How To Add A File To A VS2010 Project For Documentation

Jan 5, 2011

I would like to include a word document, and unused program files in a folder as part of my project, but I don't want it compiled, etc. How is the best way to do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Stacked Bar Chart From VS2010 Chart Control (Documentation)

Nov 17, 2010

i'm trying to create a stacked bar chart on a vb web form using vs2010.My data source returns:

Error in Functionality Awaiting on Supplier

1IMT IssuesmActive6

IMT Issues,Awaiting on Supplier

2,IMT Issues,Awaiting on User 4

IMT Issues Closed 120

Login / Password Active

But I can't get this into a stacked chart. I know I must have to do quite a bit of work declaring what the series are and soforth, or having a different dataset but can't find any documentation on it.A link to some documentation or an example of a stacked chart from an sql datasource would be much appreciated.

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C# - Changing Output Path In Web Project In VS2010

Jan 7, 2011

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I then changed to use Local IIS Web server (http://localhost/webproject1") and manually updated the vdir physical path to my custom output path. However the VS2010 will not load the csproj because it detects the url is already mapped to a different folder location.

I know I probably shouldn't change the Output folder. But wondering if there is an easy way to workaround this? The goal is to make "F5" debugging work with custom build Output folders.

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Architecture :: VS2010 With SSRS Bus Intelligence Project?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm about to begin a new application using .net 4.0. Only concern I have is since the project calls for reporting, I cannot use SSRS with SQL Server 2008 b/c the tempate for Bus Intelligence Projects is missing from 4.0. I've been told that the next release of SQL Server 2011 (some time this year), will resolve this problem. Meanwhile, I'm wondering if the following approach would work:

1) Create the application in VS2010 using the SQL Server 2008 db.

2) Create the SSRS Bus Intelligence project using VS2008 and create a seperate website pointing to the same SQL Server 2008 Db?

Kind of a hack, but I guess the only problem with this is, the Bus Intelligence project will not be able to reference and leverage and DLL or code from the application.

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MVC :: Could Not Load Type While Running VS2010 Project

May 23, 2010

I have had a project called Articles and the project complies fine. I have it running as a seperate site on my machine and it works like a charm under IIS7. When I start the project from VS2010 in debug mode (by pressing F5) it lands on a page that says: "Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'Articles._Default'."

I i however change the path in the browser from [URL] Home it works fine again, indicating that my routing table is bust but it was working yesterday and I did not change any route, The error page also says: "Please do not delete this file. It is used to ensure that ASP.NET MVC is activated by IIS when a user makes a "/" request to the server." That idicates to me that it went to default.aspx...right?

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VS2010 Crashes Closing Specific Project?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm working on a "Website Project" (as opposed to an ASP.NET Web Application) which we received from another company as part of an acquisition.In general it works fine, however every time I close the project ("File" -> "Close Project" or just "File" -> "Exit"), the IDE crashes.If I create a new project this doesn't happen, and it doesn't happen for any other project/solution file I have handy.The other information I have that might be useful is that this project may have stared out as a VS2008 project, and previously it was under Microsoft source control (it's under Subversion now).

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MVC :: Creating Data Service In Project With Vs2010 - Getting Error

Mar 23, 2010

I get the following error which I don't get when I build a simple WCF Data Service in an non MVC project. I added the following to my global.asax:


The type 'MvcWebApp.WcfDataServiceTwitter', provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive, or provided in the configuration element system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/serviceActivations could not be found.

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VS2010 : Merge WebSite Assemblies As In Web Deployment Project

Jan 26, 2010

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Configuration :: VS2010 Web Deployment Project Rebuilds Constantly?

Jun 6, 2010

I just upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010, and now my web deployment project keeps rebuilding constantly. Even if I have a WinForms application set as the startup project and hit Ctrl+F5 to run it, the web deployment project rebuilds every time I hit Ctrl+F5. It didn't do this in VS2008. Does anyone know what's causing this?

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Visual Studio :: Concerns In Converting VS2008 Project To VS2010?

Nov 3, 2010

I have been working on this project for a few months in VS2008.. now that we are getting closer to the end, one of the other programmers has been working and doing his in VS2010, so when i try to open his projects in VS2008 it just shows up as XML.. so i have to open in VS2010.. thats fine..

But if i try to open my project in 2010, it prompts to use the conversion wizard.. Should i be concerned or are there any issues with doing the conversion? Being the end of the project, i dont want to cause issues at this point.. So would like to know if converting the project file at this stage in our project a good idea? Will there be any issues using his code with mine since they were developed in 2 different versions..

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Visual Studio 2010 - Upgrade A VS2010 3.5 Entity Framework Project To EF 4.0?

Nov 4, 2010

How do I upgrade an existing VS2010 ASP.Net 3.5 project from Entity Framework 3.5 to Entity Framework 4.0?

Do I:
- Change the references?
- Change the target framework?

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Installation :: Vs2010 - Project Type Not Supported By This Installation

Apr 23, 2010

So bit the bullet and installed vs2010 finally. However, when loading an existing vs2008 project, I am getting this error: "The project type is not supported by this installation." the only thing special about this project is that it's a "web application projects" type. what I've tried so far are these steps, but none of these solve my problem:

(1) run "devenv /setup"
(2) regsvr32.exe "%ProgramFiles%Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDEProjectAggregator.dll"

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How To Generate Solution And Project File From Project

Mar 4, 2010

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I do not have any solution file or .sproj file in it.

so I need open a single file at a time and I can not debug the whole project or any single file also.

Do I have to generate a project file or solution file,

I just wanted to open the whole project file by opening a single file in VS 2008.

so that all the folder structure and the files I can view in solution explorer.

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VS2010: Syntax Color Highlighting And Intellisense In A JS File?

Apr 27, 2010

I have an external *.js file that contains Javascript. How do I get teh same intellisense and color highlighting as I do in an ASPX page?

Here's my options for the js extension (set to 'Script Editor')

And here's what it looks like in an ASPX page (How I would like it to look.)

BTW, I did a full reset my Settings, setting them to VB and no luck.

Update to original post:

Cuban suggested I add a reference to the file "jquery-1.3.2.min.js." When I searched my PC for that file using the fastest bestest Search app ever written, it found it it .003 nano seconds in the following locations:

Basically, the file magically appeared in a couple of my throw away VS2010 test web apps and in a VS2008 Common folder. I don't know why it was added or how I got it and why it doesn't appear under the 2010 web app that I am currently working on.

How would I modify the following statement from Cuban? Do I need to set a reference something first? And what's with the triple slash? I haven't seen this convention before.

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Feb 2, 2011

I create dynamic pdf file using rdlc with the help of Dataset file (xsd). It is working fine in VS2005. The sampe project not working VS2010. Here dataset class not find in code behide.

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When I format an accordion control using a skin file (as opposed to entering the formatting as attributes on each <asp:Accordion> tag), the control renders as expected when the website is run. However, in the VS2010 designer, the control won't display but instead shows the generic "Error Rendering Control" box which hasthe exception, "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."

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Configuration :: Web Confg File And File In Project For Sending Error Message Email

Jan 17, 2011

I am trying to configure my web application to send emails to my email address in case of any error . Below is my coding in the web config file, I am following example from a book cuase I AMM A nOVICE TO VISUAL STUDIO AND .NET AND C#. THE NAME OF THE BOOK IS ASP.Net E-Commerce in C#. I am not sure what to put in for the MailForm value since the book did not say could someone tell me .


In my other configuration file under the App_Code folder I have this coding Below:


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C# - Mvc Making A File Link To That Xml File Which Exists Outside The Project

Nov 1, 2010

ok i have a file link not in the vs 2010 project .basically i have a list page in which i want to show the files, one file each for different organization. how can i make a link to that xml file which exists outside the project

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WCF / ASMX :: Add A File In Project Unable To See Any Svc File?

May 7, 2010

I am new to wcf. Referring to,

I was able to create a WCF project, host it in a console application & call it from a web application, successfully,But my issue is:

1. In the sample the program logic (say HelloWorld method) is residing in the host service! I think the program logic (all the methods & all) should reside in the WCF application & only host applicication is JUST a means to HOST the WCF. Am I correct. If so how can I do this.

2. In some other samples I see the use of an SVC file (.svc extension). How to use it? When I rt click to add a file in my project, I cannot see any svc file!

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How To Get Code Coverage Working On A VS 2010 Project/Cannot Initialize The Project 'Project Name'

May 23, 2010

When I turn on Code Coverage in my test settings, on a project that references the Unity DI container I get the following error:

Cannot initialize the ASP.NET project'{Project Name}'.

The event log specifies the following reason:

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.Unity, Version=2.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. Strong name signature could not be verified.

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Configuration :: What Is The Diff Between Link To Assemblies In Project File And Assemblies In Web.config File

Apr 30, 2010

when I reference a assembly. It's reference gets added to the project file in my case ( ABC.csproj)

Also when I take a look at the web.config file there is a section called <assemblies>. And lot of assemblies are added there.

What is the difference between link to the assemblies in the Project file and the assemblies in the web.config file?

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C# Online Documentation Generator

Apr 15, 2010

We are developing a very complex eCommerce portal using c# and the client asked us to make the documentation very similar (look & feel) with ebay api documentation kind of tool they are using and if not do you know anything that can be configured to produce a similar result ?

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Razor Reference Documentation

Jan 23, 2011

Now that ASP.NET MVC 3 with the new Razor engine has been officially released, is there any official documentation for it?The question mvc3 razor documentation? has some good links to introductory texts. But I'm looking for a reference documentation that contains a complete description of all @keywords.

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