Imagebutton To Update Text In Textbox

Mar 28, 2010

i am trying to update the text of a textbox when a user clicks on some dynamically opulated image buttons in a datalist.Every thing of course are in an update panel.

code behind:


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<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<%--<style type="text/javascript">


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May 5, 2010

how to display the text on ImageButton. or how to have a linkbutton on Image

I have tried this:

<asp:LinkButton ID="lbYear" runat="server" CausesValidation="false" Text="HOME">
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/menu.png" Width="90px" Height="39px" />

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Nov 1, 2010

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As you can see I just add controls to the panel, I need to know when that ImageBUtton is hit I can add a Textbox and in this case it could be more then just one textbox to it.

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Mar 2, 2010

I have a gridview that has a column with an imagebutton. That image button event calls my update procedure and merely updates that records status and when the gridview rebinds, the image changes and is no longer available.Whats happening is if the page is refreshed, the update occurs again. If i add this around the update code, works great the first time, but then any other updates are ignored.. is there anyway to know wether the page was refreshed vs actual imagebutton postback?

if (!IsPostBack)


Since the update is just setting a flag for that record, on another page that displays those records for a seperate department. IF by chance the first page is still open and the 2nd department resets the flag, if the first page is refreshed, that flag is reset again. so its creating some inconsistant results..

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C# - Update Panel Losses Dyamically Added Controls On ImageButton Click Event?

Jan 24, 2011

Im working on app that queries another website, and pulls back an xml, I then populate a result panel with ImageButton(s), and time in a click event, when the image is click I want to popup a div box using the jquery ui, that will show more information, about the picture clicked on. however whenever id this this seems to wipe out my results panel(Panel Control) and the div box never appears and as far as I can tell the imagebutton click event never fires. I've tried doing this two ways one with an update panel and again without, I would appreciate any help on this.Im wondering if I'm doing to much long on my search button click, Im wonder if I should just let the post pack handle populating the result panel and ditch the update panel.(and yes my div tag is set to runat server)I'm also up for suggestions maybe there is a better way to do this, I thought creating hidden div tags for each item, and then running javascript for when the image is clicked and showing it that way, However that seems stupid, in my opinion it seems to make more sense to make my div control once and then update the labels inside it on each image click and then show or hide it.

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this is my vb code for the Accordion1_ItemCommand


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I have a page with a text box, a button and a GridView. Enter an account number in the text box, press the check button and the result will show in the GridView.

Now user wants that if the text box is clear, the GridView disappear.

I can only find TextBox1_OnTextChanged. But I want to have that while the user is clearing the text, if the length of text becomes zero, the GridView is clear out. So I am looking for OnTextChanging(). Well of course this function does not exist. How to achieve the same purpose?

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For example:

Text out from t


For me need like this:

Text out from textbox . it’s need me

How I can solve this?

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