Forms Data Controls :: View Image From Database In A Gridview Using Object Datasource?

May 20, 2010

I want to display images, which i stored in the MSSQL 2008 with the type of varbinary, in a gridview.

I am using N-Tier to support my web application, i can get the image's value which is in binary type, but i do not know how to display it via a gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing An Object Used As A Datasource In Gridview On Postback?

Feb 1, 2010

I am using a list of objects as a datasource and passing the object into a user control. I use the code outlined below


When I try to access the object this way, it's null.

Funny thing, I can access the user control and all the control data in the user control, but the object (both in the gridview and passed to the user control) are null.

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Data Controls :: View Image Control In Page That Bind From Database

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Then Why does this get null value: string caseNo = dataRow["CaseNo"] as string;


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Data Controls :: Display Image In GridView With Path In Database With Image Enlarge Option?

Jan 12, 2013

<asp:ImageField DataImageUrlField="photo" > <ItemStyle Width="50px" Height ="50px"
HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" ></ItemStyle>

i need to display image from database in gridview.  i have the above html and a select query executed from code behind which displays the image.

i am storing the image path in the database table and image in a folder.

Queries related to above

1. image size not able to set

2. the gridview image column will display image if the column data is not blank. but if its blank i have 2 default images  male image and female image

so if the field is blank i need to display one of the default images depending on the gender selected
3. if the image is clicked it should show enlarged image as popup 

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Data From Stored Proceedure And Display To Gridview Using Object Datasource

Dec 8, 2010

I have an object datasource which is using Business object as a myconnection

The method i have defined under myconnection is

DataTable getfn(String dtype,
String did,
String dprefix,
String dname)
datable table = new datatable(); then declared stored proceedure and defined parameters and assighned values

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I need to take data from Call and display it to the gridview through object datasource .

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Forms Data Controls :: Image From Database In GridView With StoredProcs?

Jun 23, 2010

Maybe I'm looking for an easy way that just isn't there, but I'm trying to display the images I store in my SQL database in a GridView, and I just can't seem to get it right. I've readlots of different articles on the web about it (including this one from this forum), but most (if not all) of the examples I've read look like their doing a "double hit" to the database (that is, one stored procedure call to get the entire record, and a second one in the Handler to get just the image of the record).


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Forms Data Controls :: Using Gridview To Display Image ,stored In Database?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm new in storing and displaying image to database.I have learn how to store image into my database from a site and seems like it work, and the image is store as binary data.Now i try to retrieve and store it, using a site as a reference

My problem is i follow everything but in the end it seems the gridview do work as it shown some data from the database but for the image, only show a small red cross "unable to show image" sign there.

My storing data and uploading image to database code (Just in case)


My image handler

My gridview that display information

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Jan 14, 2011

This is probably a really simple question but I have a gridview that is linked to a table in a database. But I have an imagefile stored in one of the columns in the table. The SqlDataSource links to the table an I can see the images when I test the query. I just can't see how to show the image in the gridview. All the example on the web show how to link to an image on the server and not that is downloaded from the server.

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May 28, 2010

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May 18, 2010

we can bind the image with detailsview.

see following code


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Feb 18, 2010

I have another problem is that I have Placed a file upload control in Empty template of Gridview to have multiple record insert. I have used viewstate to save multiple record into database. But problem is that I am able to find the control but it not giving any value.I have following code.


in above code


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Oct 25, 2010

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now i have to show these photo in a gridview according to the candidates rollno. i am trying to use the imagefield of a gridview control to display the photo but it is not displaying the photo in a grid view

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Aug 12, 2010

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Jun 21, 2010

I have tried to query a table with an xml column by using XQuery and I can't get the Select to work.

All my knowledge/understanding of the subject comes from this MSDN article:


so I am probably overlooking something minor:

I tried this query Select col1, Phone.Query('element CellPhone {I am not sure about what goes here} I tried {data('Phone/cellPhone} from aTable Where Phone.Exist('/Phone/cellPhone/text()[contains.,"412-8977"]') = 1 This syntax is definitely not fun.

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Feb 1, 2010

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Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

How do I get that id? What I am trying to do is when the user select that link it will delete that information from the database. Here's my code:



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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Jul 10, 2010

I would like to enable/disable the field BagNo in my gridview, depending on the value of another field in the gridview called ScriptNo, when I click the edit button I get this message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

here is the code

Protected Sub GridView1_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowEditing
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex)
If DirectCast(row.FindControl("ScriptType"), TextBox).Text = "TTA" Then


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Data Controls :: How To Display Image In GridView Using DataTable (without Using Database)

May 7, 2015

How to display images in gridview using datatable (without database) in

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Image Binary Data And Displaying On Gridview

Feb 23, 2010

i am currently facing some problem retrieving image for display on a gridview control. the Image data type in the data table is "image". the data that is stored inside the database is in this format "<Binary data>". may i ask if it is possible tojust retrieve a image data of this format and display in the gridview? or do i need to store the image in a image folder for retrieval?

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Data Controls :: How To Bind Image Control Inside GridView From Database

Dec 19, 2013

How to call different images in <asp: Image> tag for every row of gridview.I used below code as per my requirement (HTML code):

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Caption="Customer List" EmptyDataText="You have deleted all records in customer list">
<RowStyle Height="40px" />


Only difficulty im facing is how to bind different images in "ImageUrl" for every row of Gridview.Note: Images are not saved in DB.

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Forms Data Controls :: Post Image To Database And Display Image?

Jan 10, 2011

I know this might sound like a simple quesiton, but I am having problems allowing me to upload images along with other information (name, image, biography, wbsite links) to a sql server database, as well as showing images from the database using a drop list control feature. I am using [URL] for hosintg. VB language.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Database Image To The Image Control?

Feb 15, 2010

how to retrieve database image to the image control?

in the database, i have a column in database that store the url for the images. and how am i going to retrieve it to the form?


the "dtrSelect["Food_Pic].ToString()" is the url for the image.

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