C# - LINQ Reformat To Table In Memory?

Jun 9, 2010

I am working on an ASP.net page that also users ChartFX. I need to pull a row from a database table and then flip it so that all of the labels for the row are in a column and all of the data from the row is in a parallel column to the labels.

I would really like to do this using LINQ and then create a table in memory to store these values until I need to use them.

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ADO.NET :: Using LINQ To Update A Table Value From Another Table's Transaction?

Mar 15, 2011

I have to find the best way to do this using LINQ. I need to summarize an amount in a iTransaction table by

Account (e.g. 12345) and add that amount to an same Account ( e.g12345) if it exists in a iAccount table . Here is the code which syntax checks ok and tested ok up to the .submitChanges statement (i.e. I stopped and didn't allow the submit.

Following is the LINQ code. (1) Is that a good way to do this. OR should I try the INTERCEPT.

(2) How is the best way to insert a new record/row in the iAccounts table if it DOES NOT exist in the iAccount Table.


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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Data Table In Memory And Binding To Gridview Control?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm a bit of an ASP.NET newbie and I am creating a data table in memory and binding this to a gridview control. The code is as follows:

Dim DstBasket As New DataSet, TblBasket As New DataTable
With TblBasket
.Columns.Add("BskPrdCd", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("BskPrdDesc", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("BskQty", System.Type.GetType("System.Int16"))
.LoadDataRow(Split("12345,Test product 1,1", ","), True)
.LoadDataRow(Split("122,Test product 2,2", ","), True)
.LoadDataRow(Split("123A,Test product 3,5", ","), True)
.LoadDataRow(Split("44,Test product 4,1", ","), True)
End With
With LfnGridView("GdvBasket")
.DataSource = DstBasket
End With

The data displays in the gridview control fine with both edit & delete options but when I attempt to delete, it has no effect. How do I force removal of the relevant row from both gridview and table? Most of the documentation I have unearthed shows how to achieve this when connected to a SQL table which is clearly not the case here.

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DataSource Controls :: Memory Leak - Server Will Crash - Log A Ton Of SQL Errors Stating That It Is "out Of Memory"

Jul 27, 2010

I have a memory leak somewhere that I cant find. Every few days my server will crash, and just before that I log a ton of SQL errors stating that it is "out of memory".

I cant find it anywhere, all of my connections are being disposed like so:

Then I call the connection from my pages like so:[Code]....

That is all pretty straight forward. The connection is disposed because it is implementing the USING clause. I am opening the connection in my connection manager class, and not where it is being utilized?Or, could the problem be in the below method I am using to populate a SqlDataReader:[Code]....

Now, at first it appears as though this could be the problem because the Connection isn't part of a USING clause, however doesn't the 'Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection' pretty much do the same thing. This makes sure that the connection is closed when the reader is closed, right? Here is how I call that above reader from my login page code behind:[Code]....

So the DataReader will get closed even without the .Close() because it is in the USING, and the connection should get closed because I specified it in the ExecuteReader paramters right?

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C# - Linq Joined Table Record Delete - How To Delete With Using Linq

Feb 27, 2011

I have a question about linq delete.

I have 2 table in database and they are joined.

First Table: UserID, UserName, UserSurname, UserPhone, CompanyId

Second Table: CompanyId, CompanyName

First Table I have many recods with related second table.

I want to delete one company in second record, But firtly I have to delete users (more than 1)

How can I delete it with using linq?

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ADO.NET :: Add An Object To Table With Linq To Sql?

Dec 25, 2010

i want add a record to my table(News) in the database School.

so i create a class for news table look like this:

public class News
private int _newsid;
private string _datetoshow;
private string _title;
private string _description;
private string _writtenby;
public int NewsID
get { return this._newsid; }
set { this._newsid = value; }
public string DateToShow.......

pop up is:

'system.Data.Linq.Table <New>' does not contain a definition for add and no extension method 'Add' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Data.linq.Table<New>' could be found (are you missing directive or an assembly reference?)

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ADO.NET :: Join 3 Table In LINQ?

Oct 10, 2010

i use Default membership provider for my membership

i add a profile table for some more information from user and it related with UserId with aspnet_Users

to get data from my database i use Entity Data Model

now i want to write a Linq to get data from all 3 tables

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MVC :: Get Column Of A Table Using Linq?

Feb 2, 2010

In my application i want to compare data of two users from database table using linq.

lets say i have ten columns in UserMaster table.

Now based on the comparision i want to display result.

Like is 10 out of 10 columns matches for those two users result will be 100,if 9 columns matches then result will be 90 and if 0 matches thn result will be 0.

i dont want to write if else for somany time.

I am new to linq.

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ADO.NET :: Linq Multiple Where From Second Table

Dec 16, 2010






There are multiple different type of name/value pairs. I want to specifically return the custfield value where custfield name is "INCIDENT", and the custfield value where custfield name is "NETWORK" all for the appropriate WORKORDERID

I've tried a few different ways and just can't grasp how the linq is supposed to go to get the results I want. I can get an incident value, or network value, but not both.

I have the proper association set up in the dbml so both of these work to get the single value:

var b = from i in edcwdv.WOCUSTFIELDs join p in edcwdv.WORKORDERs on i.WORKORDERID equalsp.WORKORDERID where i.CUSTFIELDNAME.Contains("INCIDENT") select new { i.CUSTFIELDNAME, i.CUSTFIELDVALUE, p.WORKORDERID };
var incident = from wo in edcwdv.WORKORDERs orderby wo.WORKORDERID where wo.WOCUSTFIELDs.CUSTFIELDNAME.Contains("INCIDENT") select new { wo.WORKORDERID, wo.WOCUSTFIELDs.CUSTFIELDVALUE}; So essentially i want to pull the value for each of the fields, INCIDENT and NETWORK

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C# - Linq To SQL - Unable To See The Table?

Jul 18, 2010

Using Visual Studio I've created a DBML file, and added a table to it from a local database. This created a data context called UserDataContext. In my ASPX page I can create an instance of the data context using:

UserDataContext db1 = new UserDataContext();

However when I try to query against the table I get to:

var query = from o in db1.

and from there I can't see the table.... the dbml shows the table has public access.

View 6 Replies

Linq To Sql Joining Two Table?

Aug 10, 2010

how can i do a join in this query to another table

dynamic list = _db.Users.Where(m => m.vcr_UserName != "superadmin" ).OrderByDescending(m => m.int_UserId).ToPagedList(Cpage, defaultPageSize);

i must have a topagedList there

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Filtering SQL Table Data In Linq

Feb 9, 2011

I M New to Linq, I M Searching articles using

DBSearchDataContext db = new DBSearchDataContext();
object q = from b in db.Articles
where b.Tags.Contains(val) |
b.NewsTitle.Contains(val) |
select b;

I cannot exclude results where category = video or photos. H to exclude category where value is "videos" or "Photographs"

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ADO.NET :: Query Dynamic Table In LINQ?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a table created on the fly. The table structure is dynamic.

This is the table structure generated by the end of year 2010

DealerCode, 201010, 201011, 201012

This is the table structure generated by the end of Jan 2011

DealerCode, 201011, 201012, 201101

What I need to do is selecting all data and then bind it into a gridview

To build a LINQ query, we need to drag the table into dbml file first. As we don't know how the table look like, can we add it in dynamically? Are there any other solutions?

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ADO.NET :: Dynamic Table Name Linq-to-sql Query?

Sep 20, 2010

I am writing a function in which i generate autocode in specific format i want to make this function generalize so that i send tablename and columnname parameter and function return the next code. I am using linq to sql with MVC e.g. i want to make table name and column name dyanamic


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ADO.NET :: Linq To Sql Select Table At Runtime

Mar 15, 2011

I have several tables to load from depending on a string value using Linq to Sql I currently have


but of course that only gets the specific table DOffices if I wanted to grab tables at runtime what would be the best way to go about it?

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MVC :: Linq And C# Update Foreign Table

Jul 17, 2010

I have tables two tables, the "book" and the "author", a book can have many authors and vice versa, so there is an intermediate table called "book_author" with two columns as foreign key for those two primary keys


I'm trying to edit the book details and also its author using the entity date model, The controller class method


The HTML edit form


I can only update the book table, but not author that the book has or the book_author, I'm new to asp.net, I can't easily find a tutorial on this issue, I think the logic is to delete the author of the book first and then add the author for that book, but I don't know exactly about that linq and C# code. Can show me? I can only update the book table, but not author that the book has or the book_author, I'm new to asp.net, I can't easily find a tutorial on this issue, I think the logic is to delete the author of the book first and then add the author for that book, but I don't know exactly about that linq and C# code.

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ADO.NET :: Adding Data To Table Using Linq To Sql?

Oct 31, 2010

i am choosing a category from a DropDownList controll, and if want to add a new category at the same time i have a TextBoks for it, i have create a Model, BLL and DAL classes, my problem is:

in the DAL class i want to add a new row to Question, but i need to check first if the object.category exsist in the table Category, if it does i want to get the Cid for it if it dosen't exist i want to create a new raw then get the Cid, this is my code:

public string add(Faq inFaq)
using (var db = new DBClassDataContext())
var se = from Category in db.Categorys
where Category.category == inFaq.category
select Category.Cid;
if (se.Count() == 0 ).........

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C# - Temp Table In LINQ To Entities?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a table of user ids that is huge.

I have an array of user ids that I want.

I have two tables that have a foreign user id key.

What is the best way to get this information performance wise?

Ideally in SQL the final result would be somewhat like this (null values if there is no user ID in one table but not the other):

userid table1value table2value
1 null 12
5 123 null

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