How To Create A Model Class To Validate The Form Fields

Dec 9, 2010

I am beginner to MVC. I have created a View with dropdownlist, text box and text area. I didn't create a strongly typed view because these fields are not generating from the database. Is this right way of doing it? Do I have to create a 'Model' class and generate a strongly typed view? I am trying to validate(client and server side) these fieds before saving into the database. How to create a Model class for these fields?

Here is my view looks like.


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Validation - MVC 3 Validate Dynamic Form Fields?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm working on a very dynamic site build at the moment. What I'm trying to do is creating something like a survey that can be created dynamically from a control panel. In the control panel you add input fields (these are saved in a database), what the user then see is a form that I generate from the database. So if I add 3 input fields to the database the survey will contain 3 fields. If I add 20 fields the survey will have 20 fields.

Now my problem is that I want to validate these fields, and I would like to be able to hook me in with the standard validation flow. I can't create a Model with validation rules since the number of fields and their names are dynamic the only thing I know is what kind of data that is expected in every field (this rule is found in the database). In an ordinary case I would get the automatic highlighted fields that are not valid and so on thanks to the built in validation flow with ValidationResult and so on.

So the question now is can I somehow simulate parts of the validation and then hook me back in with the validation result, and if not valid, the form prints the error messages and fill the fields with the data that was given?

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MVC :: How To Populate Form Fields Without Strongly Typing Model

Sep 28, 2010

I am facing few issues. I am using MVC2.I am developing a form which is being created dynamically based on its layout and all html attributes info stored in DB table. This dynamically generated form stores data(this table have all html field names as columns) in another db table(db is mysql).

I have created ViewModel class in which i get both design table entity objects and data table entity object. I, then, created strongly typed view based on that ViewModel. But the problem is when i rendering html fields using html helpers i.e

TextBox(Model.tblDesign.htmlField_name).it doesnt bind with the columns of Model.tblData whose names are same as of Model.tblDesign.htmlField_name. how can i bind fields of data table?

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MVC :: Using EDMX And A 'business Logic' Class To Form The Model?

Jun 4, 2010

This not an 'MVC' question per se, but this is the closest forum I could find. I am building web/wpf/silverlight front end on the MVP pattern. I am using EDMX and a 'business logic' class to form the model, a presenter project, and a view project.The IViews contain the basic structure of each entity, the presenter contains actions, etc.Sample view:


Sample presenter:


QUESTIONS:I seem to end up with a 1-1 mapping of views and presenters. SHould there be more than one view per presenter, or more than one presenter per view? Should the presenter for an entity (in this case a User) also contain methods for functional items such as searching for a filtered list of Users using overloaded methods, etc.?Should the IViewXYZ interface contain any events or actions (methods)?

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MVC :: What's The Best Way To Create Form Fields Dynamically

Nov 14, 2010

New to .net and revamping a project from classic. In short, I am trying to create all the form fields in the view based on the database and want to figure out the best practice for .net. I've tried a few things but none seem very clean.

So basically select all the fields and data from the database and loop through each record creating the field type(text, drop down ect)/name/onchange event ect along with creating the basic layout, like putting in a column or group a set related fields.

I see how it can be done in the view itself, but there is a bunch of logic required that would be better suited for a function or class more than a bunch of if then elses in the view itself.

Just for context, it's for a real estate investment management project. So there are over 1000 fields that represent information on a house. What the end user see's is based on their choices and their security. Also, all the fields save with the onchange event which is tied to the name of the field. So everything is dynamic.

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MVC :: Looking For A Simple Way Of Pre Filling Some Of The Fields In A Create Form?

Mar 31, 2011

I am looking for a simple (or best practice) way of pre filling some of the fields in a create form. As an example, say the create view is loaded for a model that has a datetime field. I want the textbox for that field to be filled with DateTime.Now. I don't need a javascript watermark or anything like that, I jsut want to pre fill the text box.

The GET version of my Create method in the controller just returns the view with no model so I am not sure where to set this value.I've beel trying to figure this out for a while and I must be missing something, I expected this to be really easy.

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C# - Render A Multiple-model CREATE Form On The Fly

Jul 9, 2010

It's a multi-model view, and I'm achieving this through an IList<Book>. Each Book has a Title and an Author

So for example if I wanted to make 3 Books:


However, I want to be able to generate such a form for any number of Books. I've done this before in Ruby on Rails through JavaScript and rendering partials, but I don't think I can render a partial in this case because the form changes (the index of the book has to increment for it to work)

EDIT: I'm looking for a way to do this in the Create view in particular. So in this case I don't have a list of books, but I'm building it.

A user should be able to click on a link that says "Add another item" and a form for another book should be appended to the bottom.

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Create User By Profession - How To Populate/Submit/Validate Form

Sep 7, 2010

I am trying to create user by registration form which contains dropdown for profession in ASP.NET MVC

Eg. Individual, professional, manager etc.

some fields are common like name & Last Name...

some fields are unique by profession...

how do i program it with ajax.

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Using Createuserwizard Control Adding Additional Fields To Create A User Registration Form

Mar 17, 2010

I want to create a user registration form, I used the CreateUserWizard control, and i intend to add more filed with the wizard interface, the fields were firstname,lastname, telephone all these with the textBox control and sex-male or female with a radioButton control, and upload photo with the FileUpload control.

After a successfull submit to the sql database, i should be able to retrieve all this informtion inluding the photo uploaded in another aspx page using any of the data control in y toolbox and resizein the photo to be 100/100 pixel size. pls could you write out the code (step by step details) to follow to implement all this in my 3.5 c# website. I have already created a table in my database, using userId as my ForeignKey.

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MVC :: How To Create A Class For Every Form Create

May 19, 2010

Should we create a class for every form we create,that will us to do the validations etc etc?

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MVC :: Store Model In Separate Class Library- Pass Model Objects?

May 19, 2010

I'm building an MVC 2 RTM app, and I want to be able to share my model across applications. I'd *like* to be able to implement it like:ASP.NET MVC2 app (holds Views and Controllers)Class library to hold Model(s)WCF app to handle the data transactions with the models via different data stores across apps I had the MVC app working fine, but I wanted to abstract the data stuff and be able to work with the model across apps through the WCF site, so I created a class library project and moved all of the Models classes into that and set-up a WCF app, then added project references to the MVC and WCF apps that point at the class library. The idea was I can create services that take and return objects from the model via method calls across apps. It appears that everything's wired up correctly in the MVC project, so I'm passing the objects stored in the Models class library between controllers and views and everythig is compiling just fine, but for some reason the data is not being passed back from the views to the controller on POST -- all of the properties in the classes are null or empty.

When I debug the app, I can see that the values are stored in the model data dictionary but not the model object itself. What am I doing wrong? Am I on the wrong path, or missing something obvious (to some)?

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Default Model Binder Does Not Bind Model Class

Dec 28, 2010

I am trying to make a post that should use the Default Model Binder functionality in ASP.NET MVC 2 but unfortunately I can't get through. When I click on the checkout button I populate a form dinamically using jQuery code and then submit this form to the server. This is the form that get submitted

<form action="/x/Order/Checkout" id="cartForm" method="post">
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="UDjN9RdWheKyWK5Q71MvXAbbDNel6buJd5Pamp/jx39InuyYIQVptcEubIA2W8DMUzWwnZjSGkLspkmDPbsIxy8EVuLvfCSZJJnl/NrooreouptwM/PaBEz2v6ZjO3I26IKRGZPqLxGGfITYqlf8Ow==">
<input id="CustomerID" name="CustomerID" type="hidden" value="1">
<input id="FirmID" name="FirmID" type="hidden" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[0].ServiceTypeID" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[0].Quantity" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[1].ServiceTypeID" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[1].Quantity" value="1">

This is the jQuery code that handle the submit event for the form
$("#cartForm").submit(function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); var form = $("#cartForm");
var panel = form.parent(); panel.parent().block();
$.ajax({ type: "post", dataType: "html",
url: '<%: Url.Content("~/Order/Checkout") %>',
async: false, data: form.serialize(),
success: function (response, status, xml) { panel.parent().unblock(); },
error: function (response) { panel.parent().unblock(); } }); });

This is the controller action that should be get called
public virtual ActionResult Checkout( CartModel cart ) {
} And finally this is the CartModel class involved
public class CartModel : BaseModel{
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public int FirmID { get; set; }
public List<CartItemModel> CartItems { get; set; }
public CartModel() { CartItems = new List<CartItemModel>();
} } public class CartItemModel : BaseModel
{ public int ServiceTypeID { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; } }

But the default Model Binder does not bind the web form data to a CartModel class. Using Fiddler I have been able to see that the data sent to the server is correct as you can see from the following snapshot.

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C# - Creating A List Of Dataset Fields And Form Fields For Easy Updating?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a relatively complex dataset (numerous tables, some with multiple records) generated from reading in an XML file. I need to connect said dataset fields to an ASP form. At the moment I'm assigning them manually, like so in the pageload:

txt_first_init.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"].ToString();
txt_last_name.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString();
ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue = formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"].ToString();

And conversely when it's time to submit.

formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"] = txt_first_init.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"] = txt_last_name.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"] = ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue.ToString();

I did some looking into binding the textboxes (and dropdownlists, and checkboxes, and and and...) directly, but it seemed to be too many formats to use.

So this works fine, but as the number of fields increases, those load and unload lists are going to get unwieldy.

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Public Fields With Same Name In Class That Inherit Another Class ISSUE?

May 28, 2010

have a look at the code:


Here When i create object of Class InheritingOneConstruntor value of public field var1 is zero at last. But when i checked step by step through debugging i found that when base class's New() constructor is called, for a moment all var1's value becomes 89. All var1 means at all locations where var1 is used i.e., in base class and in child class.But the moment control exits New() constructor of base class, var1's value again becomes zero. Why it happend ?

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Javascript - Validate 1 Of The 2 Fields With Validators?

Feb 12, 2010

I've got a simple form with some textboxes. These textboxes all have a RequiredFieldValidator. If field 1 is filled in I need to disable the RequiredFieldValidator of field 2 because only one of these fields is required. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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MVC :: EF Model With Nullable Fields?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a problem with passing a model to a controllerIn my controller I have a HttpPost function that gets a EF model.The problem is that the form does not contains all properties of the EF model.When the function is called that gets this EF model, I get error messge of fields that are not nullable in the EF model.That's because the fields are not in the form, so the not nullable properties gets no value.

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MVC :: How To Validate The View Model From An Async Page

Apr 26, 2010

Like this?


I'm looking for the best way to do this!

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JQuery Validation Plugin To Validate Some Fields On One Page

Aug 10, 2010

am trying to use JQuery validation plugin to validate some fields on one page also has a link button which submits the page to server. Now the problem that I am facing is jQuery validator doesn't fire when I submit the page with that link button. If I change the link button to normal button or image button then validation works fine. I can't change the control on the page and have to use the link button.

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AJAX :: How To Use The Update Panel To Validate Fields And Do No Postbacks

Jul 17, 2010

I have an CONTACTS page.It has the 4 textboxes, the SEND button and the validation control for the 4 textboxes.How can i use an update panel, so when the user clicks on the SEND BUTTON, it does not do a postback ?

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Javascript - Match Two Fields With JQuery Validate Plugin?

Feb 28, 2011

I have an e-mail field, and a confirm e-mail field. I need to validate both of them to make sure their values match.

Is there a way to add a rule to match those two fields?

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MVC :: A Fields Without A Label Although I ( Model.Article_Type_ID) %>) Exsits

Dec 26, 2010

One of the fields on the view does not have a label when i ran the project, although the other fields got labels and the following HTML code to generate the label already exists:-

<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Article_Type_ID) %>

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Clear Text Button - Doing Post Back And Trying To Validate Fields

Jul 2, 2010

I have a Contact page, with 4 textboxes and 4 field validators. I made a RESET button to clear the text when pressed. But for an example: if i type on 2 textboxes and then press the RESET button, it tries to validate all 4 textboxes.


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How To Use Partial Method To Validate Fields Aganist Data In Database

Feb 7, 2011

i want to make sure all product names are unique so i tried to do the following. but it is causing an infinity loop at the lambda expression.

public partial class Product
partial void OnProductNameChanging(string value)
using(var ctx = new MyEntityContext()){
var val = value;
var item = ctx.Products.Where(o=>o.ProductName == val).FirstOrDefault();
if(item != null)
throw new ValidationException("Product Name existed.");

i'm using 4.0 with dynamic data and entity framework.

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Best Practices Concerning View Model And Updates With Subset Of Fields

Jan 17, 2010

By picking MVC for developing our new site, I find myself in the midst of "best practices" being developed around me in apparent real time. Two weeks ago, NerdDinner was my guide but with the development of MVC 2, even it seems outdated. It's an thrilling experience and I feel privileged to be in close contact with intelligent programmers daily. Right now I've stumbled upon an issue I can't seem to get a straight answer on - from all the blogs anyway - and I'd like to get some insight from the community. It's about Editing (read: Edit action). The bulk of material out there, tutorials and blogs, deal with creating and view the model.

So while this question may not spell out a question, I hope to get some discussion going, contributing to my decision about the path of development I'm to take. My model represents a user with several fields like name, address and email. All the names, in fact, on field each for first name, last name and middle name. The Details view displays all these fields but you can change only one set of fields at a time, for instance, your names. The user expands a form while the other fields are still visible above and below. So the form that is posted back contains a subset of the fields representing the model. While this is appealing to us and our layout concerns, for various reasons, it is to be shunned by serious MVC-developers.

I've been reading about some patterns and best practices and it seems that this is not in key with the paradigm of viewmodel == view. Or have I got it wrong? Anyway, NerdDinner dictates using FormCollection och UpdateModel. All the null fields are happily ignored. Since then, the MVC-community has abandoned this approach to such a degree that a bug in MVC 2 was not discovered. UpdateModel does not work without a complete model in your formcollection. The view model pattern receiving most praise seems to be Dedicated view model that contains a custom view model entity and is the only one that my design issue could be made compatible with.

It entails a tedious amount of mapping, albeit lightened by the use of AutoMapper and the ideas of Jimmy Bogard, that may or may not be worthwhile. He also proposes a 1:1 relationship between view and view model. In keeping with these design paradigms, I am to create a view and associated view for each of my expanding sets of fields. The view models would each be nearly identical, differing only in the fields which are read-only, the views also containing much repeated markup. This seems absurd to me. In future I may want to be able to display two, more or all sets of fields open simultaneously.

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MVC :: JQuery Disabled TextBoxFor Causes Model Fields To Be Null?

Jul 19, 2010

So i'm working on the form that i started MVC with - the problem is that i'm NOT using a ViewModel for the view, its an actual Linq to SQL object. And so far it works fine. This form is a beast and id rather not refactor it to use viewmodels....

My big problem now is that depending some condition, i pretty much set almost everything to disabled when a particular dropdown is selcted (to mimic a deactivated state) - when the user hits submit, the model fields are now null, even tho you can see them filled in (just greyed out and unselectable) and validation refuses them.

Is there anyway around this other than to refactor the Views to use ViewModels (and set different validation rules so submit works)?

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