C# - How To Get To Page1 When Refresh Gridview

Jan 20, 2011

i have gridview in my webform.

in my search i got to page 4 for example, now i need to refresh the gridview

and go to page 1.

how to to it ?

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what is happening is that, onclick of button on page1.aspx key=0 is getting passed instead of HELLO.


can u explain why is this happening?

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Line 1: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" Master PageFile="Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="page1.aspx.cs" Inherits="default.page1" %>

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<%@ Page Language="vb" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="TestGridView._Default" %>
<asp:GridView ID="GV1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">


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I've been working on a colleagues site, and have been unable to fix a coupld of issues with it. One of which is a refresh of a Gridview panel.

The page allows a user to navigate a tree structure and then display the permissions on a user selected folder. Permissions are then added/removed and Saved.

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Below is the associated sa.aspx.cs


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AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource1">

SortExpression="UserName" />
SortExpression="FullName" />
SortExpression="Email" />
SortExpression="LastLoginDate" DataFormatString="{0:dd MMMM yyyy}"/>
<asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource1" runat="server" ContextTypeName="MyDataContextDataContext" onselecting="LinqDataSource_Selecting">
<asp:Parameter Name="Subject" />
public void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
this.LinqDataSource1.WhereParameters["Subject"].DefaultValue = this.txtSubject.Text;
e.Result = reporterRepo.GetInquiries();

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<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:GridView blah... [code]....

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Jan 12, 2011

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How do I modify my code so that the page is smart enough to wait until the job is executed and refresh the gridview with the new data? Currently this is what I have:


The last method (GridView1_RowDataBound ...) is for having the background to red if some condition occurs.
Right now, after clicking ImageButton0, there is an instant postback and the gridview is not updated

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Oct 12, 2010

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Refresh Data For Gridview Without Reloading Page

Dec 15, 2014

In a page, there are one text box (textOrderby), one button and one gridview. (gridviewOrder)

I use dataset to bind gridview dynamically. Here is the code

dim SQL as string="select * from order where OrderBy = '" & textOrderby.text & "'"

dim ds as new dataset

ds=makedataset(SQL) // a function to make dataset



Every time once user input Order by data and then clicks the button, gridviewOrder will display new data.

It works fine but every time page is blinking (post back) to refresh data.

Is there any way to stop page blinking which still refresh data?

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Web Forms :: Submit Button Should Not Reset / Refresh Gridview?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a web form with some labels, textboxes, buttons and a gridview. The gridview has AllowPaging ="true". Girdview displays record numbers (hyperlinked), When I click on a record number in the grid view it populates textbox1. Then I hit the 'Search button to auto populate the form the that record data from the database.

My problem is when I am on say 5th page on my grid view and click a record number to go in textbox1, and then click on the search button to auto populate the form, the gridview goes back to page 1.

How do I make the search button not reset/refresh the gridview?

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Web Forms :: Refresh A Gridview In A Custom Control From The Method Of Another?

Apr 12, 2010

I am looking for a way to refresh one custom control inside a method of another. Here is what I have:

A.aspx <- contains (B,C) custom controls below

B.ascx <- adds data to SQL databaseC.ascx <- contains (D) custom control below

D.ascx <- shows data from SQL database

Data is added to SQL in the C# B.ascx code-behind method. Upon a new row being added I would like a GRIDVIEW inside the D.ascx control to refresh and show that new record immediately.

Initially I had all the code on the same page, but then needed to cut it into separate custom controls. The code worked perfectly fine before and now I need this refresh to happen again. The code I used before to refresh the gridview was like this:

// sqlSummary.DataBind();
// grdSummary.DataBind();

In the end I also need to update the screen. I used an UpdatePanel before, but no longer have it. Not sure what the best way to update the screen is with the new data.

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