SQL Server :: Lock Tables During A Transaction?

Aug 31, 2010

is there a way do something like this:


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Similar Messages:

SQL Server :: Deadlocked Transaction On Lock Resources

Sep 24, 2010

I develop an application using LINQ to SQL. Recently I deploy the application on server and starts performance testing using WAPT for 100 users. Unfortunately, 90 requests are failed while placing an order and only 10 are passed. I analyse and found that for every failed request I got an error "System Exception: Transaction (Process Id 68) was Deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

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ADO.NET :: Transaction (Process ID 51) Deadlocked On Lock

Oct 21, 2010

I have a deadlock problem that occurs every 5 minutes on SQL update. I get the following error randomly - means qurey failed one time every 200 calls. I'm using transaction scope to manage transaction.


using(TransactionScope scope =
UPDATE TABLE1 SET [F1] = @F1, [F2] = @F2, [F3] = @F3, [F4] = @F4, [F5] = @F5 WHERE UId = @UId
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 51) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction
stack trace:
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at DAL.RunSQL(String query, SqlParameter[] parameters, Boolean openTransact) in C:prjDAL.cs:line 215
I took trace in SQL about deadlock and same SQL query is mentioned bu deadlock. I do not understand how to resolve this deadlock.
SQL log:
deadlock victim=process5462718
process taskpriority=0 logused=0 waitresource=KEY: 20:72057597472604160 (ce004d0b917a) waittime=30 ownerId=5937428 transactionname=user_transaction lasttranstarted=2010-10-20T16:29:04.050 XDES=0x5d00280 lockMode=X schedulerid=2 kpid=2168 status=suspended
spid=65 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=2 lastbatchstarted=2010-10-20T16:29:04.110 lastbatchcompleted=2010-10-20T16:29:04.110 clientapp=.Net SqlClient Data Provider hostname=IPTBEWKS017 hostpid=3112 loginname=iptuserjde isolationlevel=serializable (4) xactid=5937428
currentdb=20 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128056
frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=222 sqlhandle=0x0200000086adfa0c959ccbdd7ef0e31e854e3a987706ae38
UPDATE TABLE1 SET [F1] = @F1, [F2] = @F2, [F3] = @F3, [F4] = @F4, [F5] = @F5 WHERE UId = @UId
frame procname=unknown line=1 sqlhandle=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
(@UId nvarchar(9),@F1 nvarchar(9),@F2 nvarchar(9),@F3 int,@F4 int,@F5 datetime)UPDATE TABLE1 SET [F1] = @F1, [F2] = @F2, [F3] = @F3, [F4] = @F4, [F5] = @F5 WHERE UId = @UId
process taskpriority=0 logused=0 waitresource=KEY: 20:72057597472604160 (cc0078aef293) waittime=88 ownerId=5937412 transactionname=user_transaction lasttranstarted=2010-10-20T16:29:04 XDES=0x2b028280 lockMode=X schedulerid=1 kpid=6788 status=suspended
spid=74 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=2 lastbatchstarted=2010-10-20T16:29:04.050 lastbatchcompleted=2010-10-20T16:29:04.050 clientapp=.Net SqlClient Data Provider hostname=IPTBEWKS017 hostpid=3112 loginname=iptuserjde isolationlevel=serializable (4) xactid=5937412
currentdb=20 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128056
frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=222 sqlhandle=0x0200000086adfa0c959ccbdd7ef0e31e854e3a987706ae38
UPDATE TABLE1 SET [F1] = @F1, [F2] = @F2, [F3] = @F3, [F4] = @F4, [F5] = @F5 WHERE UId = @UId
frame procname=unknown line=1 sqlhandle=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
(@UId nvarchar(9),@F1 nvarchar(9),@F2 nvarchar(9),@F3 int,@F4 int,@F5 datetime)
UPDATE TABLE1 SET [F1] = @F1, [F2] = @F2, [F3] = @F3, [F4] = @F4, [F5] = @F5 WHERE UId = @UId
keylock hobtid=72057597472604160 dbid=20 objectname=dbipt_rc41_02.dbo.TABLE1 indexname=PK_TABLE1 mode=RangeS-U associatedObjectId=72057597472604160
owner id=processdbbe40 mode=RangeS-S
waiter mode=X requestType=convert
keylock hobtid=72057597472604160 dbid=20 objectname=dbipt_rc41_02.dbo.TABLE1 indexname=PK_TABLE10 mode=RangeS-U associatedObjectId=72057597472604160
owner mode=RangeS-S
waiter id=processdbbe40 mode=X requestType=convert

I have tried to analyse the trace with this post but unsuccessfully: [URL] UId is my primary key - I do select on F3 column just before in same transaction but i have also an index on F3 column.

Spid 65 is running this query (line 2 of proc [p1]):
UPDATE TABLE1 SET [F1] = @F1, [F2] = @F2, [F3] = @F3, [F4] = @F4, [F5] = @F5 WHERE UId = @UId
Spid 74 is running this query (line 2 of proc [p2]):
UPDATE TABLE1 SET [F1] = @F1, [F2] = @F2, [F3] = @F3, [F4] = @F4, [F5] = @F5 WHERE UId = @UId

View 5 Replies

SQL Server :: Error "Transaction (Process ID) Was Deadlocked On Lock Resources With Another Process And Has Been Chosen"

Jul 23, 2010

I have a stored procedure which fetches data after joining 8-9 tables and inserts that into a temp table. It was running fine till now, but now when the amount of data fetched have exceeded 20000, the SP is breaking. I have debugged the sp and found that this main query is failing after returning arround 15000-16000 records.

The error message says Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. I know what is deadlock, but when i checked with SP_LOCK stored proc i only found that my process is running on database only. So how is this getting deadlocked when there are no other processes running simultaneously on server.

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Transaction Deadlocked On Lock Communication Buffer Resources With Another Process

May 11, 2010

I have an invoke function that I call. It On the client side it reads a file and then sends the line to the server side function here and waits for a return. Here is the server side code:


What I find is that I will keep getting these error message as posted in the subject... It will work for some but others I get this message. Thoughts on how to avoid that, or is that just something I'll need to work around with timing?

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DataSource Controls :: DeadLock In Sql/ High Transaction Tables?

May 7, 2010

I was facing some serious deadlock issues in a high transaction table.For some select statement i have added nolock .But for few i can not put nolock, as i need accurate data.this select statement becomes a deadlock victim at times.

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Flush Separate Castle ActiveRecord Transaction And Refresh Object In Another Transaction

Jun 15, 2010

I've got all of my ASP.NET requests wrapped in a Session and a Transaction that gets commited only at the very end of the request. At some point during execution of the request, I would like to insert an object and make it visible to other potential threads - i.e. split the insertion into a new transaction, commit that transaction, and move on. The reason is that the request in question hits an API that then chain hits another one of my pages (near-synchronously) to let me know that it processed, and thus double submits a transaction record, because the original request had not yet finished, and thus not committed the transaction record.

So I've tried wrapping the insertion code with a new SessionScope, TransactionScope(TransactionMode.New), combination of both, flushing everything manually, etc. However, when I call Refresh on the object I'm still getting the old object state. Here's some code sample for what I'm seeing:

Post outsidePost = Post.Find(id); // status of this post is Status.Old
using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionMode.New))
Post p = Post.Find(id);
p.Status = Status.New; // new status set here
// refresh doesn't get the new status, status is still Status.Old

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SQL Server :: Row Is Lock For Update Not For Selection?

Jan 10, 2011

How to row lock in SQL Server 2005. I execute a sql for row locking and that is

FROM authors
WHERE au_id = '274-80-9391'

it work fine but in this case row is lock for update not for selection. I just want to know how to lock a row as a result another user can not see that row when issue a SQL in SQL Server. please guide me. thanks

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How To Lock Down & Secure Files Stored On Server In .NET

Apr 23, 2010

How do I go about securing files that are stored on the server? We have an ASP.NET app which generates PDFs. These are not stored in the wwwroot folder but in another folder i.e. C:inetpubdata. This provides more security but maybe not enough. The ASP.NET/IIS process will need write access to this folder so it generate the PDFs there.

Once the pdf is generated, it can be viewed using an ASP.NET form called viewpdf.aspx with the file to be viewed add to the query string like so viewpdf.aspx?FILE=mynewfile.pdf. This is loaded from a gridview.

The full path to C:inetpubdata is resolved and loaded in the Page_load event of the viewer page. Now I'm wondering how to secure this. Anybody could just view the file. Not by entering in the URL, as it won't been seen by IIS (its not in wwwroot), but could change the querystring in the viewpdf page.

How do I stop anybody hacking this?

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SQL Server :: How To Export The Data From Dat File To Tables(Two Tables)

Dec 30, 2010

I am using bulk insert concept to export the data from dat file to tables(Two tables). I am using the temporary table for to do the calculation and insertion to two tables. My problem is whenever I selecting the temp table data after the execution of bulk insertion , the order is changing .I need to get the order as it is in file order(csv,dat,txt).

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SQL Server :: Advantage And Disadvantage Of Lock In OLTP System?

Oct 15, 2010

i want to know Advantage and Disadvantage of lock in OLTP system??

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SQL Server :: Transaction Modes With Examples SQL Server

Nov 12, 2010

detail and also examples of transaction modes where i can get easily concepts of transaction modes1 Autocommit Mode2 Implicit Mode3 Explicit Mode

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Commit Transaction In SQL Server

Dec 10, 2010

table 1
Table 2
my stored procedure

when ever i m passing the wrong the value in second table while updating its not updating the table but the problem it is inserting the value in first table i want the whole trans should proceed if success if not rollback

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SQL Server :: How To Check Transaction Log

Sep 23, 2010

I know these 2 commands

sp_who and sp_who2 → knowing who are updateing

DBCC log (DB_NAME,4) → I can't really understand these information..

just wondering does there exists a log file, so we can check who have updated database from it?

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SQL Server :: Any Alternatives Of Using Transaction Scope

Jan 24, 2011

I have a multiple database operation, Have three tables (MSsql) and need to delete one row in each table in one operation, one after another. (Three functions, three rows of code). Everything is working as it should be, recently I was advised to use a transaction scope, which should guarantee the safety of deletion from all 3 tables together.
Here is my new code:

Locally all worked just fine, the transaction scope worked well, but when I have uploaded my application to my hosting server, I got an error of: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D025).I talked with the host support, they tried to do something, then I got this error: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)).

After a 2 days, They have contacted me, they said it is not possible to disable some restriction, that will allow an access to this operation, because I'm using shared hosting, and I need to upgrade my plan to VPS. VPS is a very expensive for me, and I can't afford it, What I'm looking is a some similar way of doing the same operation as transaction scope do, that may work at my hosting, At least I would like to try something else. Is there any additional way for the transaction scope?

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SQL Server :: Windows Service Transaction?

Jan 20, 2011

I need a windows service. This service will start when userId insert on myDatabase.And after I want to handle this userId send

to my web service.If webservice return true I insert this userId another table on mydatabase. How can I write this?

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Web Forms :: Aspnet_wp.exe Acquires A Lock While Aborting Uploading Excel File On Server?

May 18, 2010

I have a big excel file , and i want to upload it to server.

on upload_click , i have to do a processing which takes very long time,

because i am finding latitude and longitude from the google by reading that excel file.

and i wanted that when used click on CANCEL button the process should stop.

i have created a thread on upload_click and doing all this stuff in that thread .

when user clicks on CANCEL , i am aborting that thread.

but when user again tries to upload file , i am getting the error that file is in use .

to solve this problem i have to stop aspnet_wp.exe from task manager and have to try again .

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SQL Server :: Communication With The Underlying Transaction Manager Has Failed?

Dec 23, 2010

I using System.Transactions on webservices hosted on different domains.Transaction on same domain works fine.But problem is with the distributed/different domains.

I ve tested with the dtctester and the output is as follows...

Initializing DTC
Beginning DTC Transaction
Enlisting Connection in Transaction
SQLSTATE=25S12,Native error=-2147168242,msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]
Distributed transaction error'
SQLSTATE=24000,Native error=0,msg=[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid cur
sor state
Typical Errors in DTC Output When
a. Firewall Has Ports Closed
b. Bad WINS/DNS entries
c. Misconfigured network
d. Misconfigured SQL Server machine that has multiple netcards.
Aborting DTC Transaction
Releasing DTC Interface Pointers
Successfully Released pTransaction Pointer.

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SQL Server :: Write Stored Proc To Get The Daily Transaction For A Specified Date?

Feb 10, 2011

I have to write stored proc to get the daily transaction for a specified date. Right now what i do is everytime i log a transaction in table3 I update table 2 with the count. Then i use table 2 to write the stored proc and to get the desired result. I have pasted my stored proc below with the output. My problem is when another subsystem is added in the AppInfo table i need to update my stored proc because i have hardcoded the subsystem name.


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SQL Server :: DB Log Size Related Error "The Transaction Log For Database 'MyDatabase' Is Full?

Dec 14, 2010

I am getting following error ...when trying to do any operation....

"The transaction log for database 'MyDatabase' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc
column in sys.databases"

I tried to shirnk file log file using ...

dbcc shrinkfile(EMRSET_log,1) But still same issue....And its show ...

DBName 4 ACTIVE_TRANSACTION (log_reuse_wait, log_reuse_wait_desc) ...

What steps i do to resolve this issue. Using MS SQL 2008

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SQL Server :: Communication Buffer Resources With Another Process And Has Been Chosen As The Deadlock Victim. Rerun The Transaction

Nov 15, 2010

While updating table Un handled exception was raised (asp.net with c# and SQLServer 2005)

Error Message: "Transaction (Process ID 91) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

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SQL Server :: How To Insert One Table Data Into Another 2 Tables In Sql Server 2005

Feb 27, 2011

As I know, we can use INSERT INTO (....) SELECT FROM command to select data from one table and can insert into another table.

Now I need instead of 1 table, I want to select data from one table and Insert into another 2 tables.

Shall I write another INSERT INTO (..) SELECT FROM command or is there any other way?

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SQL Server :: Server Cache Dependency Enable Tables?

Aug 25, 2010

Using the [Code].... for server cache Dependency, to get a list of the tables that are enabled, We use the line below:


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SQL Server :: Connect The Two Tables Of The Sql Server 2008 Databse In C#?

Feb 10, 2011

how to connect the two tables of the sql server 2008 databse in C#.

in this there are two tables

1) Tour header(id, name, city, destination)

2) Tour Detail(id, tour id, day no, title,description,images)in this id of tour header and tour id of tour header will be same.now i want to retrieve the data on the basis of when id==tour id.how can we can run the query of two tables.

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SQL Server :: Server Log For All The Changes To SQL Tables In SQL Server 2008

Jan 24, 2011

There are more than 30 tables in my database.

I need to have a server log that will help to determine the number of items entered into the db and where those items are entered, without having query each table. It should be able to give me the average monthly volume of items input in SQL.

Can this be done using Sql Triggers or any other alternative?

I have to make sure that if I use trigger as the alternative I should have only one table to be updated with all the details of the Updates/Inserts being inserted into the Trigger table after the insertion into the original table.

Below given are some of the create table statements that I have for which I need to have a server log of the updates & inserts.


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