I change the styles of the rows normal, alternate and selected via stylesheets. Additionally I implemented onmouseover, onmouseoout and class with gv_Alternativen_RowDataBound.
But when I do a mouseover in the selected row, the wrong onmouseout is placed there:
Protected Sub gv_Alternativen_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gv_Alternativen.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Select Case e.Row.RowState
I have a gridview control in which rows have textboxes associated with a PopupControlExtender. The popup is just a panel with some checkboxes, ok, cancel buttons, etc. When the popup is shown and the Ok button clicked, I need to know which row in the grid, or which textbox in the row, is currently associated with the shown popup. How do I accomplish this?
I have a gridview where I am looking to do a custom command with a template button. I am trying to get the current row that is being selected, but I cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Here is the gridview source:
Here is the code once you click the "Quick Update" button
I am getting the error message of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when it tries to do this line:
I have an empty GridView object on a page that I bind to a LINQ qry result at run time. The GridView has a 'Select" button that fires the SelectedIndexChanged event and it's inside of this event that I'd like to access the data of one of the fields in the selected row.So far, I can only find one way to do this, and it seems suboptimal:
So this just access the cell data directly based on the cell index. The UserID just happens to be in the second cell and so it works. But later down the road, the UserID may not be in that same column.
I don't understand why my Findcontrol on a selected row is not working. The only thing I can figure is because I put the Select button in an "edit row"???
I have a Gridview in Edit mode with a select button. I want the select button to take one of the values of one of the column, do an SQL lookup on that and then display the details in a DataList.
I get Object Reference not set to an instance of an object for the MyItem.Text.ToString
This is annoying, because I have to apply this style to every single thumbnail image individually, when there could be any number of them on the screen at any given time. All of the thumbnails are inside a single <div> that groups them together, and I'd like to apply a single style to the <div> that will push the attributes I need down to all of the the <img> elements nested inside, regardless how many thumbnails there are.
I need to change padding for one column in ASP.NET GridView, while all other CSS atributes defined in external CSS file should be left untouched. How can I do it? Update: Below is my code that solved the problem:
I have GridView control and I would like to make a custom PagerStyle via css. The problem is that I do not know how to change the style (color) of number indicating an active page. If I change the color property it changes a color of all page numbers. I would like to change color for active number and link numbers separately.
I select 6 page ... But I can't see some difference between selected and not selected page buttons :( How can I set different fonts for selected and not selected page buttons ?
I'm trying to style my GridView's pager in such a fashion that when someone clicks on a button in that page, the page's button in the pager will turn yellow, or something.
how can I access the pager's buttons, and style each of them as I wish?
I would like to change color of the gridView depending on the value from table that is bounded to the grid. I actually don't show this value on the grid. I tried by using additional field with visible=false, but the cell is string empty in this way. I don't know how to solve this in some other way?
I used this code, but as I said the value is empty:
Is it possible to solve this by getting value directly from bounded table and not from rows cell?
I have a column, description, in a GridView which has the most text data. As that column is defined as varchar(256), it can allow a string with 256 characters in it. In displaying, I don't want that column to stretch all the way. I use ItemStyle-Width to contain it to be 40% width. I also use word-break and word-wrap as:
I guess this attribute apply to the whole GridView1. I have a column called category with possible data as "LINKAGE", "CURTAIN", etc. Now "LINKAGE" is broken up into "LINKAG" and "E" with the "E" goes to next line. The word "CURTAIN" have the "IN" goes to the next line.
Now how can I apply the word-break and word-wrap to only the description column?
I have a grid view that is bound from my code behind. If the text of a label is equal to the value of a querystring, I want to apply a specific class/style that is in my .css. I've tried this, but doesn't seem to have any affect... How can I set the class for a column in the gridview if the two values match?