How To Lock Down & Secure Files Stored On Server In .NET

Apr 23, 2010

How do I go about securing files that are stored on the server? We have an ASP.NET app which generates PDFs. These are not stored in the wwwroot folder but in another folder i.e. C:inetpubdata. This provides more security but maybe not enough. The ASP.NET/IIS process will need write access to this folder so it generate the PDFs there.

Once the pdf is generated, it can be viewed using an ASP.NET form called viewpdf.aspx with the file to be viewed add to the query string like so viewpdf.aspx?FILE=mynewfile.pdf. This is loaded from a gridview.

The full path to C:inetpubdata is resolved and loaded in the Page_load event of the viewer page. Now I'm wondering how to secure this. Anybody could just view the file. Not by entering in the URL, as it won't been seen by IIS (its not in wwwroot), but could change the querystring in the viewpdf page.

How do I stop anybody hacking this?

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Session["userName"] = UserName.Text;
Session["password"] = Password.Text;
Session["domain"] = Domain.Text; [code]....

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Security :: Communicate To Secure Enable Server With Certificate?

Oct 28, 2010

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I was trying to search at google and most of the solutions i got it is use SSLStream and X509Certificates. and I have another question, Am I need to create Client and Listener in order to communicate with that server? Because I had reviewed all the sample and they didn't attach the private key when send request to server.

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Web Forms :: Can't Download Files Stored In Database

Feb 17, 2011

I have a web application that allows users to upload files which are stored in a database. Users can then search for files and click a link to download them. Clicking the link opens a new window which retrieves the file from the database and offers the user the chance to open the file or save it.

All of the users within our organisation use IE 6, yet while some can click a link and download the file, others can't. The new window simply opens for a split second, then closes. If it was all users I would think it might be the application, but as it is only some I am tempted to think it is a browser issue.

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