database the table or the ITEM will be hide...
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Apr 2, 2010
Is it possible to access the value of a label and want to tweak it before it to textbox which is in edititemtemplate column.
<asp:Label ID="lblUnitprice" Text='<%# FormatPrice(Container.DataItem("UnitPrice")) %>' Runat="server" />
<asp:Textbox runat="server" CssClass="TextBoxes" MaxLength="14" Columns="8" id="UnitPrice_edit" Text='<%# FormatPrice(Container.DataItem("UnitPrice")) %>' />
Used onprerender a lot with dropdownlist boxes never used with textboxes.I have two currencies used in my application, want to format before i show to use.
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May 3, 2014
how to validate input data through textbox in footer template on button click in gridview
View 1 Replies
May 6, 2014
if radio button selected as process in a row then i need check text box is empty or not using jquery or javascript in gridview?
View 1 Replies
Jan 5, 2013
In my gridview, I have 6 columns. The first 5 columns are filled with data retrieved from database.In the 6th column I want to display a value from textbox from same form. The value should be displayed on the row next to last row of rest of the columns. So my last column (i.e.) 6th column will just have all the rows filled with the same value of the text box.
First 5 columns of grid will be filled by selecting the college name from dropdown.The last colum (Date) must be filled with the date that is given in the textbox.It can be even after button click event(date of attendence).
It can be done after button click event also..
View 1 Replies
Jan 5, 2010
I've got a multiline textbox inside the ItemTemplate of my Datalist, which is set to visible=false.I've got a button right above it, with the click of that button, all I want to do is make it visibleI've tried xtNewNote.visible=truethe ID of the textbox has a blue squiggly under it and I'm told that 'txtNewNote is not declared'and I've tried Dim txtNote As TextBox = CType(dlProject.FindControl("txtNewNote"), TextBox)
txtNote.visible=trueHere, I just get an object not found when it gets to the second line
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