How To Reformat The Textbox.text

Mar 25, 2011

I have a web page that will be supplying data to a sql query and I want my users to type in dates as mm/dd/yyyy but my sql query needs the dates as yyyy/dd/mm. How can I reformat the textbox.text to reflect that re-formatting of the data?

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I am working on an page that also users ChartFX. I need to pull a row from a database table and then flip it so that all of the labels for the row are in a column and all of the data from the row is in a parallel column to the labels.

I would really like to do this using LINQ and then create a table in memory to store these values until I need to use them.

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Textbox Text Populated By Session Variable Wont Update Into SQL With New Text

May 23, 2010

I have what I think is a weird issue. I send text from one page to another via Session Variable. When page 2 loads, the text box has the session text set, but if the user changes the text and clicks the button, the SQL database is update with the original session text. If I remove the redirect from the page 2 button_Click method, then, the page refreshes with the textbox reverting to the session text and thr SQLDataSource has the session text added to it.


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Web Forms :: TextBox: OnTextChanging / User Is Clearing The Text, If The Length Of Text Becomes Zero?

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I have a page with a text box, a button and a GridView. Enter an account number in the text box, press the check button and the result will show in the GridView.

Now user wants that if the text box is clear, the GridView disappear.

I can only find TextBox1_OnTextChanged. But I want to have that while the user is clearing the text, if the length of text becomes zero, the GridView is clear out. So I am looking for OnTextChanging(). Well of course this function does not exist. How to achieve the same purpose?

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Web Forms :: Textbox.text And Label.text Won't Change Dynamically?

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For example:

Text out from t


For me need like this:

Text out from textbox . it’s need me

How I can solve this?

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Force The TooTip For A TextBox When Entering Some Text In Textbox?

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i Want To Set a Tooltip For a TextBox in when entering Some Text in that textbox.

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Web Forms :: Copy One Textbox Text Into Other Textbox In Other Page

Feb 7, 2013

I have 2 page index.aspx page and search.aspx

in index.aspx I have 1 textbox==txtIndex and 1 button ==btnIndex

and in search.aspx page I have 1 TB==txtsearch  and 1Button==btnsearch

I want when users enter text into TxtIndex that is in Index.aspx page and click on btnIndex

It go to Search.aspx and copy txtIndex.Text into TxtSearch

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Feb 8, 2011

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How To Change Text Of TextBox, When Click Into That TextBox

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i am developing a web portal.

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Jquery - Add Some Text To Textbox And Sort The Textbox?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm using ASP.NET asp:checkboxlist control with 36 listitems. which displays 36 HTML it displays like below table. I also have a I would like to add the checked items in this div in sorted way. But when they uncheck the checkbox it should remove from the div. I display it , (comma separeted).


selected : 5,6,9,12,25

I try to use Jquery. Below I try to add a click on the Checkboxes and I try to concat the values, but I'm struggling with the code. Can someone give some guide? at least what methods and how to sort in the div? It only contains numbers from 1-36.


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Jan 6, 2010

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C# - Getting The .Text Value From A TextBox?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a bunch of textboxes on my page, and on TextChanged event, I want to run a stored proc to return a Name, based on user input. If I have a block of code like:

TextBox t = (TextBox)sender;
string objTextBox = t.ID;

how can I get the .Text value of objTextBox?

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Converting Textbox.text To Int?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a text box; txtPriceQuoted, and want to submit it's value to my SQL Server Database, I get an error about the conversion:

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Web Forms :: Go To End Of Textbox Text?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a textbox with the value of "Hello". When Ever I click on a button I want to setfocus the textbox and make the cursor in the textbox to come at the end of the textbox value which is "o" in this case as hello has a O ending...

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Getting The Textbox.Text From Another Form?

Nov 27, 2010

I have a class. Inside this class I have a method. In order to perform a calculation, I need the value from another Form. The method does not get called by the code behind of the other I can't send it as a parameter.

In my method, I am trying a code line like this


The Form name is: MyShoppingCart.aspx

The TextBox ID=txt_add_city

In my method I am trying to get the Text found in "MyShoppingCart.txt_add_city.Text"

Right now, I have a red squidily line under MyShoppingCart and when you hoover the mouse over it the tooltip says "The name MyShoppingCart does not exist in the current context".

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Can't Write Text Into Textbox In Web App

May 19, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application.

In the codebehind for the .ascx page (which I embed as below), I attempt to write a string to a textbox in a method like this:

Code for embedding control:

Control ctrl = Page.LoadControl("/RackRecable.ascx");
Method to make string for inserting into textbox:
string AppendDetails()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("msg" + " " + textbox1.Text etc etc );
return sb.ToString();
Called as (in codebehind event handler for button click):
this.TextBox4.Text = AppendDetails();

I call it by using ATextBox.Text = AppendDetails (in the button click event handler). The textbox TextBox4 is in the designer file so I am confused why the text does not get written into this textbox (it is readonly and enabled).

When stepping through, the textbox4 control will successfully show the text I want it to display in quick watch but not in the actual page, it won't.

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Textbox Text Not Becoming Visible

Oct 3, 2011

I have working on a form where the textbox.visible=false, however if certain conditions are met, such as the selection of something in the dropdown box, the textbox.visible should change to true.

This is not the case, each time, I select the item in the dropdown box the textbox doesn't appear.

Here is the section of the code that doesn't appear to be working as I thought it should

Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged
If IncentDescription = "ALL LOAN FEES" Then
TextBox4.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

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Web Forms :: Copy Text From One TextBox To Another?

Mar 22, 2010

I am sure there is a very easy way to copy the text from one textbox to another using the on-click event of a linkbutton. However I am new to this and am unable to find an answer.

I have two sets of address boxes and I simply want to copy the values from one to the other when the Link button is clicked.

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Imagebutton To Update Text In Textbox

Mar 28, 2010

i am trying to update the text of a textbox when a user clicks on some dynamically opulated image buttons in a datalist.Every thing of course are in an update panel.

code behind:


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Web Forms :: Compare Old And New Text Of TextBox?

May 25, 2010

How can I get the Old and New Text value of a TextBox in TextChanged event?

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