Web Forms :: Set ImageButton Command Event Programmatically

Jan 29, 2010

I have a dynamically created table. Every row has a "delete" imagebutton. setting the command argument, name and eventhandler is no problem. When the button is clicked, the deleteButton_Command is not executed.



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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: ImageButton Command Event Inside A UpdatePanel

Apr 28, 2010

have a created a dynamic solarsystem map. Basically I have a updatepanel which inside I programattically create imagebuttons of the 'planets'. These imagebuttons are given a Command event and when clicked the idea is to set the clicked planet in question as the parent and redisplay the map.Inside the command event I pass in the ID of the planet and this sets a session varible. The panel load event is then designed to use this session varible to set the new parent and display the child 'moons'

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C# - Passing Multiple Command Arguments In An ImageButton Control?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm designing a sort of hierarchical system, as follows:

Master Commodity

Each one of these are on their own page (for now). The user starts out on the Contract.aspx page. If they want to see the Master Commodities for the contract they are currently on, they will click the "ImageButton" I have set up, and I pass in as a command argument the ContractID (CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ContractID")%>'). This works great- I get to my Master Commodity page with the Master Commodities filtered on the ContractID I passed in.

Here's my problem: Navigating from the Master Commodity page to the Commodity page will (I think) require passing in the ContractID (so we JUST see stuff for the contract we're on), AND the Master Commodity ID (so we JUST see the Commodities that are related to the Master Commodity). I've tried the following: CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ContractID") + ',' + Eval("MComID")%>', but as you could probably expect, that doesn't work. If I can just do something like above and have a delimiter like the comma, I can go from there and make it work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview RowDataBound Event Fires On Every Command Event?

Jul 19, 2010

why the gridview RowDataBound event fires during a select command. I only expect it to run when the gridview is being populated with data. Is there some way to stop it from running when the select command is triggered?

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How To Programmatically Change An ImageButton's Click Handler

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to use one ImageButton as both a login button and a logout button. Initially its a login button. I click the button once and it runs the login click handler and pops up a text box to type in a password. Then I enter the password to login. Inside the password box's submit handler I check to see if the password is valid. If it is, I enable all the password protected functionality on the page, change the button's image from the login image to the logout image, and change the button's click handler from the login Click handler to the logout Click handler.

So far my code just swaps the button's image but the click handler never changes to the logout handler. I have tried two ways of changing the ImageButton's click handler programmatically and both have failed:


loginBtn.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "logoutBtn_Click");


loginBtn -= new ImageClickEventHandler(loginBtn_Click);
loginBtn += new ImageClickEventHandler(logoutBtn_Click);

Neither the login text box or the login/logout button are inside an UpdatePanel. EnableViewState is set to the default of true. Does anyone see what is preventing the Click handler from being changed?

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Web Forms :: ImageButton Click Event Is Not Fire?

Mar 7, 2010

I try to add a new ImageButton to my panel in a dynamic way -when the user click on button in the page.When i create the ImageButton i register to the click event.when the page load - i can to see the ImageButton but when i click on him is not fire the event.



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Web Forms :: ImageButton Click Event Not Working?

Oct 5, 2010

I know this question has been asked before. But for some reason I can't find the exact answer I need for my problem. My problem is as follows:

I am creating a web page (The one posted is just an easy example) that creates multiple ImageButtons on one page via a loop.I have tried many other ways (for example, create instance in form_load and pass to the WriteHtml() method) but I can't figure out a way to complete this. In this example I have 10 buttons that need to be able to be clicked.

The code is as follows:


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Web Forms :: ImageButton Event Being Miss Fired?

Apr 30, 2010

ImageButton event being miss fired?

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Web Forms :: ImageButton Always Calls Page_load Event?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 and C#.I load an SqlDataSource into a DataView on my Page_Load event. My SqlDataSource queries arandom record from the database. On my page I have an ImageButton, which when clicked uses a Response.Redirect("AnotherPage.aspx + "random id from database"). My problem is that when the button is clicked it fires the Page_Load event before the Response.Redirect takes place in the button_click event. This causes the current data(the users "id") that I had pulled from the database to be overwritten with new data(a different "id") from the database. So essentially the the page is redirecting to the 2nd random id that is queried from the db after the button is clicked and Page_Load is fired again, not the original id. Here's my code, hope it makes sense.Here's my Page_Load:


Then my Button_Click Event:

protected void btn1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("~/Profile.aspx?id=" + id1);

Can I put my dataview in another event or method so it's not called when a user clicks an ImageButton. Also I want the DataView to be repopulated on a postback/page refresh, just not on button clicks.

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Emulating The Cancel Command Programmatically?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a page on which I have two forms, which really act as a main form and a subform. I can put a Cancel button (which removes any inputs I have made in the form) on each form. But I want to put just one Cancel button that Cancels the input for both forms. I know that there is a Form.UpdateItem, Form.InputItem, and Form.DeleteItem, but I can find no Form.CancelItem. Is there a way to emulate the Form.CancelItem programmatically?

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Web Forms :: How To Open Page In New Tab Using ImageButton OnClick Event

May 7, 2015

I have 1 image button and Linkbutton in my page below is code:

<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton2" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/image/editpro.png"
CssClass="DMPIMG" OnClick="ImageButton2_Click" OnClientClick="return ValidateRange()" />

and Linkbutton:

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkproM" runat="server" CssClass="Links3" OnClick="LinkproM_Click"
CausesValidation="false">مدیریت محصولات</asp:LinkButton>

I want when I click on imagebutton it open page in new window so I wrote below code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateRange() {
document.forms[0].target = "_blank";
return true;

and I want when I click on linkbutton it doesn't open new window...

here when I click on linkbutton it doesn't  open new window it is correct but when I click on imagebutton and it opens new window and back to page and click on linkbutton it open linkbutton in new window...

I want when I click on link button it doesn't open new window any way...

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Web Forms :: Pressing Enter Fires ImageButton Click Event?

Mar 22, 2011

OK, been burning up Google and Bing trying to figure out a good solution to this problem, and so far, I feel like I've taken a dive down a rabbit hole - I'm just waiting on the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter to show up. Alice is kinda cute, but unfortunately, she didn't have any good suggestions, either.

Here's the scenario - I have a User Control on a Child Page that has a Master Page assigned. The control is for logging in to the system, so it contains two text boxes, a couple of links to password recovery and registration, and an ImageButton to handle submission of the username/password entered in the text boxes.

Everything works just as expected when the user actually takes the mouse and clicks on the ImageButton control.

Things don't work so well when the user enters a username and password and then presses the Enter/Return key.

While debugging, VS2005 (I know...ugh!) will stop at the LoginButtonClick event, and seems to run the code. Of course, the .Text property of the two input controls was empty, but the Request.Form collection had the values burried within the collection of Keys.

So, a little bit of digging got me to the point where they can login using either the Enter key or clicking on the ImageButton. So, everything seems like it's good, right? Nope, not so fast.

When I enter a username/password combo that's designed to fail authentication, the code will step through setting the error message, etc, but that information never makes it to the point where it's visible to the user.

I'm not seeing any extra postbacks (obvious ones, anyway), but for some reason, when the page goes to redraw when it's in a "failed" state, the notations just simply aren't there.

Below is the code in the User Control that handles the actual authentication routine. All controls, such as the Label with ID "message", are local to the User Control, so I don't think it's a FindControl("message") problem or something similar...just so bizarre that it disappears seeming without reason.


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Forms Data Controls :: Added Datalist Imagebutton Event?

Oct 4, 2010

i have taken a data list.in that i have added a imagebutton field that is bind to a image field of database.i want that when the image is clicked from the datalist that should be shown to the other image field in web page

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater And ImageButton - Pass Info From The Database Into The Click Event?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a databound repeater and in this repeater is an imageButton. How do I pass info from the database into the click event? For example, I've got the description, heading and price fields populating labels, but want the id to go into the imagebuttons click event in order to build a querystring.

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Forms Data Controls :: Custom GridView ImageButton Click Event Handler Not Firing?

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to create a custom GridView with a header toolbar at the top that will contain icons to export the grid view to different formats like excel, word, etc.. The problem is, I cannot get the method to fire that is assigned to handle the click event for the corresponding Image Button. The page posts back, but the code I have in the method to handle the click event does not fire. I have followed examples in other posts and from what I can tell I have followed what others have done. Can somebody take a look at see if they can find something that I am doing wrong.


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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Second "select" Command Field To Gridview Programmatically

Mar 16, 2011

I'm trying to add a second command field to an asp.net gridview. Essentially, I want the user to have the options to delete and update records on one page. I've gone through gui's to do this that I have found on the web but none of them work. I think that this is because of the fact that I am working with Visual Studio 2008, so the gui's don't match. Plus, my datasource isn't allowing me to add delete parameters, and update parameters. So, my present goal is to have multiple command fields in my gridview. This would also enable me to add a "duplicate record" functionality, as is needed with this program. I would also like add functionality. If possible. I've been doing all this on multiple screens but I believe I should be able to do this on one screen. Here is my gridview and datasource.



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Current Row In GridView Row Command Event

Apr 28, 2010

i use a wizard in my page the first step contains a Gridview.


It runs very well until i use the Gridview paging. In this case i get following error-message."Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow'." If i use this code to get the gridview-rowDim row As GridViewRow = _ grid.Rows(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)) paging runs, but i cannot use the commandDropdown.This is my control. I use commanddorpdown [Code]....

I have downloaded the Control form this page.
[URL]19606_On_ASP_NET_Forums_How_to_develop_a_command_capable_DropDownList.aspxHas anybody an idea to solve my problem?

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Web Forms :: How To Access Linkbutton At Gridview Row Command Event Without Using Commandname

Dec 12, 2011

I want to access linkbutton at rowcommand event which is in footer and without commandname. 

Actually i have a linkbutton in empty data templates footer template. At the rowcommand name of this linkbutton i want to access other linkbutton to change its commandname.

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Imagebutton With Onclientclick Is Not Firing Onclick Event

Jan 7, 2011

I have an imagebutton with an postbackurl and an onclientclick script. When i added the onclientclick code, if my javascript validation passes (aka returns true), the page just seems to perform a postback (the screen just seems to refresh

<asp:ImageButton ID="imgSendInfo" runat="server" SkinID="SendInfo" PostBackUrl="MyUrlOnAnotherSite" onClientClick="javascript:return onFormSubmit(this.form);return document.MM_returnValue" />

I decided to change what JS functions Im calling now since calling Multiple functions definately wasnt helping. Here's my updated code. All Im doing now is validating a single textbox and returning true or false. Even this simple function is causing the postback URL to never get called. Could it have anything to do with the fact that Im trying to call a function to return a true or false?

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Add Onclick Or Mouseover Event To Imagebutton At Runtime?

Feb 1, 2011

ive imagebuttons which created in runtime from database and i need to add them onclick or mouseover event but i failed imagebutton.click += new ImageClickEventHandler(imageButton_Click); im adding this when i created imagebuttons, what i need else also i tried javascript but its not firing too;

<script type="text/javascript">
function SetProductImage(imgID) {
imgProductImage.Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:SetProductImage('" + imgProductImage.ID + "')";

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View Row Command Event Lost?

Jan 31, 2011

The grid view row command does not execute on my production environment. This is a intermittant issue. I am not able to reproduct the exact steps but it does occur too often.

I have a load balanced environment with 2 identical servers in the farm. The servers are running on IIS 7.5

The other scenario in which I observe this is when the session times out. In that case the grid view events are lost. But this scenario is not a priority for me. I need to resolve the first scenario.

Any help on this or some useful links on "Understanding the session" or "understanding the complete event firing and execution" is welcome.

An update: we are overriding the PageStatePersister as:


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Forms Data Controls :: Row Command Event (Grid View) And PostBack?

Sep 12, 2010

I have a grid view with a number of columns in Page1.aspx.The last column is a template field with a button.

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ASP.NET/JavaScript - I'm Trying To Get An ImageButton OnClick Event To Swap Images.

Jun 29, 2010

i have a navigation bar made up of ImageButtons that have their image swapped out on mouse over and back on mouse out. i used this code in the Page_Load handler to do this:

ImageButton1.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", "this.src='mouseover.gif'")
ImageButton1.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOut", "this.src='mouseout.gif'")

what i'm trying to do now is get the mouseover image to load when you click the button and are taken to the page. i tried this but it doesn't work:

ImageButton1.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "this.src='mouseover.gif'")

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Jquery - Hitwise Tracking On ImageButton Click Event In ASP

Jan 5, 2011

I have an ImageButton setup, where in the OnInit event, I'm setting the Click event

btnJoinNow.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(btnJoinNow_Click);

On the client-side, I have setup a jQuery click event which is to fire of a hitwise tracking event only when the button is pressed. The problem I'm having is that it seems that the button event is beating the javascript and not tracking. I need to put a pause of 1 sec before the imagebutton event fires server-side. I've tried the following, but always fires. I've also tried e.preventDefault(), but that just stops the postback altogether.

$("input[id$='btnJoinNow']").click(function(e) {
}, 5000);

EDIT: The only way I could get this to work, was by doing the following:

$("input[id$='btnJoinNow']").click(function(e) {
$("input[id$='btnJoinNow']").unbind('click').bind('click', function(e){});
}, 1000);
return false;

This then allows enough time for the HitWise event to track, then clears the click event and calls itself again.

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Web Forms :: User Control Command Button Event Doesn't Fire The First Time

Jan 19, 2011

I am fairly new to the asp.net and experimenting with it to learn the page life cycle. Here is a problem that I have been unable to resolve for past few days.I have a hosting page (.aspx). Then I have two user controls (.ascx). The page has a place holder control in which it loads the user controls one at a time based on the application flow. First user control is loaded on application start up. It has a "continue" button. Continue button click loads the Second user control that has two buttons - "Back" and "Submit". Obviously the "Back" button should load the first user control again and Submit button should submit the form data.

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