How To Handle Multiple Selection ListBox

May 14, 2010

In my aspx registration page i have more then 6 item available in my list box, I am allowing multiple selection on it..I am not sure about how many items i will select each and every time. then how i have to store it into dataset and how to pass it as a mysql paramter...

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If I have two listboxes, with a button between them, how do I update the Items of ListBox2 if ListBox2's items are databound?

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Web Forms :: Populate Listbox From Dropdownlist Selection?

Jan 3, 2011

1) 1 dropdownlist - department

2)Search button

3) 1 listbox that will display all the staff according to the selection of its department

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Query To Change Listbox Selection Mode?

Mar 1, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page with a listbox whose selection mode is set to multiple by default. I would like to set its selection mode to single on a button click.

Code snippet of my attempt:


It is not working though. What am I doing wrong here and how to get it to work?

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Jul 14, 2010

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If(Request("__EVENTARGUMENT") <>[code]....

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The problem is - even when I select multiple items, it's always only the first item has Selected property = true in the event handler, and the listbox after the submit deselects all the items and selects only the first one


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AJAX :: Adding The 'multiple' Attribute To The Final Dropdown List And It Allows The Selection Of Multiple Items?

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Apr 4, 2010

I have a asp:ListBox wrapped inside an asp:UpdatePanel. The list box contains Bus Codes. If I select AH, for example, and then scroll down to select XY, the listbox jumps back up to the top of the list instead of staying on XY. Listbox's autopost back is set to True. As I need to get selected values and then pass it to another web page to display a crystal report. The report web page is opened using JavaScript Window.Open and on page load of the web page that contains the listbox this JavaScript is added to a button. Is there a way I can stop my list box jumping back to the 1st item?

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VS 2005 - List Box Will Not Allow Multiple Selection Even When Property Is Set To Multiple

Oct 24, 2012

I have a list box that I want to allow the users to select up to 4 items from. I set the selection property to multiple, but for the life of me it won't allow multiple selection. If I pre-select 4 items, they show up as all selected when the page loads, but as soon as I select another, it clears all of them and then only allows one at a time. if I check the source code for the page, the property is set to multiple (see below).

HTML Code:
<td colspan="2" style="height: 28px">
<select size="4" name="MonthsListBox" multiple="multiple" id="MonthsListBox">
<option value="Jan">Jan</option>
<option value="Feb">Feb</option>
<option value="Mar">Mar</option>
<option value="Apr">Apr</option>
<option value="May">May</option>
<option value="June">June</option>


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i am working on web application the problem i m facing is that if a user access saleorder form i goto database and get Max SID from saleorder table and increment in it, and when user finish i sent this id Saleorder table and other info as well as same SID to other 2 tables but the problem is that if multiple users access at samee time how can i manage SID there wil be id conflict as SID is PK in SaleOrder and FK in other two tables

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Jun 1, 2010

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public void Login(User user)
LogLogin(user, true);

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Aug 11, 2010

How do you handle multiple models in a view?. I have 2 tables. Member and MemberAddress

Member class contains Collection of MemberAddresses since a single member may have a billing and shipping address:

public class Member
public virtual int MemberId { get; set; }
public virtual string Username { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsActive { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsSame { get; set; }


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C# - UserControl With A Button That Can Handle Multiple Actions?

Dec 21, 2010

I want to develop a user control (by inheriting UserControl) which contains a button which when clicked does multiple actions. Those actions should be defined somewhere. So when I sue the control on page1.aspx the button does action X, when its used on page2.aspx and the button is clicked there, action Y is started and so on.

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MVC :: Read Values From A Multiple Selection Dropdownlist

Jun 3, 2010

I have two ListBox in my ascx file, I fill them with some data (no problem here), I make them multiple and increase the size, below is my code.


I use some jQuery code to exchange element between them (Here too, no problem). My problem begin when I post my form, I'm unable to get the data from the DropDownList with attribute multiple or size. I tried in my controler to add a FormCollection parameter, I can see every element in my form except those select tag with more options than id and name. I tested to put a manual select tag in my code with only an id and a name then add size and multiple attribute, when there is only id and name I can get the value but when there are more I can't get my select tag in the FormCollection

Also I need to get all the value in the ListBoxand not only the ones who were selected. I have been searching answer for 2 fays now... Without success, I only find resource on how to show ListBoxbut not how to get values from them in mvc web site and I don't find any resources who talk about multiple selection ListBox, I think I'm a bad searcher but....

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Web Forms :: Multiple Dates Selection In The Calendar?

Dec 21, 2010

Using 3.5 c#. I have two questions:

How can I select multiple dates in the calendar?If I selected multiple dates and added them into DB,, Is it possible to view them again in the calendar (i.e. the dates will be selected and colored)?

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Web Forms :: How To Make Dropdownlist Allow Multiple Selection

Mar 29, 2010

Now my datasource has where clause depends on the selection of a dropdownlist that contains selection of one of the items plsu and option ALL.

This only caters for all or, one item

I need to make it

All, or, 2,3, or 4.. selection and the datasource is then refreshed. What control I should use and it seems the SQL need to modified into "IN" statement, am I wrong ?

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Web Forms :: List Box Multiple Selection Not Happening?

Nov 12, 2010

I have two Listboxes side by side. First Listbox lists all employee. I have a button to move selected employee from Listbox 1 to Listbox 2. If i select multiple employee from ListBox 1 and click on a button to move to selected employee to ListBox 2, then only alternate selection is moved.

For example.

If ListBox 1 have employee listed as :

1. John
2. Micheal
3. Bryan

After moving to ListBox 2. It shows:

1. John
2. Bryan

My Code is:

protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int LItem = 0; LItem < this.ListBox1.Items.Count; LItem++)
if (this.ListBox1.Items[LItem].Selected)
this.ListBox1.Items[LItem].Selected = false;

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C# - ModelBinder With Multiple Selection And Complex Objects?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to bind the selections in a multiple selection SELECT, to an IList input in the controller.

<select name="users" multiple="multiple">


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Web Forms :: Web Control - Multiple Selection Drop Down?

Mar 29, 2010

Am creating a user control for multiple selection drop down( i e dropdown with checkbox list) as shown. It works fine if i have only one instance of the control in a page. But it fails for more than one. I guess its java script client id issue. but i checked even that but unable to found :-

This is my .ASCX file.


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