How To Programmatically Change An ImageButton's Click Handler

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to use one ImageButton as both a login button and a logout button. Initially its a login button. I click the button once and it runs the login click handler and pops up a text box to type in a password. Then I enter the password to login. Inside the password box's submit handler I check to see if the password is valid. If it is, I enable all the password protected functionality on the page, change the button's image from the login image to the logout image, and change the button's click handler from the login Click handler to the logout Click handler.

So far my code just swaps the button's image but the click handler never changes to the logout handler. I have tried two ways of changing the ImageButton's click handler programmatically and both have failed:


loginBtn.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "logoutBtn_Click");


loginBtn -= new ImageClickEventHandler(loginBtn_Click);
loginBtn += new ImageClickEventHandler(logoutBtn_Click);

Neither the login text box or the login/logout button are inside an UpdatePanel. EnableViewState is set to the default of true. Does anyone see what is preventing the Click handler from being changed?

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Protected Sub ImageOnClick1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)
Dim dropdownlist1 As DropDownList = CType(FormView1.FindControl("dropdownlist1"), DropDownList)

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VS 2010 - Event Handler For A Button Created Programmatically

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Partial Class Default3
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim mybutton As Button
mybutton = New Button
mybutton.Text = "Submit"


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here is what I'm doing:


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for confirm messege .

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Oct 5, 2010

I know this question has been asked before. But for some reason I can't find the exact answer I need for my problem. My problem is as follows:

I am creating a web page (The one posted is just an easy example) that creates multiple ImageButtons on one page via a loop.I have tried many other ways (for example, create instance in form_load and pass to the WriteHtml() method) but I can't figure out a way to complete this. In this example I have 10 buttons that need to be able to be clicked.

The code is as follows:


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note - it is rendered visible programatiocally before use.


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Change ImageButton Image In A Master Page?

May 3, 2010

I would like to change the image on animageButton as this is clicked by the user.

when the master page is loaded it shows the btnHome.ImageUrl = "~/images/home.jpg";

But when the user clicks on the btnHome, its ImageUrl should change to btnHome.ImageUrl = "~/images/homeSelected.jpg";

The imageButton should change from a selected image to nonselected.

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Web Forms :: Change Image In ImageButton Every 3 Seconds?

Mar 31, 2010

I have an ImageButton where I want to change Image every 3:rd second. (When pressing the button a browser will open with an URL with is the functionality I am after also) For the moment I do use this method with a Timer and it works fine except for one thing.

Every time the image change you can see in the bottom of the browserwindow, this message: "Downloading http://...... 1.jpg" etc....

It just "blinks" and it goes very fast but still it is kind of annoying in the long run...

So I wonder if I can find a better solution or if it is possible to Turn off this message to not be seen ?: "Downloading http://...... 1.jpg"


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Jquery - Hitwise Tracking On ImageButton Click Event In ASP

Jan 5, 2011

I have an ImageButton setup, where in the OnInit event, I'm setting the Click event

btnJoinNow.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(btnJoinNow_Click);

On the client-side, I have setup a jQuery click event which is to fire of a hitwise tracking event only when the button is pressed. The problem I'm having is that it seems that the button event is beating the javascript and not tracking. I need to put a pause of 1 sec before the imagebutton event fires server-side. I've tried the following, but always fires. I've also tried e.preventDefault(), but that just stops the postback altogether.

$("input[id$='btnJoinNow']").click(function(e) {
}, 5000);

EDIT: The only way I could get this to work, was by doing the following:

$("input[id$='btnJoinNow']").click(function(e) {
$("input[id$='btnJoinNow']").unbind('click').bind('click', function(e){});
}, 1000);
return false;

This then allows enough time for the HitWise event to track, then clears the click event and calls itself again.

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Jan 4, 2010

I have a simple web page which contains an ImageButton. I wanted to know that is there any way for me to change the ImageSource of this ImageButton while the Mouse is over the element.

I used to change it as follows:


I want this image to change through a duration.

for example, if you want to change a background image, you use:

<Style Action Attribute="Background Image" duration=".5" FPS="24" value="images/image.gif" ></Style Action>

I need to know how to change the imagebutton image on mouse over.

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Multiple Jquery Selectors - Apply The Effect On The Div For Every ImageButton Click

Mar 12, 2011

i am able to click on the ImageButton and apply the Jquery highlight effect to a different div

$("#btnFavorite").click(function() {
// selector for element to highlight
$("#theDiv").effect("highlight", {}, 3000);

Now i would like to extend the question as follows. I add the ImageButtons to the webpage dynamically, and i would like to apply the effect on the div for every ImageButton click.

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder id="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnFavorite" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Favorite.png"/>

What should i do in that case? By using ItemDataBound of the listview and adding attributes like btnFavorite.Attributes.Add("onmouseclick", "doSomething") or what?

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Web Forms :: Pressing Enter Fires ImageButton Click Event?

Mar 22, 2011

OK, been burning up Google and Bing trying to figure out a good solution to this problem, and so far, I feel like I've taken a dive down a rabbit hole - I'm just waiting on the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter to show up. Alice is kinda cute, but unfortunately, she didn't have any good suggestions, either.

Here's the scenario - I have a User Control on a Child Page that has a Master Page assigned. The control is for logging in to the system, so it contains two text boxes, a couple of links to password recovery and registration, and an ImageButton to handle submission of the username/password entered in the text boxes.

Everything works just as expected when the user actually takes the mouse and clicks on the ImageButton control.

Things don't work so well when the user enters a username and password and then presses the Enter/Return key.

While debugging, VS2005 (I know...ugh!) will stop at the LoginButtonClick event, and seems to run the code. Of course, the .Text property of the two input controls was empty, but the Request.Form collection had the values burried within the collection of Keys.

So, a little bit of digging got me to the point where they can login using either the Enter key or clicking on the ImageButton. So, everything seems like it's good, right? Nope, not so fast.

When I enter a username/password combo that's designed to fail authentication, the code will step through setting the error message, etc, but that information never makes it to the point where it's visible to the user.

I'm not seeing any extra postbacks (obvious ones, anyway), but for some reason, when the page goes to redraw when it's in a "failed" state, the notations just simply aren't there.

Below is the code in the User Control that handles the actual authentication routine. All controls, such as the Label with ID "message", are local to the User Control, so I don't think it's a FindControl("message") problem or something similar...just so bizarre that it disappears seeming without reason.


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Forms Data Controls :: Update Using Imagebutton Click Within Gridview?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a gridview that has a column with an imagebutton. That image button event calls my update procedure and merely updates that records status and when the gridview rebinds, the image changes and is no longer available.Whats happening is if the page is refreshed, the update occurs again. If i add this around the update code, works great the first time, but then any other updates are ignored.. is there anyway to know wether the page was refreshed vs actual imagebutton postback?

if (!IsPostBack)


Since the update is just setting a flag for that record, on another page that displays those records for a seperate department. IF by chance the first page is still open and the 2nd department resets the flag, if the first page is refreshed, that flag is reset again. so its creating some inconsistant results..

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Data Controls :: Retrieve AlternateText Of ImageButton In DataList On Click?

Apr 8, 2013

I am coding one project for my last year project. In this project i have code for seat selection logic. In this I used datalist control and one image button control inside template field. I want to code like,,,

when I do click on this image button i want to send this buttons's alt text in DB as seat no. but I could not code for same. 

code this or do you have any another logic for seat selection in code?

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Imageurl Of An Image Field On Mouseover Of An Imagebutton

Mar 30, 2010

how to change the imageurl of an image field when I mouseover an imagebutton in a gridview? both the imagebutton and image urls are the same location.

I'm doing this in code behind but I can't seem to get the Image1.Imageurl to change to the same ImageUrl the imagebutton is pointing to.


protected void ImageButton1_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageButton imageButton1 = (ImageButton)sender;
if (imageButton1 != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageButton1.Attributes["onmouseover"]))
imageButton1.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "Image1.ImageUrl=imageButton1.ImageUrl");

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