Forms Data Controls :: Passing Grid DataItem As An Argument To Javascript Function?

Oct 14, 2010

in aspx page

<cmp:MenuItemInfo Text="Delete" onclick="javascript:deleteRow('## DataItem.ClientId ##')" />
In Javascript
function deleteRow(rowId)

but the arument is coming as a string '## DataItem.ClientId ##' instead of correct clientID.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Repeater Container.dataitem To JavaScript Function?

Sep 16, 2010

I am collecting user roles into a single dimension string array.

I have a repeater that its source set to that array. The repeater template includes list of checkboxes for the values in the array.The checkbox text is set to: Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>'

All is good till this point.

But I am trying to call a javascript function triggered by clickign a checkbox and pass it the container.dataitem, but the javascript doesn't seem to be reading the value and either complain about string not being in correct format or that treats the container.dataitem as a liter. This is the trial that didn't work (I tried many different things too):

DetermineVal(<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem) %>);
determineval is my javascript function

Can I do that with a single dimension array?

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Forms Data Controls :: Argument Passing For The Control Onclick Function?

Aug 10, 2010

i have a linkbutton inside the Datalist control while i am clicking i would like to pass the ID value of the corresponding Link button. How can i pass the id value for the onclick function?..

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing GridView Row Bound Values To JavaScript Function

Oct 28, 2010

I have a GridView with an image button in a TemplateField in the last column.

I would like to pass the GridView row values (Bound Field Values - a record) to a JavaScript function to create another html table of selected records in ClientSide (like jCart-A shopping cart).

I would like to know how to pass all GridView column values to the javascript when the image at the end of the respective row is clicked.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Multiple Arguments From A Listview To A JavaScript Function

Oct 16, 2010

I have been stuck on how to pass multiple to a JavaScript function in a item template of a list view. Below is my code. Does anyone know the process?


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Container.dataitem As Method Parameter?

Apr 26, 2010

input type=..... value="<%= ISO3166CountryList.GetCountryByCode("IE", CurrentLocale).Name %>" />

I'm looking to replace the hardcoded IE with something like

<%#(Container.DataItem as PhoneNumber).ISO%>

No variations of what I've tried worked. How can I get a databinded value when within a <%= code block? Do I need to use an intermediary variable?

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing The Entire DataItem In A Databinding Expression?

Jun 16, 2010

Using an objectdatasource I would like to pass an entire DataItem to a function, within a databinding statement. I have found a way that works, but I don't like the look of it. ;-)

Lets say I have a class called "People", with two properties "firstName" and "lastName". I have an objectdatasource which returns a list of "People", and I use that to populate a Repeater.

I also have a function called "GetFullName", which takes a "People" object as it's parameter, and returns the lastname and firstname with a comma between them.

In the ItemTemplate of the repeater, I could do this:

<%# GetFullName(CType(Container, RepeaterItem).DataItem) %>

-but it looks like such a hack. (Doesn't it..? Maybe it's just me.)

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Forms Data Controls :: Calling A Javascript Function In A Grid View Update Statement?

Mar 12, 2010

i need to know if this can be done :

i have a grid form with 3 fields field1 & field2 & field3.

in the insert statement the field 3 gets a javascript function result that uses filed1 & 2 values.

Now what i want in the grid view update statement is : to call the @field 1 & @field2 from the update statement to a similar javascript function..(do soem calculation ) and then re-assign the java function result to the @field3 variable in the update statement..

(//// Or simply what i want is to do the same calcultions onthe fields while perfoming an update operation.. //).

how can i perfom the calculations in a grid view update statament ..

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Web Forms :: Call Javascript Function - Can't Pass The 2 Argument

Jan 19, 2010

in aspx:

function checkFunction(no,name){

in cs:

string test_name ="hello";
StringBuilder Strname=new StringBuilder();
Strname.AppendLine("<td ><input type=checkbox onclick='checkFunction("+no+","+test_name+");' runat='server' name='checkbox_name' value='XX'</td>");

when i call the checkFunction(), i can't pass the 2 argument as there is error.

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Gridview ItemTemplate OnClientClick Javascript Function With DataItem Value As Parameter?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a button inside my <ItemTemplate> in GridView and I want to call a javascript function on the OnClientClick of that button passing the DataItem value as a parameter of the javascript function


If I will not put a parameter in CreateEditAddess() this works well but I need the parameter.

I know I can put the OnClientClick event value in OnRowDataBound event of the gridview but I don't want to put it in CodeBehind. It seems like the server tag is not parsed correctly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Command Argument Of A Image Button In Grid?

Apr 8, 2010

I want to know how we can get the command argument of a Image button in Javascript.


I have a grid in that I have image button in template column.on click of each image button i have to redirect to another page with respective ID fields.

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How To Call Javascript Function With Argument From Code Behind

Aug 13, 2010

I want to pass some argument to javascript function from code behind. My Javascript function as follow. how to send arg to this func. from server side code.

function addTab(tabid,tablist) {
//to Find the Panel
var Panel = $find("<%=RadPanelBar2.ClientID %>");
//To find the Tab Strip
var tabStrip = Panel._findItemByValue("QueueGridPanel").findControl("RadTabStrip2")
var newTabNames = "MyTab1,MyTab2,MyTab3";
//var newTabNames = document.getElementById("ctl00_GridContentPlaceHolder_hfTabs").value;
var TabsNames = newTabNames.split(',');
var i = 0;
while (i < TabsNames.length) {
var ntab = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab();
return false;

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Web Forms :: Passing Session Values To A Function In JavaScript

Feb 11, 2012

If a value is stored inĀ  a session object. How do I retrieve the session value in a function in javascript. I tried

var background1 = '<%=Session["test"]%>'

But I get blank

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Web Forms :: Passing Array Or Object To Javascript Function Using ICallbackEventHandler?

Feb 11, 2011

How would I pass an Object or Array to a function using the ICallBackEventHandler (RaisCallbackEvent)? It allows for a string argument only, if you change it to another datatype it error out. Sample Below...



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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Grid As A Property To User Control?

Aug 10, 2010

In my project, I need to create a user control to handle the sorting and pagination of all the grids in the application. The grid however will be different in different pages with different formatting.

I am able to do this by exposing a property from user control which takes gridview as the input.

then in page load, i bind this grid, and assign the sorting and paging event handlers to this gridview variable.

This way I am able to do the sorting and paging, but the problem is I have to bind the grid in all the post backs, and then in the sorting and paging events.

So when a user sorts, I have to bind the grid twice, once in page_load and then in sort event of user control.

I can store the first set of records in viewstate and bind that in page load, but is there any other way, so that i dont need to bind the grid in all post backs but only inside of not postback.

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Validate - Ensuring That All Controls Have Value And Passing Them Onto Buttons Command Argument

May 20, 2010

I'm looking for the best design solution in relation to the following scenario:

submit button

The user control is a series of 5 buttons (similar to a radio button list) where only the latest button is recorded. I.e. if you click button 3 and then button 5, button 5's value is stored. The repeater can have a number of usercontrols, varying in numbers. The typical number if 5/6. When the submit button is pressed, the form needs to collect information from all user comtrols I.e. the database id of the control and the final value. The values will be processed later. At this point i'm looking at the best way of validating values, ensuring that all controls have a value and passing them onto the buttons command argument.

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Passing A String Parameter In A JavaScript Function On MVC

Jun 17, 2010

I tried to pass a string value into a JavaScript function like below: <%= "'" + prop.property_description + "'") %>) But it does not seems to be the best option, is there a better way to do the above without concatenate the string values with "'"?

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Linked Buttons In A Grid And Passing Values

Oct 24, 2010

I have 2 columns (name and address) in a gridview which are defined as linked buttons. Now when i click on a record in the first row (name) i am able to pass that value (selected name) to another page with rowcommand. Now i am trying to click on the second row (address) on a record but am not able to pass that value to the second page. Don't actually know how to define this in the code below. The first row (name) has to redirect to one page (this what i have already accomplished) and the second row (address) has to redirect to another page

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Name">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LnkBtnName" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%# Container.DataItem("Name") %>' Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' CommandName="go" >LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Address">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LnkBtnAddress" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%# Container.DataItem("Address") %>' Text='<%# Eval("Address") %>' CommandName="go" >LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
Protected Sub GridView_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles GridView.RowCommand
Dim strName As String = CType(e.CommandArgument, String)
Response.Redirect(String.Format("Test.aspx?id={0}", strName, False))
End Sub


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
LblName.Text = Request.QueryString("id")
End Sub

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Dynamic Value To Detail View Of Grid Through Object Selecting Parameter

Oct 4, 2010

Passing dynamic value to Detail view of grid through object selecting parameter

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Forms Data Controls :: Write Grid View Line In Code Behind Using Function?

Nov 16, 2010


How to write Grid view line in code behind using function

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Forms Data Controls :: Drag N Drop Function In Grid View By Column?

Mar 1, 2010

I am in the process doing drag n drop for gridview by column cell. For example: there is 5 cell in a column, user are able to drag the first cell and drop it as 3rd cell.I have find through the internet but has find no resource on it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Avoid Grid View Function Calling Repeatedly In Itemtemplate?

Sep 20, 2010

i have a grid view control


Here change_scheduleDate function is executing every time for every row but i need to execute this function only when value change in txtdate textbox or same case i need if i create textboxchange event at serverside here i am updating txtdate value in database when text box value changed

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Two Parameter In Javascript

Mar 26, 2011

i am passing two parameter in javascript and open popup window.... but geeting mid value "undefined" here is my code:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="comments">
<a href="javascript:replycomments('<%# Eval("projectid")%>'),('<%# Eval("milestoneserial")%>')">Reply comments</a>


function replycomments(id,mid)

this is working fine if i am passing single value like:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="comments">
<a href="javascript:replycomments('<%# Eval("projectid")%>')">Reply comments</a>


function replycomments(id)

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Web Forms :: Call Javasript Function From C# With 1 Argument?

Jan 6, 2010

I can't call javascript function with 1 argument from C# as the code below:

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "openpopup"
, "<script language="javascript">openUp(index.text);</script>");

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Two Values From GridView To Javascript?

Nov 2, 2010

In this datelastmodified is Datagrid Column Name. I m displaying that column value in DIV. Now, I want to display another column Value in that DIV. that column name is Document Type. May I know how to pass that value.


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