How To Open Full Size Window / Toolbar / Address Bar And Menu Should Be Hidden Using Javascript

May 25, 2010

How to open full size window. Toolbar, address bar and menu should be hidden

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Web Forms :: Making A Hyperlink Open A New Browser Window Full-Size

Jun 29, 2010

I have the following hyperlink code that opens a new browser window to display a page. The page (browser) opens not full size (maybe something like 500x500). How can I modify this code to make the new browser window open full-size?


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Jquery - Free JavaScript Toolbar Menu?

Mar 23, 2011

What is the best solution for implementing JavaScript drop-down menu in the Asp.Net website? Is it better to use some plugin (jQuery for example) or some "Menu generator"?

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Javascript - IE - Get Popup's Opening Window When Using (url)?

Sep 23, 2010

we are running a click-to-call service, my idea is basically like this: website have a link on their page, when the link is clicked, a web page(say it is popup.aspx) hosted on our server is popup, user can input their phone number, and click "call me" button to let the website call him. In the button click event, I want to get Request.UrlReferrer, then query the db to get website's phone. But in IE, Request.UrlReferrer is null(firefox is ok, not test chrome yet),my question is how to get opening window' url in IE? we put popup.aspx on our server because

our client website is not force to use we have the control what we put on the popup window, and can modify the page just from our side, if we put the pop window on our partner's side, if we have 100 partner, and we change the page's design, we will notify everyone of them to change this, change that. we can implement a statics system to know how popup a day, which site is most popular,etc

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Using The Javascript To Open A Child Window Using Window.showModaldialog?

Sep 24, 2010

I am using the javascript to open a child window using window.showModaldialog(), i have retuen a value from the child page is working fine in IE and firefox but is not working in chrome browser, is there any work around or alternative for it to work in chrome as well.

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Open A File Share Link From Javascript?

Aug 2, 2010

I am trying to open a file share link from the ... but its adding the http://localhost/vdir/ before the path can any one say what is the problem?

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Javascript - How To Set Popup Window Size

Dec 3, 2010

I have opend a popup window using javascript. now in that popup window i have got a button and on click on that button i wants to changes size of that (current/same page) popup window.

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Web Forms :: Open Page In New Window From Menu Selection?

Apr 5, 2010

I am trying to integrate classic asp pages with the new .net pages. my site uses a master page, so I want to pop up the old pages in their own window, how can i do that from the menu selection?

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Javascript To Open A Web Page In Full Screen After Logging?

Feb 24, 2011

I have one login.aspx page one master page(Master.master). When I click on login button, my web page should view in full screen mode.This should happens automatically when user credentials are correct.Master page should open in full screen mode.

I don't want it in new window(pop up window). I don't want to ask user press F11.It should work

in all browsers.(mainly in firefox and Internet Explorer)

I tried with below codes. But it is not working fine. correct my code or new code.

<script language="javascript">
function fullscreen()

I wrote in Master.master aspx page.

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Javascript - Open A Window In Asp:updatepanel

Feb 13, 2011

I have a pop-up CustomControl which I use in a large-scale web application. The pop-up works well everywhere other than when used inside an asp:UpdatePanel, the problem arises when controlling the visibility of the pop-up (the pop-up is nested in a table) with other controls:

When I click the button to open the window I get Error: Object expected and when I try to debug the error with IE 8 JSEditor I get ``Source Code is not available for this location.

I believe that the code of the pop-up is not being initialized completely, but it is just my guess and I don't know how to resolve this issue.

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Javascript - As Modal Popup?

Oct 14, 2010

I want open as modal popup.

var features = 'resizable= yes; status= no; scroll= no; help= no; center= yes;
width=460;height=140;menubar=no;directories=no;location=no;modal=yes';, 'name', features, false);

I can use Window.ShowModelDialog(), but in my child window I am calling parent javascript method. That is not happening with ShowModelDialog().

function CallParentScript(weburl) {
if (weburl != null) {
var url = weburl;
return false;

If I use I can call Parent javascript. But window is not modal. How to solve this? Can I write something in child popup to always top?

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Open New Https Browser Window Using JavaScript?

Jul 30, 2010

I have situation where in c# code I am adding an onclick client event handler.
It should do:

Button1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "'https://"+Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_POST"]+"/reports/?type=1&id=2");

in the end the URL looks like:


in the reports folder of my site I have a default aspx page that handles those parameters.

When I click the button with this event, a new window opens but it says there is no page at that address. When I use the link like this


The page opens but it's blank.

When I run this code as non secure with HTTP, everything works just like it should. The report opens.

Is there any difference using those two different URLs with default.aspx and without it, because in development it behaves the same way, but under HTTPS one page doesn't exist and another is blank?! Is HTTPS the reason for that?

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Use Javascript To Open A New Window On Page Load?

Jan 19, 2010

i have aspx pages with in the back. I need to use javascript to open a new window on page load. I am also sending a querystring ( from the previous page. I need the javascript to parse the querystring and open the new window only if the URL has a querystring.

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Web Forms :: Javascript Function To Open A New Window?

Feb 5, 2010

I have the following 2 lines of code:

Dim sHyperlink As
String =
"<a href=""LabPopup.aspx?RefNo=" & iLabRefNo &


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Remove/hide Browser Address Bar Or Toolbar Webpage?

Mar 15, 2010

I am creating web page using Is it possible to remove/hide the browsers address bar or toolbar using Javascript for IE.

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Open New With Javascript And Use Parent Window's Existing Session?

Jan 8, 2010

I am opening a window with and I am losing the server session. Is there a way to open a window with Javascript and use the same session? I need this working in IE 7 and higher. I am working with ASP.NET on the server side. The sever does not have a sessionless cookie state.

<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="15" />

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Javascript - Session Behavior - Open A New Window From Internet Explorer

Feb 4, 2011

I have a requirement to open a new window from Internet Explorer, but the new window should be in new session. It should not share the same session of previous opened window or the parent window. How can it be possible? Any thoughts? I'm using'mywindow.aspx') from parent page javascript to open new windows.

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Javascript - Session Null After Window Open In Minimal SharePoint Page

Apr 4, 2011

I'm storing a token in a session variable. I launch a report that needs this token in a new ASPX page by using the javascript function. When this new page loads the HttpContext.Current.Session is null.I have gotten around this by passing the token in the query string but activity in this window needs to keep the session of the parent window active and I'm not sure what the session object being null means for this scenario.

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Javascript - Open A New Window With Specific Record Details From A Select Row ID In A Datagrid?

Dec 2, 2010

I have a gridview displaying all employees. Upon selecting an employee, I'd like to open a new page or window that would display all of the information for that employee with the option to edit/delete/update. Once this transaction is complete, return to previous page with gridview of all employees. ((language I'm usings is VB))

<asp:TemplateField Visible="true" headertext="Select">
<asp:HiddenField ID="hdID01" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval ("PersonnelID") %>' />


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Data Controls :: Open New Window When DataList Item (Row) Is Clicked Using JavaScript

May 7, 2015

How to make the entire datalist item to clickable.....

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Web Forms :: Remove Toolbar For Current Window?

Jun 28, 2010

while opening a new window we can use'Login.aspx', '_blank', 'height=500,width=1000,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,titlebar=no');

But how can I remove a toolbar for the current windoe.

To resize I am using

function noresize()

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Not Open A New Window (JavaScript Popup) If JQuery Validation Plugin Returns False?

Sep 23, 2010

I have an .aspx page with a couple of textfields. I validate these with jQuery validation plugin when the user clicks the submit button. When the submit button is clicked I also open up a new window, but I only want to open the window if the fields are correctly filled out.How do I stop the window from opening if the fields are not validated?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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How To Pass A Parameter To The Child Window From Parent Window Using

Oct 18, 2010

i have an aspx page in which a link in the grid view opens a popup page . the data in the grid view would be dynamic and i need to send the id of the row of grid while calling the child window. i get the id using, but how would i send this using window .open()?

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Visual Studio :: Reset Menu And Toolbar Options To Defaults

Jan 15, 2010

I have a very vexxing issue. After installing a third-party application and add-in for VSTS 2008, it has corrupted my menus/buttons by duplicating/cascading these throughout studio (i.e. Multiple sets of each menu - File, Edit, View, etc, each of which has multiple submenu entry sets). I have tried to use Add-In Manager to uninstall it and removing the application (which added the Add-in to VSTS). I tried Tools->Customize and resetting the MenuBar and ContextMenu options as well. I tried running each of the following (closing and then reopening VSTS after each) from the command prompt, which completed but did not fix things.

devenv /resetsettings
devenv /resetSkipPkgs
devenv /resetuserdata
devenv /setup

My question then, does anyone know a way to reset the menus/toolbars for VSTS 2008 to their defaults or correct this some other way? I know I can unistalll both products and resolve this but I *really* want to be able to use the third party app (Red Gate's SQL Prompt).

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Javascript - Running Internet Explorer With "Run As" Fails To Open A New PDF Window?

Feb 11, 2011

First things first.This application is an ASP.NET application using windows authentication.

Situation:The user is logged onto their computer with something like Domain1John and is running Internet Explorer 7 as Domain2Mike using the "Run As" option.

Domain1 is the user's local domain. He is accessing the application over the Internet using the Domain2Mike credentials where Domain2 is the domain that IIS knows about.

I'm opening a new browser page with Javascript, and the window contains a PDF report; the problem is that it is not showing correctly. It shows a gray screen, without even the Adobe reader toolbar.

On the other hand, when IE is run as Domain1John everything works nicely.I think it has something with the local computer rights. I added Domain2Mike to the Administrator group on the local computer, but it still fails to open the new page correctly.

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