How To Generate A Unit Test Project Along With My New Project In Visual Web Dev Express
Jan 3, 2010
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If you are using the Standard or Express editions of Visual Studio, the Create Unit Test Project dialog box is not displayed. Instead, the new MVC application project is generated without a test project.
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Jan 27, 2010
I have Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition- Version 3.5 SP1 (9.0.30729.1 SP).I've noticed when working through examples they show a window, Create Unit Test Project, but that this window never appears when I follow their steps.Do I need to go somewhere and check a box so the program will give me this window?Does this mean VS2008 didn't install correctly?
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Jul 10, 2010
I just started my first MVC 2 project in VS 2010. I decided to start the debugger, just to see the default controllers in action, and have received several of the following kinds of errors for the test unit project:
Error 1 The type or namespace name 'Controllers' does not exist in the namespace 'MajorProductions' (are you missing an assembly reference?) c:userskevindocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsMajorProductionsMajorProductions.TestsControllersHomeControllerTest.cs
8 24 MajorProductions.Tests
From what I can see, however, MajorProductions.Controllers does exist, as it's created by default in my regular/non-test project.The unit test code in question is:
And the error is being triggered by the using MajorProductions.Controllers line. I have similar errors elsewhere in my unit test project, so I figure if I can fix this, I can fix the others.
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May 25, 2010
I am not able to override the design-time URL of a webservice in my web config.
I must be doing something stupid
My Dll is called SMSLibrary2X which has a web reference to a UserService web service like this (taken from the app.config of the dll:
<setting name="SMSLibrary2x_TAMService_UserService" serializeAs="String">
, however, in the web reference, the URL property is [URL]
As I understand it, the app.config for the DLL is not really pertinent, except perhaps to copy the setting into the app.config of the unit test project.
So, In the SMSLibrary2xTests web.config file, I have this:
However when my unit tests run, always pick up the URL of the web service that I defined when I added the Web Reference to the SMSLibrary2x DLL project, which is fine for design time, but not appropriate when I want to point to different versions at deploy time (dev, QA, prod, etc). I just can't seem to get it to pick up the proper URL.
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Nov 2, 2010
I am using ASP.NET MVC and want to have Unit Test functionality integrated within Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (or Visual Studio LightSwitch). Is it possible and if so, what is the recommended/best way to get it?
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Nov 19, 2010
i have a .NET 3.5 solution with an site) project with fluentnhibernate and it's test project(class library project).i've referenced the project in the test project and with all fluentnhibernate/nhibenate dlls.
What i fail to comprehend is that, on a run of a webform (hit from browser) let's say Test.aspx, building of schema is successfull and i could see the tables in my database.
here is the method i call on Test.aspx.cs
So from my comment the NullReferenceException happens when accessing the connectionstring. I don't have the explanation on why that happens.
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May 15, 2010
i have to do some message exchange with a 3rd party (in a website).When the client posts a page, i start the message exchange. When that doesn't succeed for some reason, i report this to the client by rendering the page with a message.On the background, in a separate thread, i start a process to send abort messages to the 3rd party. I can't do this while the user is waiting for the page to come back, because it might take a few minutes.But in a test project, the test ends when the message to the 3rd party is sent, and after the new thread is started. But it seems that the new thread also ends, when the test is done.
Is that normal behaviour?I do start the thread in a new class with a reference to 2 objects from the class which tries to send the message in the first place, may that be a problem?EDIT: it keeps running when the whole process is started in IIS
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm trying create unit testing for an existing website project (not web application project). I cannot access my under test classes unless I use accessor. However, if I use accessor, I have problem to initiate an object with passing arguments. I only want to create unit tetsing for App_Code. After searching web, and I found that I'd better to create a web application project using my current existing website project. From solution explorer, add new project ->using existing website. My questions is: what impact will have for my current website to create the new project? Should I just convert my current website to web application? If do that, will it cuase problems on my website? I am new on, still learning..
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Mar 2, 2010
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I am using visual studio professional 2008
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Apr 8, 2010
I'm trying to create a MVC project inside of VS 2010 using Asp.Net MVC 2 RC2, using all the default settings and the default "Visual Studio Unit Test" framework and am getting 6 Namespace errors upon compile (without touching ANYTHING). Pretty standard setup. I removed the prior MVC versions before installing RC2 for VS2010 etc. These are the errors:
The namespace "AWWOAMVC" is empty (or so says Intellisense). Both of these reside in the same solution explorer, as it is brand new project.
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Feb 10, 2010
I have a WebTest that simply opens a login page, inputs a userid/password and logs in.I need this test to user a list of ten userid/password combinations.
I've already recorded this event and the Form Post Parameters display a userText and pwText entry. I assume I do something with those to accomplish that. I just don't know what.
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Feb 3, 2010
I am working on my test project for my web service, and my problem is that, my web service uses a folder (within the folder there are crystal reports template).
How can I copy it to test porject?
I've tried to copy the folder to various directories such as bin, bin/debug, obj, rootDir etc, but none of them works
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Dec 17, 2010
Is there a way to make a new project file using Visual Studio express 2010 using the files downloaded off a server from an web site? If so what are the steps? I would like to make a new project out of the old files without starting from scratch, I don't want to just edit a couple of things I would like to create a project file using the files I can get off the server if possible. It would be C#.
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Mar 4, 2010
i have the project files which consist of some folders and some aspx and aspx.vb files.
I do not have any solution file or .sproj file in it.
so I need open a single file at a time and I can not debug the whole project or any single file also.
Do I have to generate a project file or solution file,
I just wanted to open the whole project file by opening a single file in VS 2008.
so that all the folder structure and the files I can view in solution explorer.
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Jun 15, 2010
Why I don't have publish or add a deployment project in my visual studio express 2008?
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Mar 14, 2010
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Using: .NET framework 3.5
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Aug 27, 2010
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Nov 1, 2010
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Jul 17, 2010
I have downloaded a project from the internet called the SMS Source example. I wanted to open this project in VS2010, so a conversion wizard has popped up prompting for the conversion. But it has errors in converting.
Error msg:
Conversion Report - SMSSend.csproj:
Error converting project file. MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Missing resource 'MissingAttribute'
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Mar 29, 2011
I recently updated my VS2010 website project from .NET 3.5 to 4.0. Everything was working fine in the website project. Today I decided to migrate the website to a web application project as I have learned this is the best way to work in .NET. I split out all my class files into a separate class library and copied all my other content into my new project. Then I updated all the references and web.config.
When I build the class library, everything works great. The problem is happening when I try to build/debug the web application project. It is acting like all the controls are missing and it is also throwing a bunch of compile errors about the public properties I have in my master pages.
Control errors: "The name 'INSERT CONTROL NAME HERE' does not exist in the current context"
Master page errors:'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' does not contain a definition....
It is giving these errors for every single control and master page property in my entire solution.I notice when I add a new web.form to this project, it also adds a filename.aspx.designer.cs file in addition to the .aspx and .aspx.cs file. My existing files do not have these extra files since they were created in a different .NET version.
UPDATE: It seems I was missing the step where I need to right click on the new application folder and select "Convert to web application". I just did that and it seems to be a little bit better...
Now it is choking on Literals that are inside single quotes:
<div class='<asp:Literal ID="CssClassLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>'>
It doesn't see this literal when it does the conversion... Is the above valid code or should I implement that functionality another way?
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Apr 21, 2010
I don't see Empty Project option in Visual Studion 2008 under NEW > Project?
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May 23, 2010
When I turn on Code Coverage in my test settings, on a project that references the Unity DI container I get the following error:
Cannot initialize the ASP.NET project'{Project Name}'.
The event log specifies the following reason:
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.Unity, Version=2.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. Strong name signature could not be verified.
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Jun 6, 2010
I'd like to tryout ASP.NET MVC2, im using VWD2010 on Windows 7. I can't seem to be able to get the unit test dialog to pop up. I googled it and all I find is nUnit templates for VWD2008.
Anyone running into this issue with same setup as mine?
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Feb 18, 2010
I have one assembly with unit tests to my each library.
Each assembly prepares clean test data by restoring database (SQL Server):
public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context)
How to force tests from one test library run in one 'packet' - I mean - all tests from A.dll, then all tests from B.dll and so on?
Now, when libraries use the same database, mixing tests from various libraries causes errors - one library restores database before test method is started from other library....
The other possibility, that I'm thinking about is to not use assembly load startup method, but restore all databases only once - before first test starts - but I don't know how to do it...
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Oct 25, 2010
I have webservice running, how to test those web methods using the Test features of Visual Studio 2010.
As with normal web reference i am not able to create the classes and call the webmethods inside the test class.
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