Gridview ItemTemplate OnClientClick Javascript Function With DataItem Value As Parameter?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a button inside my <ItemTemplate> in GridView and I want to call a javascript function on the OnClientClick of that button passing the DataItem value as a parameter of the javascript function


If I will not put a parameter in CreateEditAddess() this works well but I need the parameter.

I know I can put the OnClientClick event value in OnRowDataBound event of the gridview but I don't want to put it in CodeBehind. It seems like the server tag is not parsed correctly.

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How To Bind Javascript Function With OnClientClick Event With Eval

Sep 30, 2010

my link button -

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lbtnEdit" Text="edit" OnClientClick="javascript:msgDisp('<%# Eval(LocationId).toString() %>')" />

and the javascript msgDisp is-

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function msgDisp(lid) {

but it is not giiving LocationId in pop but the whole string <%#......%> is comin in popup message. How can I pass Eval values in javascript.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Repeater Container.dataitem To JavaScript Function?

Sep 16, 2010

I am collecting user roles into a single dimension string array.

I have a repeater that its source set to that array. The repeater template includes list of checkboxes for the values in the array.The checkbox text is set to: Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>'

All is good till this point.

But I am trying to call a javascript function triggered by clickign a checkbox and pass it the container.dataitem, but the javascript doesn't seem to be reading the value and either complain about string not being in correct format or that treats the container.dataitem as a liter. This is the trial that didn't work (I tried many different things too):

DetermineVal(<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem) %>);
determineval is my javascript function

Can I do that with a single dimension array?

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Grid DataItem As An Argument To Javascript Function?

Oct 14, 2010

in aspx page

<cmp:MenuItemInfo Text="Delete" onclick="javascript:deleteRow('## DataItem.ClientId ##')" />
In Javascript
function deleteRow(rowId)

but the arument is coming as a string '## DataItem.ClientId ##' instead of correct clientID.

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Pass Eval As Javascript Function Parameter In Gridview?

Jun 25, 2010

I have the following:

<asp:Button ID="wrqst_need_ind_btn" runat="server" Text = "Create WR"
CommandArgument='<%# Eval("dvc_nm") + "|" + Eval("data_orgtn_yr") %>'/>

I want to pass in as two additional params the Eval("dvc_nm") and Eval("data_orgtn_yr") to the popup function.


I tried by removing the single quotes from insode the <% %> tags. Which gave me this:

onClientClick='<%# "javascript:popUp(popup_createWR.aspx," + Eval("dvc_nm") + "," + Eval("data_orgtn_yr") + ")" %>'

which complied, but when I clicked the button I did not get a pop up, the page just posted back and reloaded and said errors on page, but no popup...

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AJAX :: ItemTemplate Not Generating The Html Code For Onclientclick

Mar 18, 2010

I have a GridView inside of an UpdatePanel and the buttons for edit and delete into a templatefield

For the delete button, I also have a modalPopup extender and a confirmButtonExtender, due to the problem of the pannels flashing momentarily (and that is very ugly) I have created a css class with display:none

for the delete button I have created a javascript function called changeVisibility(id) to change the visibility

Here ir some code:


The problem is that when I execute the page, imagebutton onclientclick appears like this:


why is not processing correctly that, and, if you know another way to hide the panels before they flash on startup,

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C# - Get Label Value As A Parameter Into A Javascript Function?

Jul 9, 2010

Hopefully this one is not too hard to understand but I just want the label values to be inputs into a javascript function. Might be better to explain with code: ASP.NET Label code:

<asp:Label ID="LabelCL" runat="server" Text="A single int filled in by DB"></asp:Label>

Page Source:

<span id="ctl00_cpMainContent_LabelCL">7</span>

What I would like to achieve but am not sure how to do:

<span id="ctl00_cpMainContent_LabelCL"> <script type="text/javascript">functionX(7)</script> </span>

So basically just wrap the output int in the following:

<script type="text/javascript">functionX( VALUE FROM LABEL TEXT)</script>
within the

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Passing A String Parameter In A JavaScript Function On MVC

Jun 17, 2010

I tried to pass a string value into a JavaScript function like below: <%= "'" + prop.property_description + "'") %>) But it does not seems to be the best option, is there a better way to do the above without concatenate the string values with "'"?

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Pass Parameter As Text To JavaScript Function From Code Behind

Mar 23, 2010

Basically, I have a gridview that is opened in a new window from the parent window. It has a bunch of records with a view button to view the details of each record (which stays in the same newly opened window). I have a calendar in the parent window that accepts a Date querystring parameter to set the current date on the calendar at page load. I'm just trying to refresh the calendar in the parent window to match the date of the label in the newly opened window. All the code below is in the newly opened window. The .Net code-behind below refers to when that view button is clicked and everything is populated. At the end, I call the js to refresh the parent window and pass the value of the LabelScheduleDate as the querystring parameter. Now the label comes through as '03/25/2010' in the code-behind, but when I pass it to the js, it comes through as '0.00005970149253731343' in the end querystring. I'm not really sure what is making the value change, and I want to pass it as just text. Do I need to pass it as a string object? I tried but I don't think I was doing it right.

JavaScript Function
function RefreshParent(inputDate) {
window.opener.location = window.opener.location + "?Date=" + inputDate;
.NET Code-Behind
Protected Sub RadGridOnlineRequests_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs) Handles RadGridOnlineRequests.ItemCommand
If e.CommandName = "ViewOnlineRequest" Then
' populates LabelScheduleDate among other controls values
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( _
Me, Me.GetType(), "clientScript", "RefreshParent(" & LabelScheduleDate.Text & ");", True)
End If
End Sub

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How To Pass JavaScript Function As A Parameter In The Route Values Of Ajax Actionlink

Apr 20, 2010

I need to pass javascript function as a parameter value to the ajax actionlink in mvc app. how can we achieve this?

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Get Gridview Itemtemplate Textbox Value In JavaScript?

Aug 31, 2010

How to get gridview itemtemplate textbox value in javascript?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Total Of Gridview Itemtemplate Column In Footer Row On Blur Or Keyup Function

Mar 30, 2010

I have a grid view with column as qty , rate ,...I need the total qty in the footer row and total rate in footer row ...

For Eg:-

Qty Rate

20 20

20 40

30 40

70 100

Note it is gridview itemtemplate .... So , on keyup or blur function the total should get calculated ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Container.dataitem As Method Parameter?

Apr 26, 2010

input type=..... value="<%= ISO3166CountryList.GetCountryByCode("IE", CurrentLocale).Name %>" />

I'm looking to replace the hardcoded IE with something like

<%#(Container.DataItem as PhoneNumber).ISO%>

No variations of what I've tried worked. How can I get a databinded value when within a <%= code block? Do I need to use an intermediary variable?

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Function As Parameter To Show In Gridview?

Sep 4, 2010

I have one common Data Access function which returns output as datasetwhich is as below

Function ExecuteDataSet(ByVal sql


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Javascript - Difference Between Onclick() And OnClientClick()?

Jul 27, 2010

If I use both onclick() and onClientClick() can I make sure that server side will be called only after client side function returns TRUE or vice versa?

For example:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
protected void save_n_display(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This must be called when validate() returns true...
<asp:Button ID="Button1" OnClientClick="validate()" onClick="save_n _display" "Text="Check" runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function validate() // client side Validation is done

So can I use onclick() and onClientClick() or do I need something different for this? I even tried passing variables from javascript to asp functions so when validate returns true then save_n _display will be called.

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Styling A Button Using Javascript & OnClientClick?

Nov 11, 2010

I have an button on a web page.

The OnClientClick code disables the button so that the user cannot submit more than once. It also changes the text of the button to "Please wait..."

Trouble is, because it is getting disabled the "Please wait..." text looks rubbish... How can I style the button so that even though it is disabled, it looks enabled, within javascript.

<script type="text/javascript">
function btnSubmit_ClientClick(Client) {
var ok = Page_ClientValidate();
if (ok) {


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Forms Data Controls :: FindControl A Label Inside A ListView ItemTemplate Inside A GridView ItemTemplate On Button_Click?

Jan 17, 2011

I have something like this:


This does NOT work. What's wrong here?How do I accomplish my goal? I MUST use the Button1_Click event for this one.

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Web Forms :: OnClientClick - How To Generate Neat HTML / JavaScript Code

Jan 28, 2011

I have a page with a control like this:

<asp:Button ID="test" runat="server" Text="test" OnClientClick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/bezichtigingsform/deeplink')" />
The OnClientClick-attribute is rendered as:

When I try to escape the single-quote like this "'" or with a double backslash preceeding the single quote, this does not work. I also tried it like this:

string str = "pageTracker._trackPageview('/bezichtigingsform/deeplink'";
test.Attributes.Add("onclick", str.Replace("'", "\'"));

and of-course I tried all possible escaping-combinations in the above too.

It seems like just encodes the value, but how can I stop this? I want to be able to generate neat html/javascript-code...

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Web Forms :: Getting Error Calling Javascript Function From Another Javascript Function

Jan 3, 2011

Getting error calling Javsscript function from another Javascript function


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Nested GridView, DataItem Returns Null In Child GridView's RowDataBound Event?

Jan 8, 2011

In a nested GridView (GridView inside a template column of parent GridView). I am binding child GridView to a DataTable in parent GridView's RowDataBound event. this works as it should. But the problem i am facing is in Child GridView's RowDataBound Event, when i try to access e.Row.DataItem property it returns null. I am expecting it to return DataRowView Type. which i will then use to set values of TextBox's.


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Gridview SQL Parameter Null From Javascript / Ajax Populated Dropdownlist

Sep 7, 2010

My issue is similar to [URL] how-to-use-the-value-of-a-selected-value-from-a-dropdownlist-populated-with-ajax but I am using ASP.NET, not PHP. I have a dropdownlist that is populated by another dropdownlist's current value through ajax. So if DDL A is 'NY', DDL B is populated with different data relating to 'NY'. I need that data to be posted back to the server because this affects an SQLDataSource parameter. However, as far as I can tell, the value is always null after postback resulting in the gridview to be empty.

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Pass ID From GridView Row To JavaScript Function?

Sep 3, 2010

The first commented line below is working with a hardcoded ApplicantId, and all I need is to make it work by passing the current ApplicantId column on the same gridrow.

I've tried for many days now, and something like the second commented line does not work for me.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
DataKeyNames="ApplicantID" >
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Select">
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" />
<!-- works -->
<asp:HyperLinkField NavigateUrl="javascript:popUp(3)" Text="Select" Target="_parent"/>
<!-- doesn't work -->
<asp:HyperLinkField NavigateUrl='"javascript:popUp("<%# + DataBinder.Eval(GridView1.DataItem,"ApplicantId") %> + ")"' Text="View" />

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AJAX :: Tab Container With Tab Panels Doesn't Show When Using "OnClientClick =" Java Script Function

Feb 25, 2010

last time they helped me fixing my problem of executing my JS with now i have another problem, i have placed the Java sript at the end of the content place holder no problem with that. as sson as i put "OnClientClick ="MyFUnction" in the TabPanel4 parameters..and i run the application.. the whole tab container does not show at all... when i remove the "OnClientClick ="MyFUnction" i have my 4 tabs back and showing..

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Sep 19, 2013;

i want to create an onclientclick event on a button to show ajax modal pop up but from code behind ie is in aspx.cs

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How To Send Gridview Row Object To Javascript Function

Jul 30, 2010

I have a grid view control on my aspx page.

i have an input button in Template filed , i m calling one java script function.

I want to send Gridview row object so that i can come to know which it has been clicked.

want to play with grid view row in java script function.

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