How To Create Multiple Classes In Single DTO Class

Dec 1, 2010

I am used to making separate Business Object and List<> classes for my DB tables. Sometimes I just have a basic task in hand as displaying a list of year for a search box or having some values in a drop down.

Right now I am ending up with a lot of separate classes and List classes<> for these basic operations.

How can I make a single class for some basic tasks as these by using generics? I want to have single class for some methods like get current year, employee names, Department Name/Code, Title etc. I am using .NET 2.0.

After some searching, I found that I can achieve similar tasks by creating a DTO namespace.

What I don't get right now is how to create multiple classes inside my DTO class. Say 1 class for just returning 'year', One for 'Employee Name/Code' and so on inside the single DTO class.

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a.) There will be six different app domain in a single OS process

b.) There will three app domain(one for each application) in a single OS process and some Parallel thread will be executed in each app domain for another instance.

c.) There will be Three OS process corresponding to each application.

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ID Name Year Start Year End

1 Yourname 2010 2015

In Gridview:

ID Name Year

1 Yourname 2010 2015

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paypal.sandbox.AddressType addressType = new paypal.sandbox.AddressType();
addressType.AddressID = "Your Address ID";
paypal.sandbox.DoDirectPaymentResponseType response = new paypal.sandbox.DoDirectPaymentResponseType();
response.TransactionID = "25554d";

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Jun 4, 2010

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assignment1 assignment2
Student 1 55 89
Student 2 87 56
Student 3 92 34

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ADO.NET :: LINQ To SQL - Reuse Table Classes For Multiple Tables?

Jan 21, 2011

Is it possible to create a table class that can be used for multiple tables? For example, if I have some class:


In LINQ to SQL, this maps to a table with a name based on the class name, DBClass. However, suppose I want to use that class for multiple tables, and it could be an arbitrary number of tables. Is this possible

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