How To Get Header Template Control On Postback From Another Control On Aspx Page
Mar 17, 2011
Im wondering how to get a label control that is in a header template in a datalist on an aspx page. I need the control text to change when the user checks a checkbox outside of the list on the page somewhere. I tried Itemdatabound, but I dont want to have to rebind the list everytime the user checks the box (lots of slow reaction time)
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My Requirement :
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Mar 2, 2011
Here is my requirement -
1. I need to load a user control on link click event of a link button during postback of aspx page.
2. On button click event of a save button on that aspx page, I need to read the selected values from that user control on further postback.
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Jun 1, 2010
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Jan 28, 2011
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In side the uframe ,button control getting postback the page even the client side method call also.
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Oct 5, 2010
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I would also like to inform the scenario after which this problem came to me. I was working in VS 2008 , VS 2005 and VS 2003 in the same machine.Could this have caused the issue ?
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Jan 21, 2010
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I've added this control to my GridView's Header via OnRowCreate event handling. I want the Sort Expressions to persist session to session (via Webparts Personalization)
Here is what I have for adding the custom header control to the GridView Header
This works out well for adding the control, but I can't get anything to persist because these controls are creating initially via postback (per the event) and re-created on all subsequent postbacks. I can't add an If(!IsPostback) because the controls are initially created on the gridview's postback (well at least thats how it's acting when I put it in there) If I were to add this control via the ASP page, not via the Codebehind, I would be able to persist the control. If I try to treat it as though everything is setup correctly, and assign my custom control's controls to [Personalizable], I get a runtime error telling me that I can only have webpartzones in or before Page_init (I'm guessing this is due to when/where the
gridview hits the OnRowCreate event). If there is some fundimental logic I'm missing, or best practices that I'm moving away from,
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Jun 14, 2012
<asp:Content ID="Content3" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="ContentPlaceHolder3">
<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" runat="server">
<asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server" BackColor="#FFFBD6" BorderColor="#FFDFAD"
BorderPadding="4" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana"
Font-Size="0.8em" ForeColor="#333333" onauthenticate="Login1_Authenticate1"
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Error 1 The name 'Login1' does not exist in the current context
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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Proj Id">
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Apr 4, 2010
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Apr 6, 2010
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May 30, 2010
I need to force SSL when going to the final checkout page (for example from default.aspx to checkout.aspx).
I need to pass variables to this check out page and tried to use server.transfer( I then use previous page .Fincontrol to read text box and label name to this check out page. If I only do the server.transfer("~/checkout.aspx") then my I can read all vakues of my controls from the passing default.aspx page.
But when I force https:// then I cannot read the control values from default.aspx page.
Please give me some tips on how to get control values to the https:// destination page or if you have another tips on how to do it the right way, please let me know.
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May 15, 2010
My Question is related to access the rows in one page and putting conditions in another page.I need to check whether a datagrid has row in it or not. DataGrid is in .aspx page. Based on this checking i need to write a condition in .ascx page.the .ascx on which condition is checked is linked to .aspx page. Meaning that UserControl1.ascx is Register with Default.aspx pageI am using VS 2003let me know if any input is needed from my side.
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Apr 22, 2010
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Feb 19, 2010
I want to use Tab control on my aspx page.I don't know where it is located? and how to use it?Please also tell me how to access the control from the different tabs.and how to put different controls on tab and code for accessing that control.
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Apr 12, 2010
What i am trying to do here is to show a couple of validation messages in form of a bulletlist, so i have a Div on my master page containing a asp:bulletlist. Like this:
<asp:BulletedList ID="blstValidationErrorMessage" runat="server" BulletStyle="Disc">
When i then click the Save button from any of my pages (inside the main contentPlaceHolder) i create a list of messages and give this list as datasouce like this:
blstValidationErrorMessage.DataSource = validationMessageCollection;
The save button is located inside an updatepanel:
asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Conditional">
Nothing happens, i can see that the datasource of the bulletlist contains X items, the problems must arise because the Save button is inside an update panel and the elements outside this updatepanel (master page controls for example) is not refreshed.
So my question is, how do i make the bulletlist refresh after the postback?
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