How To Perform Server-side Pagination By Using A GridView And A DataPager

Feb 20, 2010

I have a webform which uses a gridview control to show result of a search operation.I wanna to take advantage of using pagination in the webform. But as you all know, gridview pagination is a client-side pagination and it transfers all records have been selected to the client. What I mean by client-side pagination is the client (page) shows records page by page but every time the user clicks on a page link to navigate through records, all the records are selected from Data Source.How can I use gridView with datapager in order to have a server side pagination? Or any other solution to get records page by page by configuring our query?

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.net - Use A DataPager With Server Side Paging?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm trying to use a DataPager to do Server Side paging. Here is my code

<asp:DataPager ID="pgrFooBars" PagedControlID="lvFooBars"
QueryStringField="page" runat="server" >

The problem is that the DataPager appears to be using the Count property of the ListView to determine the total number of records, which in this case is 20. Somehow, it needs to know that there are 1,500, not 20 total records. The DataPager has a property TotalRowCount, but this is read-only.I have never seen a DataPager example with Server Side paging, but assumed that it could do Server Side Paging, otherwise what good is the QueryStringField attribute?

I am aware that you can do a custom paging solution using methodology like the 4GuysFromRolla did here, but I'd first like to know if a solution with the DataPager is possible before creating a custom solution.

UPDATE,The more I look at this, the more that I'm coming to the conclusion that this is not possible and that, unfortunately, the datapager is a control meant for small web sites only. What I want to do should really be quite simple if the control were built correctly. I want to be able to say

dpFooBars.TotalRowCountComputed = false;
dpFooBars.TotalRowCount = AnyNumberThatISoChoose;

I've been looking for some hack to accomplish the same thing, but it appears that the datapager's TotalRowCount is computed from the actual number of items in the datasource that it's bound to. It seems very odd to me that Microsoft would create a ListViewPagedDataSource() class and a DataPager at the same time and not have them work correctly together, but this appears to have been what has happened.

UPDATE 2 (AHA MOMENT?It seems that it has been possible to do server side paging since .Net 2.0 by using an ObjectDataSource and customizing the SelectCountMethod(). I believe it should be possible to customize ObjectDataSource to suit my needs. Hmmm. I'm going away for the weekend, so it'll be a couple of days for me to see if this works. Stay tuned, true believers.

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Forms Data Controls :: Apply Datapager To Server Side Table?

May 3, 2010

i want to apply datapager control to my server side table. i fill record in it and now i want to apply datapager to that table. How i can do it.

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Web Forms :: Server Side Button Click Must Perform Before Client?

Mar 22, 2011

This is my aspx pages button properties:

<asp:Button runat="server" ID="cmdConfirm" Text="Select
ValidationGroup="ValidateId" Height="26px" onclick="cmdSave_Click"/
Now on my Page_Load I have:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs
Name = Request.QueryString[0];
cmdConfirm.Attributes.Add("onClick", "update("
+ Name + ");");

This is my button click for Select Customer button.

protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs

Now I must run cmdSave_Click() before the cmdConfirm.Attributes.Add even though both is for same button anyway. I know that client side script will try to run first but I must run the cmdSave_Click event first to save the data. Aftre that cmdConfirm.Attributes will send the Name to the next page using a Javascript function where the stored values(stored using cmdSave_Click) will be used. I have no other choice. I cannot run the Javascript function first as it will happen before the data is stored. And also I cannot use another page as all has to be performed in one page so that user will not have to click Save twice. Can anyone tell me How I can delay the cmdConfirm.Attributes.Add until the cmdSave_Click is performed.

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Web Forms :: JavaScript Confirm Box Server Side Perform Operation On OK And Cancel

Aug 4, 2012

I need to dispay confirm box on server Side.. senario is like Im Trying To upload Image During Upload Im Checking some properties like Image type,image size, etc.. While Uploading i want to check properties like

confirmbox("  ");
next condition
exit ;

like this i want check different properies of file.. how can i do this

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C# - Custom Pagination Vs Default Pagination In A Gridview

Feb 3, 2010

I have the following questions regarding pagination in a gridview.. First as a beginner i used default pagination for all my gridviews..

After checking out some articles on performance they all focus on custom pagination...

Is it a bad practice to use default pagination of a gridview? When to use custom pagination over default pagination in a gridview?

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How To Perform A Client-Side Timer

May 10, 2010

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Data Controls :: Unable To Get TextBox Inside GridView Values Modified Client Side Using JQuery On Server Side

Apr 30, 2014

i have a grid as 

<asp:GridView ID="dgv_passengerdetails" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
CssClass="pasdetailsgrid" BorderStyle="None">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Seat No" DataField="seatno">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />


the string gs=null, if i click the button again then gs takes the value from textbox.

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Pagination On Iis Server V5.1 Using Mvc Framework?

Jan 1, 2010

i am new to this mvc framework in My problem is I have implemented pagination in my application and its working fine development server when i click to the page link on addressbar it shows me http://localhost:1139/eigencrm/AdminUsers?page=2 and display the lists on second page.In the AdminUsers Controller i have defined the method called Index and page as follows

public ActionResult Index(int? page)
List<userview> userview = _entities.userview.ToList();
PagedList<userview> data = new PagedList<userview>(userview, page ?? 1, 2);
return View(data);


But it doesnt work on IIS server it gives me an error page not found Is there problem of routing in global.asax or the problem of IIS server version.please help me i am have to deploy pagination on IIS server which is right now not working but on local server it is working.

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Css Pagination For GridView?

Apr 5, 2010

my css :

/* for greed view */
.pagination {
font-size: 80%; [code]...

but .pagination .current doesn't appears on current page and I can's see the border on it.

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Scrolling Pagination On Gridview Via JQuery?

Jan 29, 2010

Having some problems with a solution that apparently works:

<script type="text/javascript" >
//following code utilizes jQuery 1.2.6
var prev = 0;


It doesn't ever seem to hit my AsyncHandler, not sure if my selectors are wrong since I'm using a Masterpage in, but it seems to be picking up the elements.

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Web Forms :: Bind GridView Pagination For 2 GridView

Jun 9, 2012

I use these code to my datalist pagination [URL] ....

In my page i have 2 datalist with 2 different StoreProce and i have 2 button 

I put these code for my button

protected void Imgbtn1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DataList1.Visible = true;
DataList2.Visible = false;


protected void Imglastpro_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DataList2.Visible = true;
DataList1.Visible = false;

In whole when datalist1 is show on page datalis2.visible=false 

Now I want use pagination for both of them but i dont know how i can do it? I just use pagination for datalist1 how i can do for my second datalist. I use this SP for my datalist 1

ALTER procedure [dbo].[GetCustomersPageWise]
@PageIndex INT = 1
,@PageSize INT = 5
,@RecordCount INT OUTPUT


And for my datalist2 i need these column 

select Name,Description,Image,Address
from House_info

How i can do it?

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Getting Error When Trying To Implement Pagination In Gridview Control

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to implement pagination in my gridview control. Here is the code for databind and pageindexchanged

Private Sub BindGrid()
Dim dataTable as DataTable = CType(Session.Item(APPLICATION_DATA), DataTable)
Grid.DataSource = dataTable.DefaultView
End Sub

Protected Sub OnChangePageSize(ByVal send As Object, ByVal e As GridViewPageEventArgs) Handles Grid.PageIndexChanging
Grid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
End Sub

But I get error after Grid.DataBind() as "Unable to cast object of type 'System.EventArgs' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs'"

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Data Controls :: Implement Bootstrap Pagination In Gridview

Apr 27, 2016

How to implement bootstrap pagination in gridview c#....

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Data Controls :: How To Change GridView Pagination Format

May 7, 2015

According below thread I used pagination for gridview

[URL] ..... 

here it shows paging like below

1 2 3 4 5 ... Last 

and when I click on 5 again it shows

1 2 3 4 5 ... Last

I want when  I click on 5 it shows like below:

5 6 7 8 9 ... Last

how I can do it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Have A GridView Using LINQ And Need To Do Pagination And Sorting?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a GridView using LINQ and I need to do pagination and sorting.

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Data Controls :: Custom Pagination In GridView With Next Previous Buttons

Jun 9, 2012

i use these code to paging my grid view


here pagination is like this

First 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Last

I want my pagination be like this Previouse 1,2,3,..

Next, I mean if i have more than 3 page it shows like above and when i click on next it show like this

Previouse 4,5,6,.. Next

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView, ObjectDataSource And Custom Pagination With MySQL?

Jul 22, 2010

I am trying to hook up custom pagination with an ObjectDataSource to my GridView. However, this thing renders no data, but does render the column headers. The debugger clearly indicates a populated DataTable being returned.


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Forms Data Controls :: Pagination In Gridview(pages Repeated Multi Times)?

Jan 4, 2011

my gridview shows multiple repeated pages for one page and I dont know from where come the problemand im treating the event of the paging well

Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewPageEventArgs)
GridView1.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
If lstCustomer.Visible = True Then


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Server Side - Themes Won't Work When Using Server Side Tags

Apr 8, 2010

The code for the page is:

<div class="facebox_content">
<% if (CurrentUser.Role == "Free")
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;width:380px;">

User Name :


Membership Cost :

<td style="width:190px;">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtUserName" Enabled="false" runat="server" Text="<%= CurrentUser.Name %>"/>
<td style="width:190px;">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtCost" Enabled="false" runat="server" Text="2000"/>

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Is It Possible To Call Server Side(like Gridview Events) Event From Javascript

Feb 7, 2010

<img src='<%# "ThumbNailImage.ashx?ImID="+ Eval("ImageID") %>' id="ImgShow" runat="server"
align="top" style="border: solid 1px Gray;" height="150"
width="170" onclick="javascript:myFunction();" >
protected void gvImages_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string s = gvImages.SelectedValue.ToString();
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT imagename,ImageID from [Image2] where ImageID='"+s+"' ", connection);.....

now in control i a calling my javscript function from there i need to call my gvImages_selected index change event.

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SQL Server :: How To Extract The First Row And Perform A Certain Operation

Nov 9, 2010

I'm a newbie trying to figure out how to do the following. I have a datatable. I want to extract the first row and perform a certain operation and a different operation on the remaining rows. How would I loop through the datatable to do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Webpage Not Found When Clicking Sort Or Pagination Links On Gridview Control

Feb 3, 2011

I have created a website that has some gridview controls that call stored procedures in a SQL db and display the results of the procedures. Two of the gridview controls have sorting enabled, and one has pagination enabled.

The site loads for all users who have tried it so far.

However, one user gets a "webpage not found" (HTTP 400 Bad request) error whenever they click on the pagination links or sorting links on the gridview control. It seems like it's not a security issue because the website runs as a user with permission to the database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview To Show Some Data And With It I Have A Datapager The Datapager ?

Mar 31, 2011

i have a listview to show some data and with it i have a datapager the datapager is used for allowing change pages between products but i have and hyperlink above product image that allow to see the specific product details but the datapager wehn a used clicks to see product details should not be visible because there is no more pages , its a specific product but the datapager should be visible in the other scenario how can i do that?

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Adding Client Scripts For The Server Side Event GridView.OnPageIndexChanging

May 26, 2010

Is there a matching client side event that is fired before or after OnPageIndexChanging is raised? Such as the OnClientClick, I would like to append a script when the paging numbers / arrows are clicked. Is it possible, of so; how?

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