How To Handle Response.flush
Jun 21, 2010
I am using Response.flush() method for download the csv file. I am create the html on page and call the Response.flush method. It is working good But when i am cancel the download and do the another operation , It genrates the error.
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Similar Messages:
Sep 20, 2010
So,I have this code:
Even though I have buffer set to false,no text is displayed.I have tried adding a response.flush,with and without changing the buffer value.What exactly is wrong?I've also tried it with and without the label(i.e. with or without just Response.Write)
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Feb 3, 2010
I have some code that is used to replace certain page output with other text. The way I accomplish this is by setting the Response.Filter to a Stream, Flushing the Response, and then reading that Stream back into a string. From there I can manipulate the string and output the resulting code. You can see the basic code for this over at [URL] However, I noticed that Page Caching no longer works after the first Response.Flush call.
I put together a simple ASP.NET WebApp as an example. I have a Default.aspx with an @OutputCache set for 30 seconds. All this does is output DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(). I override Render. If I do a Response.Flush (even after the base.Render) the page does not get cached. This is regardless of any programmatic cacheability that I set. So it seems that Response.Flush completely undermines any page caching in use. Why is this?
extra credit: is there a way to accomplish what I want (render output to a string) that will not result in Page Cache getting bypassed?
ASPX Page:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="TestCacheVsFlush._Default" %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="30" VaryByParam="none" %>
<%= DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() %>
Code-behind (Page is Cached):
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
Code-behind (Page is not cached):
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
Code-behind (Page still is not cached):
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
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May 12, 2010
When to use Response.Flush? Do I need to call it every time before I call Response.End?
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Apr 26, 2010
I know all about this exception, read the msdn article here [URL] but I do not know how to handle this when my boss does not want me to throw in false for the Response.End.
Here's what I have:
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Jan 27, 2011
I'm using .net 3.5 and am currently creating a web application used to generate a report through Aspose.CellsActually, the page is composed in a form where I get the configuration of the report I have to generate. The "generation" button is in an update panel. When I click on it, the "generation" button is hidden and a progress bar appears. When the excel file is generated, I save it in a memory stream and I send it back to the aspx page where I change the headers to allow the file's download.
View 3 Replies
Aug 17, 2010
I always have problem with the conception of flush who knows exactly what it means eg:
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May 18, 2010
I have a strange situation.An ASP.NET button click event causes an object in memory to be updated. The object was loaded from NHibernate via Refresh() during Page_Load, but at no time during the entire page life cycle is Commit() or Flush() called.At some point after the page's OnUnload step, the object and any changes made to it are automatically persisted to the database. I cannot see when or where or why this occurs.
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Feb 16, 2010
i am using the transaction-per-request (session-in-view) pattern for an web application. I have a couple of points in the application where i want to Save an NHibernate managed entity and then do a couple of more inserts and updates using common sql. These inserts/updates depend on the ID that the NH saved entity will take.
The problem is that the generated id does not exist in the transactions' scope. If i force a flush/commit the id is persisted but if the inserts/updates fail i have to rollback but the flushed/committed entity will not. Currently I'm doing a manual insert for these cases but that is something i want to change. So, is there a way to execute the SQL statement (inside the already open transaction) after the Save() but without forcing a flush/commit?
EDIT: I'm adding a semi-pseudocode example, i got 4 wrong answers so i think people don't understand (how NHibernate works)
At the Begin request i issue a
then at some point i do
FooClass fc = new FooClass("value");
ITransaction trans = nhsession.Transaction;
SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand("some insert/update query that depends on fc's id", (SqlConnection)nhsession.Connection);
sc.Parameters.Add("id", fc.Id); //NHibernate generates the id, note i'm using assigned/hi-lo so no round trip to the db takes place
try {
catch (SqlException ex){
and at the end of the Request i issue a CommitTransaction() and nhsession.Close()
Now this will do absolutely nothing: the FooClass (fc) has not been flushed/commited to the database. The Save() operation that NH has done is up to that point in-memory. That means no sql command has been issued by nhibernate and that means that the SqlCommand (sc) that i fire afterwards will fail miserably as the id does not exist.
If i do a flush/commit between Save() and the SqlCommand the FooClass(fc) _cannot_be_rolled_back_ and that is a bad bad thing.Currently, for this to work i make vanila sql insert using an SqlCommand, and i want to change that. (Why? because i don't want to make vanilla inserts they are susceptible to errors due to schema/model changes, and i got the OR/M for that)
How? i want to notify NHibernate somehow to execute the SqlCommand to corresponds to the Save() insert (hell, it can do all the SqlCommands it has gathered) but without it commiting or flushing!.
Currently i'm also searching for the prepared sql statement that nhibernate produces when flushing/commiting a saved object. Maybe i can just take that string and run it in my SqlCommand that is enlisted in the Transaction.
View 6 Replies
Jun 15, 2010
I've got all of my ASP.NET requests wrapped in a Session and a Transaction that gets commited only at the very end of the request. At some point during execution of the request, I would like to insert an object and make it visible to other potential threads - i.e. split the insertion into a new transaction, commit that transaction, and move on. The reason is that the request in question hits an API that then chain hits another one of my pages (near-synchronously) to let me know that it processed, and thus double submits a transaction record, because the original request had not yet finished, and thus not committed the transaction record.
So I've tried wrapping the insertion code with a new SessionScope, TransactionScope(TransactionMode.New), combination of both, flushing everything manually, etc. However, when I call Refresh on the object I'm still getting the old object state. Here's some code sample for what I'm seeing:
Post outsidePost = Post.Find(id); // status of this post is Status.Old
using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionMode.New))
Post p = Post.Find(id);
p.Status = Status.New; // new status set here
// refresh doesn't get the new status, status is still Status.Old
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Mar 3, 2010
I am not able tto understand the differnce between REspose.Expire and Response.ExpiresAbsolute?
Is it mandatory to use both toghter?
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Jul 16, 2010
I am using this code to download and its working well for me.But i cant understand the code.Can someone explain me this code to me please?
Response.AddHeader is used to add a new HTML header,but what is an HTML header all about?and the parameters i am passing within it as the name and value;what are they?
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a static method that I use to control REST styled HTTP codes when my mvc application encounters an exception.
The method looks like:
This is static becuase then I can call it within an action or inside a filter. The problem I am having is that when I call RaiseException inside a filter, it stills goes into the requested action. Response.End() doesn't seem to have any effect. Any clues on how I can get Response.End() to work when called?
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Jan 13, 2011
Is it necessary to call Response.End() after Response.Redirect(url) Update for all the answers. Because some answers say that it's necessary and others say no, I have searched more and have found in msdn under remarks the following: Redirect calls End which raises a ThreadAbortException exception upon completion.
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm using Response.Filter in order to implement stream compression in accordance with HTTP Request Header Accept-Encoding
Here's the important stuff:
if (AcceptEncoding.Contains("deflate") || AcceptEncoding == "*")
HttpApp.Response.Filter = new DeflateStream(PreviousOutputStream, CompressionMode.Compress);
HttpApp.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Encoding", "deflate");
By and large this works as intended. However, I'm in a situation where I'm using an ActionResult on an MVC Controller to serve up files to the user agent:
Response.Headers["Content-Type"] = contentType;
Response.Headers["Content-Length"] = contentLength;
if (Request.QueryString["dl"] == "1")
Response.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + fileInfo.Name;
To be more exact, the action method returns new EmptyResult() after the Response.TransmitFile() call. This works exactly as intended without the Response.Filter modification.
In this situation, the response entity reaches the user agent garbled and unintelligible. FireFox's Poster addon shows empty entities or jumbled entities coming back.
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Jan 24, 2010
I have written simple HttpModule. context.Response.Output.Write is working fine. but not context.Response.Write().
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Mar 31, 2010
I have following function which is called from a button click event
I am creating a zip file on the fly and wanted to download this file.Problem is that in Internet explorer when I click the button the download accelrator comes with file name as my page saying resume opendialogueif i click open then DAP window close and normal windows download manager comes but the event of my button fires multiple time?I don't know what to do with it
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Apr 22, 2010
what is difference between Response.write and Response.output.write
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Nov 24, 2010
I've just finished reading URL vs. URI vs. URN, in More Concise Terms, and it's really helped understand the distinction between the three terms. Since then I've skimmed the RFC2141 and RFC2616 specs and Microsoft's Response.Redirect Method documentation in an effort to answer the following question confidently.
Given this line of code:
And this resulting HTTP response (trimmed for context):
Status=Found - 302 Date=Wed, 24 Nov
2010 17:27:58 GMT
What name(s) most properly describes what has been placed into the "Location" header?
URL? URI? URN? URC? Which is it?
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Jul 15, 2010
how to handle the Exception
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Apr 20, 2010
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Jun 25, 2010
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Feb 11, 2010
This is a thread looking for advice/comments.I have datalist that has an image in each row. Right now i am just setting the height to a certain height like 75px and this works just fine. Our images are pretty web friendly. But if a user was to have a jpeg that is like 2mb and i change the height I am guessing it still is loading the full 2mb even though the image has "shrunk"?If so what is best way to handle thumbnail creation. I dont want the end user to have to create thumbnail so i was thinking of doing it dynamically if the way I am doing it now is gonna slow down my page.
View 2 Replies
Apr 2, 2010
I am writing a site with six pages that use the same 12 pieces of data for x number of people. The user always goes to a fixed page where I do all of the DB related work to get the 12 pieces of data for x number of people. However, I don't want to do the DB related work again as it is overhead intensive. So after the initial page I end up with something like this:
Person1, Data1, Data2,Data3,.......Data12
Person2, Data1, Data2, Data3........Data12
I have been trying to figure out the best way to store the data so that I can use the data set throughout the remaining 5 pages. I thought of setting up an array within a class but I keep getting a null value when I try to access that class values (maybe I have it set up wrong). I thought using a session variable to store the array, but because it is multi dimensional I am having issues (again, most likely due to a lack of knowledge). I thought perhaps storing the array into a temp SQL table would be efficient, because then it would be a single read out to SQL to get the datatable containing the data back into the page, but that seems like a lot of work for something that should be easier.
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Feb 3, 2010
I am using the AJAX tab container. How to capture the click event of the tab,whether client side or server side,,Means suppose when i clikc on tab0,I want to execute the certain to handle the click event of the tab?
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