How To Read XML Nodes In XML Using C#

Jun 1, 2010

I have a XML file like below:

<report timestamp="3201" reportVersion="2" request="3981135340">
<question timedOut="false" time="3163" attempts="2" correct="true" id="13">
<answer status="attempt">
<radioButton correct="false" value="true" id="17" />
<answer status="correct">
<radioButton correct="true" value="true" id="15" />

I want to read the child nodes based on 'status' attribute of 'answer' node.

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I have a code that load hierarchy( nodes) into trew view.. by selecting different date, the hierarchy result from SP will show in the treeview..

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I want to get the total count of nodes from this xml dynamically (C#).

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="" >
<siteMapNode url="default.aspx" title="Home" description="Welcome To Aurelio's Restaurant">
<siteMapNode url="" title="Menu" description="Our Menu" >

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Printing All Nodes In A Xml File?

Jan 11, 2011

looping thru all the nodes.

I am consuming a rest webservice and printing all the details coming from that service.

see my code below

authenticate(string uri)

after the credentials

using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
XmlReader responseReader = XmlReader.Create(response.GetResponseStream());
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//XmlNodeList firsts = doc.GetElementsByTagName("FNAME");
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C# - Extract Nodes From String Containing XML?

Jan 26, 2011

I am using a web service and get a SOAP envelope back and I am trying to extract some data but constantly run into errors. I have tried with LINQ, using xsl transform and so on.

The response is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
- <soap:Body>
- <ABRSearchByABNResponse xmlns="some service /">
- <ABRPayloadSearchResults>
- <request>
- <identifierSearchRequest>
<authenticationGUID>some guid</authenticationGUID>
<identifierValue>54 108 408 566</identifierValue>
- <response>
<usageStatement>some statementusageStatement>
- <businessEntity>
- <ABN>
<replacedIdentifierValue xsi:nil="true" />
- <entityStatus>
<ASICNumber />
- <entityType>
<entityDescription>Individual/Sole Trader</entityDescription>
- <goodsAndServicesTax>
- <legalName>
<givenName>some name</givenName>
<otherGivenName />
<familyName>some name</familyName>
- <mainBusinessPhysicalAddress>

My xslt file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl" xmlns:soap="http://soap/Envelope/Body/">
<xsl:output method="html" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">


I realized now that I can do:

foreach(var item in ABN)
label1.Text += item.identifierValue.ToString();

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Menu Only Show Certain Nodes In Web.sitemap

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Can Treeview Nodes Work Without Javascript

Jan 22, 2011

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Another developer is working on this and he tells me that this is not possible without javascript. This webform in particular works almost entirely without javascript, and I'd like the treeview to also work partially.

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Binding Xml To A Treeview / How To Get The Specific Nodes

Mar 10, 2011

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Like I need the name inside here

<TaxonomyName>Resource Enhancement</TaxonomyName>


<asp:TreeView ID="tvSubmissionCategories" runat="server" DataSourceID="xdsSubmissionCategories"
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="Taxonomy" Text="TextThing" />

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TreeView_ToggleNode is not defined

What could be causing this?

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Treeview Limit For Number Of Nodes

Feb 22, 2012

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Adding And Removing XML Namespaces And Nodes

Jan 30, 2013

I am using vs2008 vb code behind. I am currently receiving an object through a web service that I serialize into xml. What I'd like to do after that is remove the namespaces, and add nodes to sort of customize my own xml doc. I am getting an error on this

Dim DOC1 As New XmlDocument
Dim STR As String
STR = ConvertObjectToXmlString(HODRes).ToString

[Code] ....

The error I get is:

Server Error in '/RateAudit' Application.
Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

Source Error:

Line 109: Dim STR As String
Line 110: STR = ConvertObjectToXmlString(HODRes).ToString
Line 111: DOC1.LoadXml(STR)
Line 112:
Line 113:

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Web Forms :: Hide Nodes In Menu Control?

Nov 12, 2010

I have the following Menu control:


How do I hide the root node and some other nodes if I do not want it to show on the navigation menu?

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Web Forms :: Create Multiple Nodes With The Same URL Using XmlSiteMapProvider?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to create an <asp:Menu> bound to an <asp:SiteMapDataSource>. I have everything implemented but I'm receiving an error stating: "Multiple nodes with the same URL '/Members/LandingPage.aspx' were found. XmlSiteMapProvider requires that sitemap nodes have unique URLs.". Can anyone point me in the right direction to solving this error? The menu structure that I'm trying to create and the Web.sitemap that I'm using are shown below.


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Sep 20, 2010

Is it possible to have location authorization nodes in a web.config be external?

Such that I could take all of the nodes simlar to


And move them outside of the web.config or something simlar? I find these nodes at an extreme amount of noise to a web.config when they're relatively static. Normally my approach would be to config source something like this but since it falls under the root node I'm not sure of it's possible with these nodes.

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Web Forms :: How To Expand And Collapsed Treeview Nodes

May 18, 2010

I m using Teeview control for displaying Family tree structure.its having around 500 members.

now, i would like to add search functionality inside a tree,after finding appropriate node,a whole tree should be expanded from that node only.

any one have idea? how can it possible?

i found one property called "ExpandDepth" but still its not proper for my requirements.

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C# - Concatenate Two Nodes When Using The HTML Agility Pack In App's?

Oct 29, 2010

I am using the agility pack to do some screens scraping and my code so far to get titles is:

foreach (HtmlNode title in root.SelectNodes("//html//body//div//div//div[3]//div//div//div//div[3]//ul//li[1]//h4"))
string titleString = "<div class="show">" + title.InnerText + "</div>";

Before the title I want a timestamp related to the title and it has the node /html/body/div/div/div[3]/div/div/div/div[3]/ul/li[1]/ul/li/span. How can I get this value next to the title? So something like: string titleString = "<div class="show">" + time.InnerText + " - " + title.InnerText + "</div>";

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