How To Keep All Answers In Page1 When User Open Page2

Nov 3, 2010

I am working a survey project. There are about 30 questions. I created two pages to sore these questions. Each page has 15 questions. When user opens page2 and then back to page1, all answers of page1 are not in page1 any more. How to keep all answers in page1 when user open page2?

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State Management :: How To Keep All Answers In Page1 When User Open Page2

Nov 3, 2010

I am working a survey project. There are about 30 questions. I created two pages to sore these questions.

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Passing Value From Page1 To Page2?

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score += 1
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[Code] ...

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a) blah blah

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Line 1: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" Master PageFile="Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="page1.aspx.cs" Inherits="default.page1" %>

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[OperationBehavior(Impersonation = ImpersonationOption.Required)]
public string OpenServer()
RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer objFaxServer;
NameValueCollection appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
sFAXServerName = appSettings["FAXServer"];

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