ViewState / Values On Page2, When Redirected To Page1?

Dec 9, 2010

I have Page1.aspx and Page2.aspx. When I am on Page2, there are values with me on TextBoxs and DropDownLists.

If I redirect to Page1 and come back to Page2 then values hold by controls (TextBoxs and DropDownLists) displayed as empty.

Here, I need to those values on Page2, when I redirected to Page1.

Here, I have used ViewState, but I think ViewState values are not carried between pages. What I have to use here?

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i have a textbox field with readonly proeprty with value say "hello" on page1.aspx.

also on page1.aspx i have a button which redirects to page2.aspx with textbox value in querystring.

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what is happening is that, onclick of button on page1.aspx key=0 is getting passed instead of HELLO.


can u explain why is this happening?

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Here is the handling code on page2 (rvProjectStatus being the ReportViewer control):

In other situations I have passed such values in the query string and then assigned them to the parameter collection, no problem.Also, please note, I have tried using the @PreviousPageType directive to get at the types on page1, but have met with no success there either.

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when the page is not Posted back, I saved all values in the viewstate.

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ds = TelephoneDtl.GetTelephoneData();

ViewState["CurrentPos"] = ds.Tables[2];

I now want this view state values to be assigned to a datatable. Something like this:

datatable dt = ViewState["CurrentPos"];

But doing this gives me a typecast error

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Mar 29, 2011

this is about ASP.NET, ViewState, UserControls and loosing the values of my properties. It is an classic question by know, I know, and even though I have searched here and on Google for a resolution to this problem, I havent succeeded. On the contrary, the more I test different things, the less I understand it seems.

On top of this I am using and their so called DirectMethod's but I dont think that has much to do with this problem. There are numerous questions I have and I hope that this text will be fairly readable and understandable =)

The UserControl

I have a UserControl, Customers.ascx, that contains some Properties. The "most" important is *_CustomerId*. The _CustomerId is set in code-behind, in's "DirectMethod" like this (code below from the Page Customers.aspx):


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Dec 16, 2010

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if I check 1 & 3 items, then I close the page

if I re-open the page, items 1 & 3 must be checked.

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ViewState["Index"] = reader[0].ToString();

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On ?

I work with C# and Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.NET

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Jan 20, 2011

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in my search i got to page 4 for example, now i need to refresh the gridview

and go to page 1.

how to to it ?

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State Management :: Failed To Load Viewstate. The Control Tree Into Which Viewstate Is Being Loaded Must Match ?

Oct 9, 2010

Now here is the weird thing. First i am running it locally on the built in vs2008 web server.I load my control in fine, do a postback from a linkbutton, locally on my machine it all works fine, no issue.However when it goes onto my host, it falls over with the message:

Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request.Now i also load controls dynamically and use postbacks and things in the admin area of the site...and that works fine, however my front end just keeps failing? See the code behing below:


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State Management :: ViewState - Does The Master Page Have Its Viewstate

Apr 30, 2010

I have been getting this error a lot lately with some of my users, and I had a couple of concerns with view state and I have read so many articles but I am still lost..

1. I use masterpage on all the pages and I need viewstate for some of the pages but..

There is a page where a user will fill out the information and then submit this data to a cgi server, and it is where I get most of the Client Disconnected errors, what would happen if I disable viewstate when they click on that button?

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Does the master page have its own viewstate? Would I be able to make sure none of items on my master page are using the viewstate?

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C# - Page With ViewState Disabled Still Be Validating A Viewstate Field?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a shopping cart page (Cart.aspx) that has a button that will (sometimes) post to a third party payment gateway, if payment is necessary. The payment gateway will process the payment and then do a silent post to my website (Order.aspx) so I can update the order status.

Order.aspx always throws an invalid viewstate error, even though viewstate is disabled on the page.

What's happening is that Cart.aspx (which has viewstate enabled) posts to the payment gateway, and the gateway will post it back as part of the silent post. Even though Order.aspx has viewstate disabled and validation disabled, it still tries to validate the __viewstate field it's being given.

I know setting EnableViewState=false will disable the rendering of the __viewstate field, but if another page provides the field, shouldn't it still skip validation? I tried calling ViewState.Clear() on the Page_Init event of Order.aspx, but ViewState is apparently empty. how to get around this? I don't want to disable ViewState on Cart.aspx (in some cases it may be necessary), but I can't figure out how to clear it on Order.aspx.

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C# - Get Redirected Url From Code

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using an API which, given a url, redirects to a file on the server. The file names have "_s,_m and _l" appended to the end (small, medium, large). However, since the url's querystring is parsed dynamically, I don't retrieve the actual file name. The image displays correctly, but is it possible to retrieve the filename of the image file from the code? (i.e. where the url has redirected to)?

e.g. (this is what I enter) "" (this is where it redirects to. I would like to get this address from code)

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Apr 23, 2010

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Pagemethods In Javascript - Never Gets Redirected?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using PageMethods in my javascript to call a function in my c# code which is static. In that code, all I have was "response.redirect("default.aspx").. but somehow it never gets redirected. It just stays there.

function testredirect()
C# code:
Public static void Navigation()

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Security :: Add ReturnUrl But Don't Get Redirected?

Apr 8, 2010

For a testproject I use two Login pages. I order to do that I use a dispatcher page:



I then just redirect in the dispatcher to the real login-page according to the ReturnUrl. So far so good. The only problem I have is that I don't get redirected to the ReturnUrl once I'm logged in... Of course I add the ReturnUrl to the forwarded Login-Page (/Admin/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=...).

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MVC :: Redirected To The Log In Page / Color Box?

Feb 27, 2011

Ihave a controller that returns System.Web.Mvc.FilePathResult

I do return this.File(filename, contentType, download name);

This action is called when user is clicked on a link and I have made $("a[rel='popup']").colorbox();

.So whenever a user clicks on the links It takes to the controller method and the file Shown in the colour box.

Now I am facing an issue it is like If a user is logged in to my site and open a page , where links are shown and the user goes away from his seat (ie session expires) Then he come back and clicks on the link .At that time my application breaks as there is no valid session.

So tried to return View("LogOn"); when session is null.

But as still it is not redirected to the I think it is because of the colorbox

I should be redirected to the log in page Even if I am taking a Color box ?

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